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Rahkshi Lalonde

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Everything posted by Rahkshi Lalonde

  1. How can you "have trouble with the placement" of a whole river flowing up through a sinking robot, up into the sea around an island bigger than the robot's head, an ilsand which is, note, directly above where they started? that's like, the oversight to end all oversights right there.
  2. BIG GREY ROCK ROBOT. huh guess i wasn't... too far off? although when not thinking too hard Mata-Nui came to mind looking more like Hapori Tohu, so... take your pick.
  3. I would firmly plant this whole "river-up" scenario as a good example of a "greg-don't-care". that is, Greg doesn't seem to know what he's doing and wanted to somehow make it not seem liek they were going up. even though we all knew they were going up. going up wouldn't have spoiled the giant robot reveal, but apparently better safe than physically possible. :u
  4. Good to see you're being sarcastic 'cause nobody says "bionicle is beautifully deep and complex" and actually means it. well, some people do. bones does. i try to forget that. :t
  5. IC: Rose [Gym -> Halls] Rose spent soem time collecting any strewn extremities of hers, and put them in the lunchbox for safekeeping. She had really been hoping to get more than one fight in, or at least finish a fight, but the thrill of the one she got, and the wounds, was sufficient she felt she could take a break with no loss. Well, no more loss, anyway. Then the scarred rahkshi slipped quietly into the halls and began her search for "the infirmary", a thin trail of rahkshi-blood speckling the floor behind her. IC: Snap [Gym] Of all the experiences Snap had been in so far this one was pretty bad, Not only had she been exposed to a situation she'd much rather have avoided, she managed to take damage to more than just her pride this time. She winced as the pain flared in her shoulder again. "Hey," She began, still not quite sure if she was addressing someone or just needed to talk out loud. "I'm gonna... go to Palma and, maybe, got this-" She motioned to the arrow in her shoulder, "-taken care of?" She sighed and left the Gym, but took her sweet time down the halls, for once she wasn't really in much of a hurry. IC: Teeth [Refectory{i think i left them there? shoot.}] I had been partway through what could only be called "food" when the halls filled with rahkshi activity again, why couldn't the periods of time with few rahkshi about ever last? why were my only moments of peace so short? IC: Kaita [Halls] Kaita had left the dorm-wing and was now lumbering past the refectory on her patrol round, still srguing to herself though now about a completely different topic. "Also, the porters creep me out," "Oh, why is that?" "I don't like them, nothing good ever comes of having so many bohrok so close to people!" "You're being absurd, they aren't even real bohrok." "They still look like them though, and that's enough." "hm, I think they're actually kinda cute." She continued this argument, vaguely aware others could hear her deep, loud voice. OOC: Rose, Snap, Kaita open for interaction in the Halls. Teeth mildly open in the Refectory.
  6. huh, hopefully being system doesn't ruleout the pair of sick tr-neon-grn roundscreens i've had since the end of last year because they are perfectly eye-sized. o:
  7. In a surprising turn of events, i am here to say that the metal gill-tubes was like, one of the few greg things i don't outright object to, gasp. O:
  8. Yeah, the story got pretty literally horrible in what was unfortunately my favorite (set and/or aesthetic-wise) time of Bionicle. the only grimdark horror that gets a pass is pridak's bloody face markings and that's jsut because he's really, really cool looking... anyway, yes. Hero factory has more than 2015 Bionicle. no, it's really not much better. RotR looked visuall nice, but... ugh. the overall plot, the treatment of 50% of the villains, the black hole... Meltdown's one-liner was literally the best part, i quote it like, forever. but still.
  9. Or perhaps it was just because they were the NEW Immortal Cyborgs 2! in the never-before-seen Pseudo-Roman-Desert-Dweller flavor! And also, tldr: not quoting the bones post because bones posts are always hulking monoliths to quote, back on the topic but also related to bones post i dare not quote: Bionicle isn't really trying to defy norms or bend thinking, it's just trying to tell a quite frankly, simple story. In fact, i dare to say probably the most outside-the-box thinking in all its 10 years was the magic-robot-medicine plot. you know, the one greg kept trying to shove to the wayside ever since 2003 barring maybe 2008?
  10. I apologize dearly to draco for what happened to be my only ridiculously stubborn and/or resiliant rahkshi, oops.
  11. Yeah that's what i was afraid of, wanted people to appreaciate each mutation more than just jumping to classic "beding powers". :u speaking of: are there too many games being discussed currently? or can i like, toss out a webfingers dev build? o:
  12. wow, shark, who'd've guessed? :b anyway, good that's over, somehow both my rahks got wounded despite neither of them really caring about the assignment, oops.
  13. Because Rahkshi are inherently evil. Neutral-Evil!
  14. I'm sory, i lose the ability to respond whenever this is siad because it is so mind-numbingly, so GregF-ingly condescending it makes my brain melt and leak out through my teeth. Complexity =/= Value, from what i hear, most of the bionicle fans here seem3ed to like "magic robot warriors on a tropical island" a lot more than "giant robot science experiment to repair the world that was destroyed by its own greedy immortal inhabitants who permenantly rest in limbo between organic and mechanical because set design and gre couldn't decide which was which." and that, i do have proof of. :t
  15. (psst, if i added "Mahri{toa}" to the list of species, would it be bad because everyone would flock to the only toa-based option? opinions? :0 )
  16. i am 99% done with storyline and theories tbh, my brain can't take all this.

  17. Yawn. this is a sci-fantasy story, "belivable" is hardly the main problem, the problem is boring. it's all boring, nobody want everyone in a story to be an immortal, even the everymen. there is no appeal, for instance, to having Berix or Taipu around for godlike ammounts of time. this practically elevates their longevity to godlike levels, on par with the "mystical timeless heroes" as far as living forever goes. It's not pointless to the story. If the Core War had happened, say, 15 generations ago it would be like the American Revolution is in terms of our thinking today. Yeah, sure, it had a massive impact on the world that still kinda sorta extends to today, but the dynamic of all of those generations in the middle has changed and re-contextualized and re-interpreted that particular event in history. If the Core War happened within one generation, it would be like, say, the war in Iraq. I personally lived through the war in Iraq, so I am more likely to use that to influence my thinking than the American Revolution - at least, in terms of political thought. (Probably not the best example, but you get what I'm saying - there's comparably very little resentment between Americans and Brits compared to what it was like in 1776.) Bara Magna's culture was heavily established as a static culture, that hadn't changed much in 100,000 years. The reason that they did the Glatorian system for so long was that the reasoning was applied to stop another Core War - a memory still fresh in everyone's heads, since everyone was still alive at that time. Creativity was artificially quashed by the reality of that tragedy (and lack of resources) - otherwise the Glatorian or Agori might have invented the gravity canons and guidance systems needed to restore the planet before Mata Nui came back. A generational dynamic might have finally ditched the Glatorian system and made peace, allowing them to pose a united front to their enemies and go further than they did, which would render Mata Nui useless - or less useful than he was. No suspense there. (To get out of that, you would have to vastly shorten Mata Nui's travel time, but they decided not to go that way.) In doing so, Bara Magna posits the theory - or perhaps illuminates a reality - that the short lifespans and dynamic of generations are why human beings have technologically advanced and changed so rapidly. It's actually quite an interesting thought to play around with - if only to think about what it would be like if the distance from 1776 to 2015 was all one generation of people. That would be weird. I can guarantee this is in no way the idea the story team was going with, they just, somehow felt, the story would be easier to tell if we could get all the flashbacks in the form of memories of the current cast, even the "thousands of years ago" stuff. there is no real-life value to Kiina being a rambunctious teenager forever. Case in point, Greg has no idea what he's doing.
  18. Nothing in-universe anyway. Sloppy world building works quite well for most logical inconsistencies otherwise. Actually this is a common misconception. Although the likelihood of accidents ending lives over that span of time is admittedly difficult to explain (but made a bit easier with being somewhat biomechanical due to technological alteration and wearing armor), the biological side of it is possible so long as every method of decay is matched exactly (minus sliiightly, since they do have spans) with a repairing system. Real biology has such systems, they just aren't universal enough and powerful enough to keep us going that long. But we CAN keep going for up to around a hundred years, which compared to most complex systems is a staggeringly long amount of time. Always be wary of universal negative assumptions like that. Except the bara magna lifespans not only over-suspend dibelief, but breaks literally ALL of the story weight, Ackar was alive during the core war, he was alive BEFORE the core war. EVERYONE was alive before the core war, which was like, 20,000 years ago? it's more than unrealistic, it's boring, and frankly, pointless to the story. (also greg sayign things like FTL travel and time travel aren't menat for bionicle while letting all the other horrible stuff in is like, grade A poor story leading.)
  19. yeah, terrible ones. :b Reidak? what are you doing on Metru-Nui?
  20. Pohatu looks amazing, love the small details there likethe green energy in the rocks. and this months painting looks great too, though i only see five toa? i also see Lewa's Nuva symbol, a minimalist mask of creation painted on a rock, and some sort of draonfly shaped creature in this jungle. o:
  21. This is a good point that I was going to make - trees are organic living things. If they can then be an element, should a 'Toa of Animals' be possible? Toa of F L E SH M E A T S
  22. i'm not too sure where people are getting the idea that it's taboo for onua to manipulate stone at all, since the only person i recall saying it was particle size was Bones, and i'm usually pretty hesitant to trust info straight from bones. :0 What i keep saying is, undoubtedly, in Bionicle media, certain circumstances cause rock to be be earth instead, like, it's right there. Onua, Whenua, and Nuparu aren't toa of "soil" or "tightly packed soil" or even toa of mulch. they're earth toa and they control/manipulate all aspects of earth, only limited by their toa power radius.
  23. love love LOVE the idea, and look of this, from the magma-coated evil-magic side to the neon-laser-battle-axe-and-blaster good guy side. i'm just gonna pray the token female we see here doesn't get that same boring personality and/or vocal tone i recall Lego giving most of it's girl-characters in media. :0
  24. IC: Rose [Gym] It had become evident that Draco had found someone else to fight with, and was no longer interested in her whatsoever. which was fair enough, she was bleeding pretty badly, missing a good portion of her hands, and really needed a rest now. "Re-re-Rematch, later. I'll b-be ready..." She whispered in his direction before slowly slinking off to recover her lunchbox.
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