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Rahkshi Lalonde

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Everything posted by Rahkshi Lalonde

  1. He's not allowed to discuss future plot points, in his own words.
  2. i'm a bit more experienced at RP now and feel like i can manage the expected one (1) character alongside my everything else, plus this world looks fun! Name: Rihka "The Rotten" Race: Fe-Matoran (iron) Gender: Female Mask: Great Komau (powerless and worn) Abilities/Skills: Good at being cryptic, scaring people away, and being stealthy when she wants to. Weapons/Equipment: A tattered cloak, a thin belt with three small, empty pouches, a rusted iron sickle that could likely shatter in the next solid swing. Appearance: Ragged and worn, her limbs are thin and bony, her body is set in a hunch that makes her seem older than she is, and the armor on her right shoulder is torn and wounded, here, several carrion flies go unchecked, at a glance they seem to spawn around her as they emerge from her tattered cloak. Personality: Rihka is unusually chipper for a wastelander, it could be her youth, or it could be her madness, once the insects were attracted to her untreated wound, she spent more time with these scavengers than with other matoran out in the dunes, when she finally arrived at Canus, she was already full blown lunatic for them, and claims her decayed state is a step to an awakening, and that she is not yet "completed", she prefers to be left alone, but is perfectly approachable whilst she attempts to rally others to her cause. Weaknesses: Rihka is extremely fragile, in body and mind, she has a blind eye, and one good wind would break every bone in her body, she's also fairly easily manipulated, if you know what to say... (note, this is as far as i'll go in describing "the wound" but if i gotta tone it down further i understand.)
  3. oh wow, hearing bout "BZPstuck" from my sis is how i got into homestuck at all, and basically why i have the username you all relate to me now, OOPS. the model itself just feels... right, as in it feels like the purest form a bionicle can take, that mix of fluid and clunky with just the right amount of exposed gearboxage! and i adore those big meaty claws it's got there
  4. luckily i am fairly certain there's not a bionicle fan alive who doesn't find that "rule" silly and therefore most people just outright ignore it. (i mean, if we're speculating and altering the canon, why not?)
  5. Pretty sure it was specifies that the Toa Mata rotted away from lack of activity. Most people in the MU would never have found themselves in situations where they remained inactive and immobile for tens of thousands of years, so I don't think that really serves as evidence that their bodies can't remain functional for that long Okay ya, toa mata probably not the best example, but what i was pointing to was basically that when your body is ?% organic and ?% mechanical at least one of those two things has a timer ticking away at just how long it can live, hence, death, and death is usually followed by graves. (the mention of graves in the context of people supports this, or, greg had no idea what he was writing when using those phrases. pick yer poison.) Wonder how that held up when the guy reappeared two months later with the same mask and job. The guy wouldn't reappear. The Red Star malfunctioned very early in its existence, so that the people sent there never returned (hence the reason the Kestora started killing people on it in order to not "run out of room"). Red Star 2001: Mystical heavenly body that determines and predicts destinies Red Star 2010: Useless garbage device, breaks the moment you shoot it into orbit.
  6. hm, i don't know much, until the revival of bionicle i was in n out of here a bunch myself, oops but i can at least say, (though anyone here could) that the deletion of all those old topics and posts was, if i recall my BZP history enough, an event referred to as "the great datacalysm(?)", all i remember is all old BZP data (except i think members) disappeared, it turned a lot of folks away from the site tbh.
  7. somehow. Eh... Not all beings. Most or many, but not all. Some beings DO age, but those beings aren't known in anything more than the Dark Hunters. yeah i was adding "somehow" cuz it suspends disbelief that they don't die of age, since death by age is about how well your body can hold up, and given the Toa rotted apart in their own canisters, i don't think Bionicle characters have systems capable of 10000+ years of constant labor.
  8. G1 is dead, a moon fragment smashed into it and killed it by writing a conclusion.
  9. i was gonna ask "why all the tools???" but then i saw what they used for clock hands and now i get it.
  10. IC: Rose [Refectory] "b-but yOU're the one.. be-Hind the counter he-ere" she sputtered through her fangs, "I'm not s-s-satisfi-ed with the food... and w-ant some-th-thing mORe sub-stanti-i-al!" She had raised her voice a bit, but not quite enough to be "loud" yet, and there was more peeve than aggression in her tone. OOC: translation- "i ate a whole bowl of this sludge and just now realized it kinda sucks!"
  11. boy i'd like to get back to making bzp comics, but my sense of humor has been warped to involve excessive use of ridiculous curse words that'd be hard to omit, oops!

  12. IC: Rose [Refectory] She grinned again and continued. her voice as uneven as ever, "tell the guy wh-w-who makes this SLime," her words faultered and hissed, "that it is n-n-nEIther filling, NOR t-t-tasteful..." she leaned over the counter with an air of trouble about her, resting with her spiny elbows digging into the surface, "and, t-trust mE, I wo-uld know t-th-that." OOC: Sorry! time flies when real life happens <_> i also kinda forgot how Rose speaks entirely, but i think i still got it?
  13. pretty sure i'm gonna chime in that the "teleported to the red star" is a confusing retcon, as such important people as toa lhikan died, and were presumably put into the equivalent of graves (see above references to the term "grave" which any good story writer would consider before using. and as i feel they wouldn't put people in graves if they knew they'd vanish, and as there is no note to lhikan evaporating at any given point makes me feel that they just left Jaller offscreen on the surface in MOL and only brought his mask, and that when the redstar does the redstar, it creates new bodies via some machine majycks. which also makes sense, given one can also die of AGE at which point putting them back in the worn out body is absurd.
  14. Ah yes the illustrius Mohtrek, mask of Time Duplication Still seems like a risky power, if you lose control, all versions of you will be dead. Heres the full details from BioSector 01 greg "no confusing time travel but yes really obtuse and confusing forms of temporal manipulation" farshtey.
  15. Thanks! I can't wait to see that glorious double-moulded Akaku. Warrior is actually the only Skull creature I didn't have so once he arrives in the mail, I'll have the whole gang together i might just be a sucker for gold/light-blue, but i can vouch for the blended mask of ice looking veeeeeeeery good irl, a good skull set to have. also congrats!
  16. Umarak the OBLITERATOR, tho really, it is super top heavy,but it makes it so much more... wrong? skeletal? it looks hideous but i LOVe that, (and those gross elemental crystal claws oughta hurt!) also, the beasts are coming out of glowing cracks in the ground and have demon faces... wasn't there a mention of an "underworld" somewhere? (also also, that claw raking, so cool)
  17. interesting idea but, uh won't the Uniters be off most shelves by then? Lego setsthese days don't last more than one year cycle before they hafta be replaced, the Destroyer will be there by then, but not the uniters. (correct me if i'm wrong tho.) Edit, I also feel that a villager (protector-sized being minus weapon) with a mount large enough to carry it would probably be at bare minimum the $20.00 "large toa" price point, or, a titan like in g1, i don't see it working well to release two figures in one at the $15.00 tag...
  18. i'm bad at spatial proportions, could you fit a small bionicle in there, like protector of jungle?
  19. IC: Snap [library] "Yaaaaaah, see?" she grinned further, "I guess you get what you pay for when you let makuta make life, if it ain't broke to start, they bust it up in a joint like this!" her near-blasphemous words were now all a bit loud for library talk, and she peppered her sentences with a distinct tone of jovial mockery. IC: Teeth [Teeth's dorm] For the love of all things great and powerful why was I still awake? I should hae been asleep by now but noooooo, gotta lay in bed and remember how much I loathe existence, that's just what the doctor ordered, I'm sure... ...I'm hungry again. IC: Rose [Refectory] Rose sucked the last slop from her dish, and her eyes similarly finished off their scan of the room, of all the things in it, they focused now on Sliver, and Rose slowly stood up, cracking her neck once for each side as an intimidation tactic before approaching the slop counter, "ey" she grunted, her voice still light and scratchy all the same, "you" IC: Kaita [wherever??] Kaita had, meanwhile, returned to stormign the halls of Corpus Rahkshi, a pastime they partook in so frequently one might mistake them for a Porter, a very large, lopsided, and argumentative porter. The discourse of the day it seems was who's leg was which, and none of the personality fragments seemed ready to come to a conclusion, "...absolute idiot, we only have TWO legs, you don't even GET a leg, see?" "yeah but, i thought maybe, y'know, i could, share a leg or somet- -yeah, hold that thought, 'yknow why? cuz nobody CARES what you think? duh." At this point most rahkshi would have given up and just left the conversation, Kaita, like their namesake, was unfortunately stuck with themself, unless someone more... diplomatic, were to intervene... OOC: Rose is approaching Sliver, Snap is still lodged in conversation mode with Footwork, the other two are open to interact, in the [Dorm] and [East Hall] respectively. sorry for taking over a month to get back into it!
  20. okay that's it, NOW i gotta come back.
  21. AUGH, i really wanted to wait until i had something to add to the discussion but most things i could say have already been said, and ever since i saw the title i've had a pressing need to comment here just because that one line Tahu says to Gali in Mask of Light keeps pecking at my brain, you know the one. (also yeah i agree that water toa control the substance while ice toa control the temp, they freeze ice out of the water in the air like frozone, wheras Gali would just sling the ice around as she does water, unable to produce more of it.)
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