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Keizah the Kaleidoscope

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Everything posted by Keizah the Kaleidoscope

  1. Shepherd.(Assuming you're referring to the 23rd Psalm...otherwise it is not related at all. )
  2. Uh....so you're thrilled at the prospect of death? *pulls out pen and notepad* Interesting, tell me more. Yes! Well, technically fanart.
  3. Well, I think it depends on the part of the fandom. A bunch of musicians use NLR as inspiration, while fanfic writers seem to only mention it as a kind of sly inside joke. Kinda the same thing with Pinkamena, although she tends to get toned down a little bit. Animators and comic artists are probably the biggest propagators of the Trollestia thing, since it's an easy way to get laughs.
  4. Well, we have seen Celestia doing paperwork and stuff, so it could just be that she is too busy running her kingdom to do her own dirty work. I personally think that her battle skills might have gotten a little rusty after a millennium of peace and prosperity, if her confrontation with Chrysalis is any indication. Also, she did step in during "Lesson Zero" to correct Twilight, so it could be that she is holding back so that she will be ready in the event Twilight goes nuclear again.
  5. Hm...I kinda want to call that thing a spider, but it only has four legs. Let's just call it a good ol' creature of unimaginable horror, shall we?
  6. Two guys from a video game. My money's on it being from Final Fantasy or Kingdom Hearts series.
  7. Tom must have had a growth spurt then. Or at least I think so...I guess we don't see the entire rock, so it's hard to get a good reference for scale.Also, what was your first hint that we like over-analyze things? The fact that we've given all the background characters names (there's a huge list on a certain wiki)? The sheer variety of theories that try to explain Luna's banishment, Discord's reign, and the nature of the changelings? The number of pieces of fanfiction dedicated to characters that appeared for less than ten seconds in the show (Octy and Vinyl, specifically)? Yes, the special talent of the brony community is reading too much into everything.
  8. So apparently having ADHD merits capital punishment in Equestria. Good to know. Jokes aside, I was a little disturbed by how Twilight simply zapped away the clones. While one can argue that they weren't true clones based on their single-minded pursuit of fun, inability to recall Pinkie's memories, and lack of consideration for the consequences of their actions, it still seems to me that it would qualify as taking a life. Yes, I know Twilight described her spell as "sending them back into the mirror", but visually it looked more like it was deconstructing them and dumping the raw magic used to create them back into the pool.
  9. Ɯǿứ˪ʠ ӱǿứ ˪ǐķě ťǿ ǝåť ӎӱ ҁåᴎʠӱ ᶈåʬṧ?

    1. avmatoran


      No thanks, but thanks for asking.

    2. Canis Lycaon

      Canis Lycaon

      Awesome Gravity Falls reference!

    3. Hexann


      Oh, for a second I thought you were using some foreign language and no.

  10. No, my logic can't be invalid! I have to use it on a regular basis! You fix my logic right this minute, Shockwave! Would you like to eat my candy paws? :-3
  11. That's pretty much Vezon in a nutshell: insane enough to tick a Makuta off, but also lucky enough to survive.
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