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Rahkshi Lalonde

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Everything posted by Rahkshi Lalonde

  1. Yeah i was more of dire ting that at greg saying "pumps" which are not gravity-controlled, seems he's either lost grip on physics again, or just used the wrong word. :u
  2. 1. If you were talking about normal geography, I would agree with you. But you're not. You're talking about a robot where the direction water flows would be determined by pumps. As I thought, it was the robot's inner mechanisms that made this possible. Except pumps fill the whole vessel, since thy use pressure or vacuums to operate, so there wouldn't be a river if it was pump-based? ?:
  3. eh figure printing is jsut printing, and really only gets super detailed on Movie-based figures (like threepio) tbh, i feel they've done fine so far, as most pieces that have been introduced so far have many uses and are only slightly less versitile than the old brick-brick. and really, without all these slopes and curves, we'd all still be suck using the old brick-bricks for everything, which is, imo, really limithing for shapes n stuff. as for the future, idk if they can get any sleeker than they're managing right now, Lego has some top-notch model designers, and they really know how to use creative angles to turn simple plates and beams into works of art. o:
  4. to me, the mask completes the deal, it's already so haunting with its grace and mobility and pink glowing elements, the smooth, alien appearance of the BA Breez face just fits right in, especially mounted at the chest-height, chilling!
  5. How did you break one of those??? Tried to see if it fit onto the backbone pertion of an inikacage, guess i paid the price for illegal connections, oops. :u anyway, entered, best of luck in the skeleton war!
  6. Oh i was using "dark stalker" genarically, since i couldn't remember what to call the long-legged shadowbeasts, oops. :u
  7. Beware! deep in the ancient crypts of yore, awakens the remains of the ancient king of kings! dare ye venture into his dark tomb, and risk his mystical curse? should the mummy king catch you robbing his graves, he shall bewitch you so all your black plus-rods are red, forever! Front Side Back Main Pose The Gravelord contemplates... A mummy attack! A vicious curse! more pictures, poses and a shot at his main components in the gallery link (image link) above! anyway, enjoy my entry to BBC71! (if i win i might have the parts to make something that isn't white and blue. :b)
  8. ooh, neat. o: i was actually considering doing a "dark stalker" sort of thing for a while, since theyre one of the more haunting halloween specteres! addign the gear motif was also a nice "bionicle" thing to do. :n
  9. well, that's probably because by that point in th story, it was assumed roodaka had died to release teridax but, nope, gotta have that walking, talking, morally grey fem-fatale trope! (morally-grey fem-fatale trope is how she got so gosh-darn over-rated. :t)
  10. as for who would use it, yellow is an official part of the Ta-Matoran colorscheme, in 01 anyway. :u
  11. Okay, who fired the salty spinner? but seriously, i see more people ragging on the concpet of trans headcanons in here than actual headcanoning, for shame tbh. :t ANYWAY: i'm not much on headcanons so far because, unlike G1, there's not much canon i actually object to so far, i guess(?) if speculation is counted as headcanon, then i'd have to say that i have, like, two or three? 1. skull spiders are sentient masks forged by Makuta, LOSS however, is just a large spider rahi that was given control of them via GSSM. 2. the red plates (the spikey ones) on LOSS' back look like eyes when viewed from above, a feature i initially thought the set was meant to contain. 3. there are only two sapient races and they're related, one is tall, the other is short. I also mayor-maynot toggle between "canon mode" and "more-girls-mode" on a whim, because heck, why not?
  12. :0 yeah: note for BBC thread, don't try clipping them to random things (an imika cage, for instance) because, they will break. :t
  13. cartainly spruces up the old hahli-inika clone while retaining a semblence of his armor shaping. o: if i had to critique though, i'd probably say the arms are (still) kinda awkwardly long, and the torso on your revamp is just so... red. compared to how orange we're all used to the guy being, that is. :0
  14. Eugh,i really gotta clean some of these Piraka skulls if i'm gonna enter /this/ in the contest...

  15. thank goodness we have one natural satellite as an emergency system in case he arrives!
  16. hm i have som ideas, time to see if i can make any of them work though. o: (spooky is, like, 100% my thing though so...) Edit: got a draft 1 up but in the process, broke a skullspider leg, oops. :0
  17. the clearly the best themes are just police and fire department. :b
  18. I doubt most toa could reach those, but they'd probably be stone, and big, and difficult to move. and also probably best left untouched. :0
  19. this is! <except that's a drawing because it is very hard to make good custom torso/arm builds somehow. still, the lower leg area is all figured out, and i know i'm using a nuva-chestplate because i'm lazy like that. :u (that is a toa of lightning btw, back from when i didn't know the colorscheme for it and now i'm just too stubbornly set on orange to change it, oops. )
  20. ... I've officially decided trusting Greg for canon is bad for my health.
  21. Sand is rock, except for when it's coral, then it's calcium, which is actually still a rock. sand is just small rock, silt is just small sand. if Onua controls specifically any and all soils, clays, muds and mulches, then pohatu controls any and all rock. it's that simple. (really, Greg can and will be bad or wrong at his job, listening to him 100% is kinda limiting.)
  22. Okay, hold on, i need to... un-knot my mind a bit. some of the stuff i said may have been a bit confused, tbh i made half those posts at 1:00 in the morning. bluh. You know what? honestly, Onua makes earhtquakes by just shifting the upper crust? enough people have presented that that tbh, i am probably fine agreeing with that but, giving old "particle size" one last go, for all the money. because i am not willing to accept that what bones is saying was ever said in full by greg at any time, and i'm probably never going to allow Greg to get away with saying sand/silt/microscopic rocks are outside pohatu's stone abilities. becaus honestly: A. Greg is so wrong there, what the heck. and B. "clay vs rock" and "size of object's particle" are two different things. :t
  23. Magic elemental robots who throw rocks and fire at each other on a tribal island/high-tech city/underwater/bright light cavern is basically super super cool to me. it just clicks well as someone who likes weird action/adventure stuff and building things as well. plus the system is cool an unique but somehow, unquestionably versitile and LEGO. it's werid...
  24. so wait, back up back up, what i get from this is: MoL is wrong, MNOG is wrong, but if it's greg it's automatically right? that doesn't click tbh. :t
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