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Keizah the Kaleidoscope

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Everything posted by Keizah the Kaleidoscope

  1. That's a good point, and I agree that is completely possible that Hasbro will go on the defensive and start hunting down projects.However, there's a big difference between a company being obligated by law to do something and a company acting on it's own initiative. Since Gamefreak is a video game company, they probably feel more threatened by fan-made content and are more likely to shut down projects on their own time (Disney is another example). Hasbro has had a pretty "hands off" approach to fans, and it seems that they were basically forced to do something about "Equestria Online" to keep their copyright.At least, that's how my logic works, heavens know how people think in lawyerdom.
  2. Wow, I never considered that. I really hope not. Still, there have been a lot of fan games (along with other media) that have been successfully released. It might have just been the sheer size of MLP Online. To be honest, I'm a bit hazy on what the law covers as 'shutdownable'. Yeah, apparently they are only obligated to oppose "counterfeit" products that are already in the "market", although it's still baffling how a real-world company could be threatened by a fan-made, nfp project. The Fighting is Magic team has already said that they do not plan to release the game until it is mostly complete, so hopefully we'll still get a working version even if Hasbro decides to prosecute it.
  3. Well, this is strange. My post from earlier magically disappeared (or modgically?). Good thing the division head can't act on their own, otherwise Meutriere probably would have assassinated Kytan's group already (especially considering that she can apparently shoot targets half a continent away). And Meutriere's personality is brilliant. It seems that a lot of "assassin" characters in fan fiction tend to run their mouths too much, making it hard to believe that they went through the necessary training to be professional killers. Meut, on the other hand, seems to have a degree of professional detachment, as well as the patience for long stakeouts.
  4. Samhain - "It could be that she knew it was a dream when she was awake, but did not know this while in the dream. I can vouch for this because I dream frequently, but there are times when I am dreaming and had no idea until after I was awake." P.S. Does anyone know how to make these new quote boxes work?
  5. Logistically, wouldn't the absence of death destroy the world? Imagine the spiders and insects that would cover every square inch of the planet, not to mention plants not dying naturally would lead to massive forest fires. Just sayin'.
  6. Did you? Yup, but the mods deleted it right away. Hehe, it's kinda funny: nobody would have known if I hadn't mentioned it here. In other words, yes, I probably should have considered just shutting up.
  7. That awkward moment when you click the link and accidentally post in the linked topic rather than this one. 6_9
  8. True...regardless of "Littlest Pet Shop"'s quality as a show, I doubt that it will generate the amount of discussion and original content that MLP has. Although I guess some brony artists, writers, and musicians might cross over if they see a big enough audience for it.
  9. Hm...Soul sounds a little like the Geo Stelar of the series (lonely, a little passive). I'm looking forward to seeing you write more morally ambiguous characters, namely Rose. As for Kako news, yay for the context of the creepy mansion from the preview! Plus, it sounds like the visit to Healer-isle won't feel as forced this time around. Not to say that it was bad last time, but I do recall you saying that it was hard to write that part in Sekai.
  10. Um...doesn't SoundCloud have a commenting system? Not to rain Mudkips on your parade or anything....
  11. The day that programmers adopt leetspeak will be the day that modern civilization shall die. Just kidding!
  12. That's also ironic, in the truest sense of the word. It's a "smile dip"-induced hallucination from Gravity Falls. It's also the name of one of the show's directors.
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