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Everything posted by Pohaturon

  1. My entry for Round 1 of Bio-Cup 2018, Theme: Friends/Belville/Scala. Based (very vaguely) on Lego Scala 3130. At first I really felt shafted with this theme, but then this utterly stupid idea popped into my mind and I rolled with it. The initial concept was a one-set MOC, using only parts found in the official Axalara T9 set to build a baby stroller, but I decided to drop the self-imposed parts restriction and added a bunch of additional stuff. The vehicle seeks to include as many visual design elements of Axalara as possible. I made the outdoor shots at a nearby playground to fit the theme even more, and luckily the playground was empty at the time. The baby harness was a bonus addition that came to mind because the Rey cloth piece is the same colour and vague shape as the baby harness we actually have and use IRL. Flickr album
  2. I built this guy for the Bio-Cup 2018 Preliminary round (Elements) based on a stupid pun. It got me through to round 1 though, so that's something! Sherbonk Holmes is a famed detective and deductionist who calls upon the power of the mind (and sometimes Stone) in order to solve crimes simple Toa aren't perceptive enough to. He also likes shouting the word "Elementary!" whenever he gets an idea. It got old really quick. Flickr album
  3. [unidentified item] /used Scroll of Identification ^ anyone remembers this from old school RPGs? How about a mask of identification which can be used to give one a detailed analysis of the attributes, material, capabilities and other stats of items or individuals. I'm pretty sure the Akaku doesn't do this.
  4. "Menő" is Hungarian slang for cool, and I must say it definitely fits these builds. Your custom heads continue to impress!
  5. Nobody had moving mouths in JtO, which would remove the necessity of a jaw. Why give a character a visible jaw if their mouth won't move when speaking? This is a very thin topic for discussion mate. You could have at least put more effort into the OP than just one image and one word.
  6. Oh, wow. I will definitely get my hands on this boy sometime. It is awesome and absolutely lives up to expectations!
  7. Created for the BS01 Legends and Infamy contest, Legends category The prisoner was quiet ever since his interment. The guard didn't mind. He didn't know much about the prisoner other than he was some disgraced hero from before the reformation of Spherus Magna who disappeared for a while, then appeared with an army of Kestora at his back with conquest in mind. Suddenly, the prisoner's voice rasped. "You know what I'm going to do when I get out of here?" - he asked. The guard humored him. "Do Tell." "I'll make them regret..." - the prisoner trailed off, inviting curiosity. "Regret what?" The prisoner grinned as hairline fractures appeared on the cell walls. "That they didn't break both my legs." Pohatu is my favorite character in Bionicle (and across fiction) so I *had* to pick him as my subject for this contest. However instead of going for a generic "evil black-armored version of character" direction I wanted to maintain as much of his characteristics as possible to convey that evil can come in all forms, even forms we come to associate with good. The figure, though sporting a different body type (with a full custom torso) features many callbacks to the Mata figure - black shoulders, original Mata hands, gears on his butt, and the color scheme overall. I did add some more black, such as his head, here and there to give him a darker and more sinister look. The main feature, however, is the "defiling" of the Mata figure's play feature. The broken and shrivelled leg with the boulder chained to it. Since one of his legs are no longer usable, I gave Pohatu a walking stick, but made sure the rest of his body is muscular and looks strong to imply that this isn't just and old and injured Pohatu, but an evil version who was purposefully harmed. I have used a similar custom torso before with my Poraru and Aderyn MOCs, but altered it. Pohatu's uninjured leg also shares its basic structure with that used on those two MOCs with some minor alteration. The rest is new and custom. Flickr album All comments and criticism is welcome!
  8. Lots of strong contenders, but had to give my vote to Yin and Yang. Best of luck to all!
  9. I really like the name and inspiration, being an ancient Greece enthusiast! I particularly like the weapon and custom head. Nice job!
  10. Not sure it's possible to get any better results at this scale to be honest. I will say I really like what you did with the upper jaw!
  11. Maybe use the small tooth/spike element (like the Barraki "teeth") attached to a 1x1 plate with horizontal clip? That too would stick out to the side a tad but would convey the small, thin spiky teeth better than those piece methinks. I assume that head build is scaled to the rest of the MOC, so making it bigger would ruin the whole thing? Because with a larger build you could hide them better and add more to better represent the source material. Right now the Barraki teeth are the only thing I can think of that could work.
  12. Pohaturon


    This is actually great, and bonus points for Pohatu!
  13. Neat! I've been hoping to grab Gali for a while. Best of luck to all participants!
  14. This is amazing - I've also entered the contest but I honestly hope this wins. Absolute best build that has been entered. I've seen good parts use, smoothness and good techniques in the rest, but I must say this blows everything out of the water. Pax is nothing to sneeze at with the custom head and brave colour choice but Reiz and the combined mode are the spotlights. Absolutely loving Reiz, and those wings are a masterpiece.
  15. The Matoran variant of my self-MOC, Poraru. Poraru was a craftsman in a small village on one of the many unnamed islands dotting the Southern Isles. Though kind-hearted and witty, Poraru was more introverted than most Po-Matoran. While for those Matoran leading less dangerous, more comfortable lives in the lands to the North avoided adventure and peril, those living in the Southern lands more frequently struck out to explore, thus Poraru had many adventures before eventually becoming a Toa. Flickr album All comments appreciated!
  16. The beaverhouse is already hard at work on this. Currently they are mostly in the investigative phase, as they have yet to fully figure out the source code. Of particular interest to the team is attempting to put Nobua (the purple Hau villager at the beginning of the alpha) and the dancing Tohnuga into the beta - both are much loved among the Beaverhouse community, Also, there are intentions to not only combine the content of the two builds, but also to finish the game. Concepts are currently being brainstormed for a final boss, and porting the cut alpha Makuta levels to the beta is a priority. Good to hear! I was hoping that the beta released wouldn't be considered to be the final phase/end of the road for this project.
  17. But compared to later Toa, the Mata were tiny and lean Like, compare a mata limb to any later limbs. Their legs were always 1 unit thick, and the Inika lower leg pieces were huge compared to that.
  18. My first commission build. Tanitus is a fire elemental who is revered as a deity or god by some. He is the bearer and protector of the Kanohi Mura, the mask of judgement. This mask can only be used when it isn't worn, as its power is to render absolute objective judgement, and the prejudices of the wearer would affect that judgement. It isn't known by what criteria the mask judges by, only that is one looks into its eyes and is considered guilty, they meet a fiery death. Tanitus is an extension of the mask's will, but is a distinct being. He was born out of the flames when the previous prophet of the Mura was burned at the stake for blasphemy against the Great Spirit Mata Nui. The embers of the charred body feed Tanitus' fires to this day. Tanitus took to training Ta-Matoran and Toa of Fire to be his disciples and followers of absolute justice. These students of Tacitus travel the lands and smite the unjust wherever they are to be found. Flickr album Comments and criticism are welcome!
  19. But did they even really need prototypes? The Toa were based on their own (Glatorian) physiology and many of their other creations had elemental powers, and by that time they also had the whole "creating biomechanical lifeforms" thing down. Even if there existed prototype Toa who then remained in the GSR, they were likely too similar to 1.0 Toa that the distinction couldn't be made. On a side note, this thread really makes me want to build a Toa based on a crash-test dummy called "Protoa"
  20. Based on my extremely rudimentary knowledge of programming, it would take a whole lot of work without the source code. Plus there is clashing content. Which version's content would be the way to go? Would it include both? How would that be structured? It doesn't seem viable. :kakama:a
  21. While I'm not the biggest Overwatch fan, I'd love to see some constraction figures, if only for the interesting new parts they'd bring for MOCing purposes.
  22. Why were there so many then? I just think the Stars Skrall were semi-canon, or one of those things that would have been retconned had the importance of this been brought to light soon enough
  23. The physical aspects of the Toa were mainly based on Glatorian, and their powers were toned-down versions of what the Element Lords possessed (in the cases of those elements which even had lords), so they had a model and a prototype. Running the risk of oversimplification, I don't think you need a long prototyping process of mashing together the concepts of a Glatorian and a weak Element Lord. But as mentioned above, Helryx and the Mata may well count as the prototypes themselves. While I've quit writing it due to a lack of readership and time, my epic here on BZP began to delve into the initial phase of the Toa development process a bit, which I planned to expand upon.
  24. This is awesome! Really loving that mask. I once had a full-on Carapar cosplay, complete with styrofoam squid launcher and pincers.
  25. This is probably our best bet. Additionally, Stronius uses Metru Red while Skrall (the set) used Mata Red. Based on how Tuma and Stronius interacted in that serial, I'm guessing Stronius is of higher rank than the usual Skrall, so this supports the theory as well.
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