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Rahkshi Lalonde

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Everything posted by Rahkshi Lalonde

  1. IC: Rose [Halls] It had dawned on Rose by now that maybe she should have asked smeone for directions before going off on her own, for she could not find the hospital around here no matter how hard she looked. Cursing under her breath, two of her eyes lookd up, to see a familiar location. It was the hall she had first entere in, though the long ragged scratches she had left in the wall were gone by now, how peculiar.. and, of more immediately important note, there was a rahkshi standing in it. a fancy rahkshi. the fanciest rahkshi. the single, fanciest rahkshi in the whole world (possibly). She had to get a closer look, she broke into a ragged sprint, trying and failing to not look like the most deranged and dangerous thing right now, and called out to the solitary rahk in her always-too-loud voice: "H-hEY, YOU!" OOC: interacting(?) with Sir Cadwin
  2. Stuart Sayger didn't draw that mask. It appeared in the atlas BIONICLE World, which was illustrated by John McCormack, Toby Dutkiewicz, and Jeremy Brazeal. Beside the point, though. oh, huh. it looked like it was from a sayger-era bionicle comic, my mistake. :0 (he was the one to do the karzahni related matoran stuff so i honestl had no idea.)
  3. i suppose then it depends on how you view earth, you seem to be implying it's lighter, softer stuff, wheras the 2015 Bioonicle seems to be pretty consistently considering it hard dense rock and cxrystals and obsidian underground. o: also with the power to manipulate stone, i don't tihnk pohatu needs to be "built for it", Toph from Avatar comes to mund, who was waaaaaay too small to lift some of the rocks she did, but she did anyway because earthbending means lifting huge rocks with relative ease. pohatu's probably like that.
  4. Oh, i was going to try, but you said he was near the entrance iirc, and of my rahks two are headed towards the infirmary, one is in the refetory, and one is just outside the refectory. though now i realize Rose doesn't actually know where the infirmary is so...
  5. i wonder if this means art art, or BOKLE: a JURN to the WON (netfilx that is...) also, interesting concept, i am a horrible mess at scene pics and an even worse one at group scene pics and even worse at poster-style-group-scene pics... i'm gonna do it, i'm gonna do the thing anyway.
  6. Exactly! Also, you should totally enter. : P O: i would but, eugh. i am without my tablet and regular/useful computer, that means the only way of me possibly entering the contest now would be... traditional art. (my bane...) still, i may try, and best of luck to those who do surely enter it too!
  7. It's true that things won't be able to represent the series exactly. And yes, it's also true that it's impossible to erase all influence of the leaks out there. But I hope that it becomes an exercise in creativity as people try to imagine the direction the story will take. I can't change anything major about the contest, but if you have suggestions for tweaks to the theme, please let me know! ah, okay, so it's also a challenge of the "what-ifs" and concept design skills, not just "make the poster for the thing". that clears up some things, thanks. o:
  8. Whatever floats your boat. But if you mean that by virtue of being fanmade it's bad (your wording seems unclear to me), that would call the criticism into serious question. At least one was actually a canon power and many others were inspired by major Bionicle themes I didn't see the same critics complaining about before, like biomechanics, fusion, or rebounding. I strongly suspect if these same powers had been given to us the way things were done in 2001, many of the criticisms would not have happened (some would, though; it's not like canon powers are exempt from criticism lol!). But as the canon didn't seem to care to establish them on their own, and nobody else seemed to be taking the initiative, and we also were trying to make a bunch of masks for the EM, it seemed best to "kill two birds with one stone" and act on the idea I'd had a while back to establish them. In hindsight, should have run a contest or something, yadda, but the idea hadn't been floated, so it didn't happen that way, and Greg didn't mind, so yeah. Realistically, if we hadn't moved forward on it, they probably would still be unestablished shapes... which you might be okay with, but I saw it as a problem considering that in 2001 there was much more care poured into every shape having a power -- many quite odd and questionable; boundary-pushing, etc. No, Bones, I know you like to call me wrong just for kicks here, but i really had a beef with the masks themselves, not that they were fanonized. most of the EM or fanon masks were too specific or complicated, with more intricite instructions and uses than the base level masks, even the most unusual Canon masks having short or concise abilities and traits. "shields you when activated" or, to go the long haul, "enables user to mimic the abilities of targeted nearby rahi." that's like, literally one of the most complicated. compare to "meshes with machine to get the deets on machine, control or repair machine" or whatnot. :t Yes and no -- the power of Rahi Control came first as a Kraata power, but was turned into a mask later. (I'm not sure on the exact timing of its being turned into a mask, though.) Yes and no - the Zaath was introduced before the mask, i said mask specifically. i don't care what else could use rahi control, it was only redundant as a mask power because summoning already did that trick. :t The inspiration was from that dead-eyed looking Matoran in Karzahni. The idea was that Karzahni gave him that mask to emphasize what life was like there. And with the "sunglasses" on that Matoran's case of it, looking like a standing dead person, the power was a natural fit to it. half of sayger's masks looked like dead faces, the other half looked like piraka faces, i see no standingreasoning here for the decision. :t I never really saw it as making them a "shambler" per se -- maybe the Tryna would, and I doubt it would have them move in as clever ways than if their sapient brain was directing their actions, but I did definitely see it as calling on knowledge in their brain if it WAS intact. (If not, then probably shambler would be a good description, but destruction of the brain is just as likely to destroy the mask or the face it would attach to anyways, so moot.) In fact, since you no longer need to keep your body alive, as long as you avoid limbs being sliced off, the mask being knocked off, etc. it might actually make you a more ferocious fighter, or dangerous even if a bit slower perhaps, as your body wouldn't be as cautious as you were when alive, and if a "kill both or stalemate" situation came up, the enemy might die whereas previously not. (Or be defeated in general.) Okay, but, the mask description says you can complete "one more task" as a thrall, one. uno. that means complex fight scenes are probably out of the question, it clearly states you are being reanimated as your freaky mask's gross flesh puppet for one more heroic crusade into the temple of doom where you will, presumably, drop dead upon completion.
  9. Onua still lugs the big earth though, and Pohatu seems to only throw the occasional boulder, while mostly manipulating sand and small rocks, Onua still handles dense rock-material if it's in the ground, just like G1. o:
  10. hm, somehowe i don't quite see this working too well, since i assumed the series was for the 2016 wave, and we haven;t officially seen them yet? :0
  11. iirc, the ruru has limited X-ray vision, in that in can, like, see through tunnel walls, but not solid earth? somthing like that, it was 'cause it was assumed to be a tunnel-dweller's mask first and foremost or something, kanohi are weird. :0
  12. A whole bunch of them were, apparently. A few of them I actually liked, like the mask of Biomechanics, which enabled the user to interface with technology on a mental level. Very useful for hacking systems or tracking down information quickly, provided one has access to such a system. But the Mask of Undeath... Eh. true, i personally loathe the biomechanics one with a fiery passion of a nova star, but at least it's useful in it's convolution, this, however, is just... honestly. you'd be better off, i dunno, bringing a mask power that would prevent you dying in the first place? like, shielding? or telekenesis? or maybe stealth or concealment? what good is a mask that has one weak power that's only triggered when you're average-level usefulness is done, and then proceeds to function on half that level? what's to stop your enemy from jsut mowing you down again now that you're a grey shambler? and wouldn't people just always aim for the heads of undeath-users to ensure it never works at all? ?:
  13. dude but, like, put the Fortrex under a blacklight. just imagine...
  14. So, let me get this straight. a fanon mask that already served an incredibly situational and niche role, in jsut one part of the EM, was accepted into canon... why, again? ?:
  15. By that logic, they should make a theme combining spaceships and dinosaurs. Honestly, if done right, that would be pretty cool. Next big bang theme: Star-Saurs - dinos from mars.
  16. of course there's somthing wrong with it, but Lego isn't going to go into the details like witch-burnings, class prejudice, and the black plague. :b
  17. "Your honor, the killer is.... in this very room!"
  18. "Justice" or a variation thereof is all i got. o:
  19. I support Lego in their message to give all girls only the deadliest and heaviest of bludgeoning weapons.
  20. I had almost forgotten about this isnce i initially deconstructed it to make the entry for that last contest, oops! but, i rebuilt it because i think it's pretty cool. Pose Front Side/Back Pose 2 Pose 3 Skeleton Gearbox The idea was simple enough: update the iconic Rahkshi into the new system while retaining the gear function (the first incarnation of this model acutally did not have that, but i felt i had to put it in, so i worked on it until it fit.) hopefully i pulled it off? i have limeted CCBS resources, so it's the best i could manage...
  21. so tiny and stocky and adorable! just like any matoran should be. :v you did a good job here with the filling out the body so it doesn't look flat or gappy, but not to blocky or stiff either, looks very natural and... practically not Lego at all! impressive. o:
  22. actually, the MOST useless mask would be the broken mask of time prototypes Vakama was making. :n
  23. huh, for some reason i was expecting the arms to do the classic rahkshi arm-swing function. but this is still fairly interesting. o: the colors are all placed and layered pretty consistantly, and the dark blue head doesn't even look too out of place!
  24. I'm gonna agree that the mask of undeath, nay, essentially all of the "fan-canonized masks" hit the top of the list here. simply for most of them being far too... convoluted. compared to the "RPG standard" mask powers of bionicle proper. (summoning, shielding, X-ray-vision, levitation...) It's worth noting here to say that the Zaath probably existed (out-of-story) before the mask of rahi-control, and has a more properly balanced power anyway. and that the Rau, or any kanohi mask really, is only designed to be used in the MU, so that's hardly a flaw? ?:
  25. yawn

    1. Ghidora131


      NO!!! I WILL NOT ALLOW TIREDNESS ON BZPOWAHH!!! GGRRAAAAAAHHHHHHH *explodes in a bunch of sad fuzz*

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