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Rahkshi Lalonde

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Everything posted by Rahkshi Lalonde

  1. I never liked the explanation of "Camouflage system" since it's not a very practical sort of camo, and could have just as easily been "rock formed on top of him because he's been sitting in the ocean for ages and is basically a buried relic by now" it feels to me an example of the need for fine details that wasn't really ever asked for in later bionicle. :t mahri nui was... a chunk fo voya nui? the rock around it is from the Voya-Nui volcano? and the rock around that i'm preeeetty sure is just AM's natural surface, it has one of those.
  2. Shoot you're right, double-reason why that's a terrible idea. x:
  3. IC: Snap [Library] "Oh, totally!" she replied, stashing the book in her satchel, "Some of the rahks around here... I think they've been cooped up too long or something, they're kinda loony, y'know?" Snap stood up to stretch, and then she paused and recollected her thoughts somewhat. Being back in the library she remembered her plans, mostly revolving around hitting Tridax in the face with something funny or painful, but... Icarax ranthe place now, and while all makuta are some level of scary, well, Icarax is... something else for sure, she probably didn't want to do anything involving buckets, his door, or any manner of fluids anytime soon... "Not you though," she continued, "you seem like you have a-" she gestured by knocking on her own head lightly, "-good, level head on your shoulders!" IC: Rose [Halls->Refectory] The thorny rahkshi was back on the prowl, eyes shifty as ever and hunched low to the ground, she stalked the halls followin various scent trails, occasionally finding one she recognised, often finding brand new ones, and a few she could faintly recall from the entryway... what she wanted, however, was food, anything edible, which meant, anything mildly organic of a certain size range, and the place to find those? why, the refectory, of course.... (the slop was there too, duh.) She slipped inside and took a large breathe through her nose, it smelled downright awful, edible, but awful. OOC: Rose OFI (Teeth and Kaita later...)
  4. Ah, never change, Kopaka, never change...
  5. if you meant like the glatorian helmets, i don't think they'd need thr-colored heads for that now, since the masks already clip around the sides so the standard head can already support a mask that's only a top or bottom half. o: in fact, tr colored heads were never really required for that! they just.. save money with only one mold for the head. u:
  6. I've actually called this set "Ekimu's ghost" almost every time i've mentioned it for that reason, :u also, i just noticed bucket excavator, it's... a technic set, to system scale, and like, it has places for minifigs to stand and everything and... it's HUGE. and wonderful, i love industrial technic so so much more than racecar technic almost 100% of the time!
  7. i had seen descriptions of Jestro's volcano base call it "kind of boring and disappointing" and now i think they must've seen a different set because those are not the words i would use!
  8. *sees tr-ne-green* Boo, (i mean i expected it but still, boo.)
  9. good to see more use of elemental powers, there's plenty of plant-slinging going on here. o:
  10. Hm, some of the poses look a tad off in the cuts they took, and not sure if i'm 100% into how the toa contrast the backgrounds, but the animation looks okay and i LOVE said backgrounds. very... MNOG. o:
  11. honestly if they DID manage to hide another giant robot reveal, what with everyone adamantly chanting "giant robot" and expecting a giant robot at any and every turn. i wouldn't be upset. i'd be impressed.
  12. *looks at the mask on the back of the fikou* they... weren't... spiders at all? it makes so much more sense this way when i think about it but... i'm having a hard time believing it.
  13. boy oh boy oh i love losing track of time! (note: i really don't.)

  14. I do too. However, this topic and some of the comments here help demonstrate exactly why they don't. Unless Greg or another member of the story team provides an official explanation for where a character name came from (which they rarely did), then it's very difficult to establish a policy for separating plausible name origins from random coincidences like this. What seems like common sense to some people might seem dubious to others, and that would just end up leading to edit wars. I suppose, but still, some things are as crystal clear as pokemon names oft are (Chirox/Kirop, Carapar, VAMPRAH) while others might take some research to figure out x: it's also of note i guess that this trend only started 2007-onward. as 2001-3 used Maori names, and 2004-6 used mostly made up names. o:
  15. IC: Snap [Library] "yeah..." She followed his hand with her eyes, "are... you okay?"
  16. all the barraki names are wordplay off sea creatures, most likely a really really odd coincidence. o: (the only ones that elude me are Takadox and Pridak in that regard, [Pridak from Pr(i)-e-dator maybe? but like idk, that's kinda a stretch, bleh. ]) I wish BS01 went into name origins the way other such wikis do, Bionicle has a lot of em and i kinda like those sections for their fun trivia. o:
  17. new blends for dragon wings? and they fade to TRANSPARENT this time, WOAH! O: also the elves changed outfits... after i got used to drawin their old ones? greeeat.
  18. good so see the skulls aren't dead yet! (well, they are but you know what i mean) guess this means there's still time for this army of skeletons to take-over-the-WORLD!
  19. the only one i found had thematic sense was Hewkii's Sanok, mask of accuracy. (he was a kohlii expert, so a mask like that was second nature, his already good shots were simply better, likewise, he had a chain attatched to his Axe, so he could toss it accurately and it would come back to him! tbh, Hewkii might just be my fvorite inika looking back...)
  20. So what i'm gettign from this is, you feel the later G1 Toa's powersets could've used a taste of unity! (proceeds to slam the toa inika/mahri through a doorway.)
  21. the, erm... "plates" (i'll call em that) on the back, while helping the shape, probably would have benefitted from not being such a contrasting color, i'll elt it pass on account they don't come in gold yet, but it really doesn't help the model when one's eyes are dreagged to that portion of it so easily. o: otherwise though, seems like a fun, simple, cohesive build!
  22. wow, a lot of people are jumping straight to the idea of killing someone/thign brutally with elemental powers. x: i personally tihnk soem of the more creative/intrestign uses are the ones that are done to avoid harm to self or others, like using fire to incinerate the opponent's projectiles, that's always neat. since fire is commonly considered an "offensive" or "violent" element, using it defensively is really cool to me. o: (but maybe in this world, it's kill or be killed....)
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