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Rahkshi Lalonde

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Everything posted by Rahkshi Lalonde

  1. I agree, but how does that work if Earth actually isn't a material, but is "ground", and that would justify rock underground becoming Earth? You see the problem? If that was so, then all Onua has to do is pick up one of the rocks underground that you still seem to be saying is in his power, and throw just that. Then he and Pohatu are throwing something identical. Plus, if he picks it up (directly and with his power), then it is not "ground" anymore. So then, it is about the type of material. And you feel two different materials. You don't feel ground versus in the air. It couldn't really be much clearer! And add to this all of what I said about how this was common knowledge often repeated while Greg was active, and fits with this description -- and that it being something about the material fits with every other element, including Ice/Water and Fire/Plasma. The ground idea would make Earth a total exception to how it works for every other element -- and without confirmation; it comes from fans. All of that is why it's an assumption. Not that it matters what you think about a toy's story. But that's why I'm not going to take your idea, 15 years later, as on the same level as that. Make sense? No there is still nothing here about particle size, what you just spent three paragraphs on doesn't confirm it's particle size. i really don't see your angle here and am, wuite frankly, more confused than ever. @Onua's use of stone: Example one: Onua says "welcome to Onu-Koro" in mask-of-light, plunges his fists into the ground, and causes the rocky ceiling to fall on the rahkshi, veins of elemental light show he is clearly passing his powers through the stone itself. Example two: MNOG final battle, Onua plunges his fists into the ground and causes a an elemental fissure in the rock, a spray of earthen debris (dirt and gravels and dust) gushes out at Makuta. i'd grab an example from the books but, i honestly don't have any of them on me and my memory of them is kinda shakey. sorry. s:
  2. That doesn't sound like a phrase about particle size to me. that sounds like "pohau chucks rocks, onua slings earth" which is honestly what the very element names are telling us so, not sure how that makes your side any less of an asumption than mine. (my side being i've seen onua manipulate rocks, i've seen whenua manipulate rocks. and i'm pretty sure nuparu manipulated rock once too.) theres what you want to believe, and what may or may not make sense, but then there's what's canon to bionicle. which seems to be, Onu-matoran and toa are heavily assosiacted with mining, tunnels, and the deep of underground. and basically, grey-black rocks. honestly, it's not saying too much to say "onua can make earthquakes because earth is in the name and that's basically enough" is it? as i've said before, stone toa basically only ever seem to control rocks that are apart from the ground, and leaving plenty of earth for, well, earth. it's really only at most as arbitrary as something about sand and silt and clay. :0 @hand gestures: okay yes, it is a mind thing, but some people concentrate better with certain gestures. also, i'm pretty sure if it was just a mind thing, you wouldn't be able to incapacitate toa jsut by pinning them down or whatnot. :t
  3. Look, one part of what you said is really saying omething to me: Okay now I'm even more confused. Was there a case of this in-story I'm forgetting? I thought we were talking about the use of elemental power. He certainly could do that pretty well with a Pakari, though, granted. This, this suggests you assuming toa power is, like, a thing they control with... their mind or something? Onua's fist doesn't cause the earthquake in this hypothetical scenario, his toa powers do, but, (maybe not as a punch) he would need to make a motion to summon the powers, and demonstrate their direction of flow or lock on to a target. (i can't think of a time a toa ever didn't strike an action.direction pose and/or touch their element when using toa powers tbh.) so, it seems Onua would probably punch the earth to make a quake, regardless of how he does it. as for the rest, it seems you're arguing semantics and specifics now, and still somehow assuming particle size is the determining factor for earth-vs-stone... i repeat myself, Incredible...
  4. "AHA, KOPAKA." but really, not like, in a serious or conversational way, but how could i not make them shout action phrases? they are, after all, action figures. :b
  5. I agree with the entirety of this. Tahu, especially in '01 and '02 was a walking form self-righteousness and ego. I have no idea why the other Toa let him call the shots. the same reason they let G2 Kopaka call the shots, when someone's got that much ego, it's better to just not waste breath. :b
  6. What? Elemental power doesn't require physical contact to work. Pohatu could shoot elemental energy into the rocks from afar and move them. i mean, have we ever seen pohatu use the tectonic plates or, heck, ven the crust-rock without being somewhat near it? Onua does it just by, well, using the earth between him and the deeper earth to channel it, but i don't think that was exactly how stone powers worked? (pohatru can throw rocks nearly telekinetically, but that's, like throwing rocks. not shifting ground.) i dunno, i'm going by what i've seen and what i've seen is earth and stone are two distnict powersets, not two different flavors of the same one. :0 (not claiming to be an expert or anything, i just spend a lot of time thinking about the differences between earth toa-style and stone toa-style.)
  7. Pohatu couldn't cause pohatu couldn't reach that far to move the rocks. that line was me saying if you believe his powers are on the concept of earth, he could probably cause localised quakes, but if you think it has some restrcition based on scientific chemical or physical matter rules (aside from the rule it has to be, well, ground-stuff.) then he probably couldn't pull it off. basically, you're looking a bit too far into a guy punching the earth so hard it quakes. :u It is if it's intense enough, for anything standing on it. Depends on what his goal for it is -- to mess up the footing of an enemy he's fighting, or bring down all structures on an island? (I'm not sure if Onua Mata could do the latter, but he could definitely do the former... and Onua Nuva probably could do both.) But what do you have in mind with the fault? Maybe it would be best to get more specific there. If you mean controlling the rock directly, how would that not be Pohatu's power? Wouldn't you say Pohatu can already do that, so having Onua do it too wouldn't work? (However, Onua could, if the fault stress was near enough to some earth, make the earth push against the rock to add stress and tip it over the edge that way.) That would make people lose their footing, but.... it's more of a landslide than an earthquake. there's a big difference.
  8. Wait what? what did i say that could possibly lead to that conclusion? Earth-based toa-powers are how thay can cause the impossible feat of a localised teremor, racking the crust without, well, the fault line that is otherwise necessary. :0 what i'm saying is, when you vibrate dirt, you vibrate dirt. an earth-shake is not quite an earth-quake, though it is probably useful in it's own scenarios.
  9. Earhtquakes are caused by tremors underground, massive forces usually only sprung by the shifting of a tectonic plate floating on the earth's mantle. Presumably, Toa of earth can control the deep earth well enoguh to localise a tremor should they choose. however, i highly doubt just racking the topsoil is going to replicate that process. (mystical earth-themed magic? maybe, pseudoscience dirt-shaking? probably not!)
  10. Right, back on topic, which iirc was the usefulness/lack-thereof of masks? (speaking of, wasn't the title "most useless mask" before? or am i imagining things? o: )
  11. no i said "Incredible" because i was honestly baffled at the concept of someone assuming shaking dirt equals an earthquake, at most it would heat up from froction, and maybe cause shakey footing. at usual you're just making a glorified sifter out of toa energies. :0
  12. Also gatsby totally beat the giant robot in his book too, so...
  13. wow, the grat beings (and/or greg) confirmed for neing really really REALLY uselessly specific. This part gets me everytime, i still cannot believe that he A: thought not enough people would realize sand is stones. and B: decided rather than send it into Earth's territory, he'd just flat-out ommit the whole concept of sand. which is, imo pretty ridiculous because sand is like, 75% of Stone's Mata-Nui region.
  14. IC: Rose [Halls] She took a deep breath and repiled, "THaaaaaaaank y-ou..." before, essentially, passing out into his arms.
  15. [Edited.] the great lord Greg retcons what he pleases, no matter the reprecussions or outcomes.
  16. Corpus rahkshi's architecture apparently functions on a 4th-dimensional level.
  17. IC: Rose [Halls] She stumbled up to the fancy rahkshi on her wounded legs, the pain was there, but she was ignoring it again, instead she raised a sliced-up hand in a friendly wave and spoke, "You l-l-look like some-one imPORTant!" she said, with a grin, "I need, muh-mih-MEDical assistance and and and..." she trailed off before gathering her words again, "aaaaaaand i was WONDering if y-you knew where th-at was?" she ended with another grin, though her head also twitched slightly, she was obviously not comfortable standing still, not with so many wounds itching across her body. IC: Snap [infirmary] Snap dragged herself into an infirmary bed and flopped down, exhausted. "Palma, i have an arrow in my shoulder" she said, with uncharacteristically little flair or emphasis. IC: Teeth [Refectory] I don't care what's going on, i really really don't wnat to know what's going on, and i really, really. really don't want any one of those noisy, violent brutes over there to notice me, i would pray to any deity, any at all for them to not notice me this day... OOC: Teeth is on the block for interaction, provided someone notices them. :b
  18. welp, now she just looks really really unobservant to have missed something that. oops.
  19. Yeah, that's the idea, plus at least with this system even if people didn't liek it they'd probably make better part-packs. o: speaking of making a good parts pack: Makarr jawblade head version standing upright form something tells me static technic-frame limbs mught have made this more feasible and smoother, but i really wanted it to shift between shark-man and shark-man-bike. y'know?
  20. i'm 200% confused now because you keep acting like in undeath you'd somehow be stronger (hence my comment/question about how it can "gary-stu" iteself to the goal) despite the initial and official description accepted being you are only, and soley revived for one specific task, not a bunch of smaller tasks like beating up piraka, it says, "one goal" like retrieving the holy mask of mcguffin. and hoping no piraka are in your way there.
  21. someone beat me to being the first to draw fanarts of Macy this is unacceptable, i need my tablet, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Ghidora131


      you jest.


      you jester.


      you specifically evil Ghiddy-fied jester from Nexo Knights.



    3. Rahkshi Lalonde

      Rahkshi Lalonde

      specifically. yes.

    4. Ghidora131



  22. Look, i get that since you've sorta said by now these masks being included was your idea, you'd be pretty quick to defensd them. but honestly, sometiems an idea just isn't a good one, not all are. it seems your logic behind undeath was a mask looked like a zombie face, and your logic behind biomechanics was "it's already a strong theme of bionicle", which, really aren't sound concepts for mask powers. especially such outlandish ones. @shielding: i don't recall it ever not being a bubble-shield that the mask summons when you choose it to. not sure where the "when you see an attack, suddenly shield" thing is from. ?: @conjuring: i've opened this can of worms before, you already know why i hate this particular worm-can mask. :t @undeath: so lets say a piraka blasted you with his multi-cannon, your head's still on, okay. but lets say you come back up and you're, oopsie, still in front of the piraka's multi-canon, and now you're double dead. that's not too useful a mask power because A: you need to be dead to use it, B: you can only use it once for your one first death, and C: it can only achieve one task, which leaves your zombie pretty weak to anything that would usually get in the way of that task. sorry for dragging on like this but i can't see much to your argument that isn't related to these being your ideas. :0
  23. Actually many of the original and other LEGO-sourced masks had complications too, and Hau is one of them; that it only works if you see the attack coming. I guess you mean that it can be fairly simplified that way, and it can, but that wasn't how they described it. And they all had those "intricate" details as well; they just weren't put in the short summaries of the powers but were seen in story portrayals and clarified by Greg in later posts. My including those details for these was obviously necessary as they were the most obvious questions people would naturally have that for other masks Greg would be able to answer on his own, but not so for these. I said "when activated", the hau has only ever been shown to work when you activate it, it only working on attacks you can see or know about is a no-brainer because it's shielding power isn't automatic. *shrugs* There's mind control with its clarification about not doing things against their will which wasn't even part of the original wordings that were released, there's telekinesis with "increases in power with focus", there's Huna with shadow and being audible, or Volitak with shadow and not being completely invisible, and that's not even getting into masks like Fate or Spirit which got even more complicated (I would include Elda except I think it actually needed even more complexity to be more useful as mentioned earlier). So, I don't think you have a case. Some were more complex than the others, but made sense to be, and complexity varies with the other powers anyways (and wouldn't we expect variety?). Fate: "allows user to perform maneuvers that are otherwise near-impossible as if they had extreme luck." Spirit: "allows user to leave their body behind as a spiritual being, and return to it later to reverse the effect." literally easy. the mask of biomechanics and mask of conjuring are literally shortened as far as possible in their BS01 paragraphs, so i'll jsut leave that there, and what i really meant is, by comparison, which is a more appropriate mask power level power? teleporting or calling forth shields or ind control- or, meshing with complex machines, programmign your face to shoot fire, and coming back as a half-useful death-dummy? (also nitpick but: mask of fusaion wasn't listed as immoral, when it breaks consent by havign the wearer have all the control over the fused being for the duration of the fusion. whoever proposed that one obviously forgot why the spear of fusion was an evil device....) but i digress, we're talking about the mask of undeath, and you still haven't told me why it can somehow gary-stu it's way out of double-dying just as easily as you sigle-died to have it activiate in the first-place? ?:
  24. Thanks! i tried. :u and yeah, Euripides reall ended up fairly nicely, even though he's probably one of the simplest. (i did have to mount the chestplate in a new way to get all the armours to fit though. man, i need to figure out how to host LXF files or something because you miss a lot in just these images. o: )
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