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Rahkshi Lalonde

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Everything posted by Rahkshi Lalonde

  1. huh, people hated movie sidorak? never knew that. o: i personally love movie sidorak because he's very different from, say, makuta. who's all sinister laughter and scheming, by being intimidating up front, but then revealing that oops, without a partner-in-crime he's kinda much-less-intimidating. u:
  2. IC: Snap [Library] Snap had been so engrossed in reading she hadn't even noticed Footwork enter the library, she simply let out the occasional "huh" or "hmm" or "wow, interesting" as she near-constantly shifted pose in her chair. IC Rose [infirmary] Scratching her head, Rose looked around, there were some rahkshi in this room but one in particular caught her eye, clearly a rahkshi that odd knew what was what around here... "h-h-h-h-hEY," she hoarsly called out, "Where IS this place?" OOC: Rose is talking to Acinaces
  3. hm, the build is fairly interesting and well=constructed, the colors are quite unique, but... i feel the color-balance in this is off, it's got the neutral (grey) the primary (tan) and the secondary (green) but there's way too much tan compared to the green or grey that at a glance it just looks... tan. my only advice to this issue would be perhaps considering the inclusion of a metal color? or at least finding more places for the green. o:
  4. huh, Tahu does look better in-the-brick like that, still, i feel like a smoother torso-plate, (perhaps if it had the same lines n shapes the skull-guy addon does instead of all those pistons?) would have helped make him look less.... cluttered.
  5. battera are like, quasi-bohrok-ing it up somewhere near the northern area of the section of Bara-magna we got to see, Marendar is "somewhere" and was probably going to spring from a doorway like Foxy when greg felt like properly introducing it. as of now, given the cutoff, they are kinda frozen in there like that, time-stasis style!
  6. not to mention, "Robots don't grow up" is probably one of the most boring things Bionicle's ever included. u:
  7. IC: Snap [Library] As Call walked away, Snap returned her attention to the books, she'd scanned most of them at least briefly before, as fake-reading was a rather fond pastime of hers, but she hadn't read a good deal of most of them, and had honestly forgotten what they were about, she browsed such titles as: -Homemade Bombs, and other chemical disasters -Rahkshi or the Egg? reproductive theory in Makuta's Sons -Caring for your Sentient Stone, a pet-keeper's guide -How to walk with only two limbs (where they aren't both legs) she passed many many more before seeing something genuinely intriguing: "Beginner's Guide to non-lethal and self-defensive combat..." she read the title out loud, unsure of what to think, did she really need to learn to fight? She thought back to the embarrasing display back at the gym. winced, and made her decision. "Yes" she mused out loud, "Yes I do." IC: Teeth [Halls] Infirmary task taken care of, I went back to my rounds as a cold-shoulder loner, wandering around and making wide steps to avoid any of the bigger, louder, or shiftier rahkshi. Yeah, I was looking pretty pathetic, but whatever. IC: Rose [infirmary] The plasma-rahkshi bolted upright, teeth and claws already out and each eye scanning the room, the new... mysterious, clean room... She had no idea where she was. OOC: Rose and Teeth open for interaction in respective locations, Snap vaguely open to interact though she is engrossed in something. (it seemed long enough for Rose to wake up, i think.)
  8. That actually got on my nerves a little. are you kidding? i know i'm a bionic fan because my arms can turn into guns and i have an x-ray eye!
  9. i've thought long and hard about this and finally decided on one character i can say, without fail, i would have enjoyed seeing in set form... the nektaan robot. i know, weird choice but honestly: the to hagah are already side-characters to side characters. or, as aanchir said "flashback in a flashback." and the mangai are just not important outside lhikan and nidhiki. and tbh most of the other side characters just don't hold enough weight to have been included, oft not even having official descriptions! Nektaan, however, served both an imprtant part of the story (being the skakdi's guards/army) have a visual/description, and fit the bionicle aesthetic! O: there are other tihngs i'd want too, but it's kinda hard to hone in on them o:
  10. you say that like a makuta would ever wear a mask without fangs, stingers, teeth or pincers! O:
  11. time to use my s collection and bare-minimum Star Wars knowledge to build something highly predictable at a low quality! (but of course, that goes without saying, oops. tbh i just wanna kep up my streak of entering every single BBC this year.)
  12. the region of earth is barren and coated in obsidian from the nearby volcano range, big slits cut into it to let light through into the cavernous network of tunnels and villages below, tbh i think Okoto's Earth region is the one we have a most definite picture of the surface of, and that's just 'cuz it's kinda bland. o:
  13. wow, not only is this intimidating with that lovely uniform colorscheme, but it's also got texture consistency! O: i love how you recognised which parts contained the "ribbing" pattern and for the most part kept only those on the outside, alongside parts with the "smooth" texture!
  14. the size of your head, and shaped like your own skull. plus, the blue ones are durable, the silver ones are faster, and the green ones can see through walls. all in all, a vicious spider the size of your head that only comes in swarms and can see through walls is pretty terrifying!
  15. IC: Snap [Library] "Okay," she said, turning to face the shelf beside her, scanning it for anything to read, but not before smiling once more at Call and saying, "Good luck!"
  16. Kulta/Umarak actually changes his name every few years for tax evasion.
  17. Uh, objection. they also have 50-cent gold coins and whole gold ingots at their disposal!
  18. IC: Snap [Library] Snap took a moment to think and/or pretend she was thinking, pondering briefly over the conversation, "Well" she said bluntly, "honestly if you don't even know the guy," she stood up and gave Call a pat on the shoulder again, "I doubt he'll even remember you by now! Corpus is BIG and full of lots of rahkshi! even someone as good at recognizing faces as i am is sure to lose track of people!" She smiled, hoping dearly she took this in the right direction... OOC: flawless logic... (probably not.)
  19. Geez, that is impressive. I'd have guessed the G1 Toa had way more pieces than that. *clears fog from nostalgia goggles* gotta chime in that the 2015 toa have only six "spare" parts (mask and five-part spider) wheras a good chunk of Kongu Mahri was just his ammo for the launcher. signed, someone who owns the disappointingly simple Kongu Mahri.
  20. "Preisdent Business is going to end the world? But he's such a great guy! And Octan? they make good stuff!"
  21. a green aquagon head! u: I have absolutely no clue what that is. the head from an AQUAGON set, but turned green, and actually the closest of the stand-in-heads i used here. O:
  22. can't really watch it watch it till later but i do want to say that, does any else notice how actually fast the fortrex moves? like, yikes.
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