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Keizah the Kaleidoscope

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Everything posted by Keizah the Kaleidoscope

  1. Tiger's clearly feeling the Christmas spirit. Either that or one of his sponsors is Coca-Cola.
  2. Tony Stark's description of the opening night of "The Avengers" at the box office. Or would that be more like a reverse Christmas?
  3. I always wondered what those huge blades on his shoulders were supposed to do. Perhaps they're supposed to be wings (although in that case they would be ridiculously tiny)?
  4. Heh, the text on either side is so small that I completely missed it until now. However, your art style is still as impressive as usual. OH COME ON! Ninja'd twice?
  5. Not sure whether that facial expression is supposed to look friendly or just sarcastic. Perhaps both.
  6. A guy doing the hand motions to a children's rhyme: "Here is the church, here is it's steeple, open the doors, and see all the people!"
  7. Ooh, a fellow Tiger&Bunny fan! Too bad we don't have a secret handshake of some kind...
  8. Actually...I was just rereading the last couple chapters, and I think I'm starting to understand why Titan reacted so emotionally to Abomination's actions. If you think about it, the Bahrag queens are responsible for the creation of the Krana and the majority of the Bohrok. This means that they function as parent figures to the Bohrok, especially the Kal (who they personally created). So from Titan's point of view, Abomination killed his "mothers" in cold blood.
  9. I agree with Nevermore. Abomination's insanity is subtle enough to not be overly distracting, yet still unusual enough to be disturbing. It's a sort of reasoned madness that reminds me of the Joker or Vezon.Although I have to wonder, with some of the quotes from this chapter...is his Va Champion some kind of receptionist or telemarketer? It's just he makes a lot of references to telephones and "business".EDIT: Oh dear, is my COT showing?
  10. Well, I tried Littlest Pet Shop, and I have to admit that it had some good laughs. I was surprised to see that Blythe actually had an interesting personality, rather than being a sort of self-insertion template for viewers. However, I think that the introduction song was a little corny and would have been better off as dialogue. Also, some of the pets are a little one-dimensional. The only thing the mongoose does is blow stuff up. Really?
  11. Why are mysteriously glowing objects always blue? I'm drinking a milkshake, silly.
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