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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Xaeraz

  1. Xaeraz

    Happy Birthday

    hippy bipthip
  2. Xaeraz

    DOOM 2016

    it's incredible how much you can learn about a character through body language alone
  3. You have no control who lives, who dies, and how good's Finding Dory
  4. Xaeraz

    right then

    Ice Planet 2002
  5. i'm gonna go meet the first human and punch them in the face as revenge
  6. Xaeraz


    One time I thought about reading comments on Facebook and got triple cancer and also polio (seriously though ehks, we're all pulling for you here! and those who aren't don't count adn can be ignored because you don't need that kind of negativity)
  7. Xaeraz


    why does quebec
  8. the genie will grant my wish precisely how i want it, even if i don't phrase it perfectly the ability to transfer wishes to my friends infinite wishes
  9. i only host multiples of 11+1. so i'm gonna try and be ready for 34
  10. I support Stark's support of oversight, but the Sokovia Accords were... Probably one of the worse ways to do that.
  11. but they told me the respect was on back order...
  12. me specifically when my Rip-Tire kills five and then i shoot the (seventy)sixth in the face
  13. replace your body with cellphones until you become the internet and/or/ a cat
  14. Xaeraz

    Batman v Superman

    my favorite part is the part where i haven't seen it and have no plans to until i can find it somewhere for negative dollars
  15. especially with a sleep disorder to boot
  16. Xaeraz

    New Name

    I'm excited for a game that's probably at least a year out.
  17. Heroes should be held accountable for what they do. While they'll probably be subject to more lax standards due to the nature of their jobs, free reign to anyone with that kind of power is dangerous.
  19. Xaeraz

    first of the month

    i misread this as fist of the month
  20. Xaeraz


    hype train, brakes, none, etc
  21. Xaeraz

    10 Cloverfield Lane

    i loved john badman in that
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