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Everything posted by Pohaturon

  1. Either Chronicles #1 Tales of the Toa, or Adventures #1 Mysteries of Metru Nui, and both pretty much for the same reasons. Both are introductions to settings I absolutely love, both are collections of many smaller adventures shared by some of the Toa or done alone, and both are better representations of what Mata Nui and Metru Nui were like just any normal day unlike stories when some significant central event is the topic of the plot (As much as I like the character interactions in Adventures #3 The Darkness Below, I disliked the fact that practically the whole book takes place in maintenance tunnels). It's a hard pick for me because both books, both settings and both sets of characters are deeply nostalgic for me.
  2. Hi Latko! Nice photos, but they'd be better off in their own thread in the General Art section of the forum where such photos are usually placed Hope to see more of your work!
  3. They're kinda like pre-MP MPs. I particularly like Wheeljack, and that Ravage variant (he had two) where he turns from a Jaguar (the car) into a Jaguar (the animal). ... unless the Binaltech/Alternators are different from the Alternity you mentioned?
  4. I'm pretty sure the explanation would be about as nonsensical as the silliness made up to explain the Red Star...
  5. The Tawa is a very odd Rahi, both in appearance and behavior. While it feels most at home in the waters around Ta and Po-Wahi, it is found in vary numbers all around Mata Nui's coastline. During the colder seasons, they move far off from the shore into deep waters, but during warm weather, they come up to the shallows. They hunt by digging their bodies into the sand so that only their rocky forehead is above ground. In their throats is a rotating set of teeth which are extremely sharp and coated in venom that causes a sensation of burning. This allows them to scare off much larger predators, like Tarakava, and a Tawa bite is particularly damaging and painful. Their bony foreheads used for camouflage, combined with their iconic saw-like teeth give them their name. Their aggression, size and camouflage make them very hard to catch, and any fisher wanting to do so will need a well trained Moke crab helping if they want any chance at success. Since the Tawa is a delicacy in Ga-Koro, many Matoran attempt this feat, and when one of the rarely succeeds, a day-long feast is held celebrating the brave fisherwoman and her loyal Moke. The celebrations include the successful fisher carving a new rod from the bones of the felled Tawa, because the one she used to catch it is always beyond repair. Further images to be found in the Flickr album. All comments appreciated!
  6. Okay, so, in MoL, Gali notices a seventh Toa star. It is later explained that Toa stars within the MU appear on the "ceiling screen" or whatever which simulated the sky because the GSR's programming allowed the sensors to detect Toa and then indicate their presence with lights (this being a huge tactical disadvantage in conflict is a whole other can of worms, like the enemy will know the exact number of Toa just by looking at the sky.... w/e). But on the island of Mata Nui, the sky is actually the sky. So what's up with the Mata/Takanuva Toa stars? How and why do they exist?
  7. For anyone interested, Vahkiti is constantly patching this game, sharing the download links to the patches on his Twitter. He's made it work on Win10 without issue, resolved a bunch of bugs (mostly visual) and is tweaking the graphics to make it look better on newer machines.
  8. I wonder if this is a LOMN-esque case with some hidden treasure trove of more assets or even a functioning beta just waiting to be leaked, or if CoL was axed so early on that this really is all there is... I'm hoping for the former, but then the LOMN release already feels like some surreal miracle. I'm pretty sad that we didn't see more official media set within the pre-cataclysm Metru Nui. The books, comics, Metru CDs, vahki animations, one film and that one disk-shooty Stop the Morbuzahk game just didn't give us enough time with this awesome setting.
  9. I was excited by the prospect of a Darth Maul CCBS figure, however I'm a tad miffed that this set takes basically every issue the Star Wars Buildable figures as a line has and packs them all into one figure. Monochrome, and just more black 2-3 new molds at most per figure High price Those shoulder pieces look neat, and I'm happy to see a non-armored head that doesn't look botched, but for some reason I was hoping for more... even though I don't really know in what manner.
  10. I'm pretty sure the reason for a lack of discussion regarding City of Legends can be attributed to the lack of info, lack of content and fact that the game just... sort of popped up out of nowhere. However, having always adored the setting of the un-visoraked Metru Nui, I'm equally sad that this game also got canned as I am about LOMN. Plus, these are just the two we know about - how many other cancelled projects may be waiting undiscovered?
  11. Actually, when I was thinking to myself about what kind of new original theme Lego could make to fill the Constraction void left by Bionicle that isn't a reboot nor licensed, and I think something about the mythologies of dead cultures and religions would work really well, especially with large pantheons as you'd have your "factions" and characters pre-made for them. Like ancient Greek gods vs ancient Egyptian ones. They could continue with the ccbsXtechnic cross/integration we saw more of in the 2016 Bionicle sets. I know that the two pantheons share some gods, such as Serapis, which could add some kind of "traitor" element to the storyline with a turncoat character or something. OT: Back in the day, I really liked Orient Expedition. Did any other theme incorporate cards and boardgame elements into regular sets like that? It was so odd, but also interesting at the same time. Another thing I like was that Technic sub-theme with futuristic combat vehicles, a teal human "good" pilot and a purple cyborg "evil" pilot, back when they used those posable technic figs.
  12. Thanks for all the nice words, guys! Moke loves you all
  13. The Moke crab has been domesticated by Ga-Matoran ages ago to assist with fishing, however over time the owning of such Rahi as simple pets has spread to Matoran of other elements, and these Rahi can be found in many homes. Due to generations and generations of taming, the domestic Moke is utterly harmless, save for against fish, and due to their diminutive size (they are much smaller than the Ussal, a Rahi often used as a beast of burden) they can be kept in smaller homes, such as your average Metru Nui apartment. Wild Moke are highly territorial and organize into small packs to defend their areas, even against Matoran. Further images: Flickr album All feedback appreciated!
  14. I mean, I'm right about all of those. Also hey, I wasted so much time trying to help bolster activity as much as possible as probably the most active upper-ranking staff member. I was convinced I could help, had the right attitude, whatever. It did absolutely nothing.I don't doubt you're right about the third, because that's on you, but the other two? Not even remotely. Not only has it been more than one or two days and the boost from LOMN is still lasting, but it isn't dead in the first place so the statement is a fallacy. And this cursed thread alone is proof that the site isn't dead - look how active it is. Is the irony of a site's alleged death being discussed *on a long and active thread on that very site* lost on everyone else? Peddling this cynical "it's already dead" doomsday nonsense is pointless, and probably the most damaging thing to this community at present.
  15. Awesome pictures! I love it when fans do stuff like this
  16. This whole thread feels like certain people insisting on the site's death out of spite or something, shooting down every positive notion. "It's already dead" "It will be back to dead in a day or two" "I don't care anymore" When BZP does actually die sometime in the future, it won't be the lack of an active Bionicle theme, or the decline of forum traffic in general, but attitudes like that which will be responsible. I hope I never become so hopelessly cynical that I consider a forum community which produces multiple new threads per day as "already dead".
  17. ***Metru-Nui Penitentiary*** PRISONER REGISTRATION FORM Visual Identification: (Officer's note: due to shapeshifting abilities, two images are on file) I.D: 22346Name: DarkfangRace: UnknownAffiliation: Dark HuntersDanger level: 7 Confiscated property: Two (2) protosteel swords, can function as wingsOne (1) Yellow Powerless Kanohi Mahiki, badly damaged (Officer's note: bite marks) Physical description: Black/Purple, winged, body covered in spikes, roughly Toa height, Mask styled after Krana (but not actually Krana), Ugly.(Captain's note: please refrain from adding subjective personal observations.)(Captain's note 2: upon seeing the prisoner's mugshot, I've decided to make an exception, disregard previous note.) Known abilities: Shapeshifting (limited to one other form), flight, acid discharge, fangs can shear protosteel. Additional notes: Has a tendency to consume Matoran. This is not a nutritional requirement but is needed to produce acid for offensive purposes. Prisoner objected violently to the confiscation of the damaged Mahiki. Refused to answer questions until item is returned. Interrogation officers report the prisoner repeatedly referring to confiscated item as "chew toy". Convictions: 37 counts of murder, 109 counts of destruction of public property, 21 counts of resisting arrest, 54 counts of vandalism, 4 counts of public indecency Section: Maximum Security - Solitary (Officer's note: recommend returning the Mahiki in order to minimize cell maintenance expenditure)--- Darkfang is my first Bioformer, and was inspired in no small part by Mindwipe. What prompted me to build him was finding that Invasion from Below beast head in a mixed lot of CCBS and Bionicle parts. I'd greatly appreciate any comments you may have! More images: Flickr album
  18. "The Falling Tears" from the WoS soundtrack is the single best piece of music ever created. Bless Furst.

  19. K'thae's people live even deeper than the lowest reaches of the Pit, in an undersea world where the crushing pressure can only be survived by beings adapted to the environment. Creatures living down there are either very hardy, or huge in size, to compensate for the pressure, and almost all are blind - K'thae included. Nonetheless, he posesses ocular organs and eye-slits in his mask, which combined with a similar societal structure, indicate that he and his kin are somewhat related to Matoran and Toa. There's just one problem - K'thae is the last surviving Toa-analog of his people, leaving him alone to defend his smaller and weaker kin. As the life of his people is constant struggle against the local wildlife, he has become very good at his job out of necessity, however the ever growing danger has forced K'thae to consider a plan that in the past would have been unthinkable - migrating closer to the surface. --- Photographing this figure without a proper transparent stand was a right nightmare, hence some pictures featuring my hand. Further pictures: Flickr album. Comments appreciated!
  20. You're a tad late I'm afraid http://www.bzpower.com/board/topic/25961-alpha-version-of-bionicle-tlomn-discovered/
  21. woah WOAH This is major. I joined the stream just as a Kaukau wearing Pohatu was dancing with a bunch of Po-Matoran, and I knew this is something I must experience. Glad to hear they will release it!
  22. I always had a dream game in the form of a vast open world Bionicle RPG spanning the first three years of the story. Not just a game with "RPG elements" but full on RPG. I pictured the Makuta boss fight of '01 as turning the whole "unity" thing by tiering the fight into 6 phases, and during each phase his elemental resistance stat shifts giving another Toa the spotlight, so that all of them are needed to whittle down his HP. The Bahrag would also be separated into phases with a cutscene interlude where the Toa discard the Exo-Toa armor. Every Bohrok-Kal encounter would act as a miniboss, and their final confrontation would be time sensitive - the whole thing of using the Nuva Symbols to feed too much energy into the Kal would be translated as having to deal a certain amount of elemental damage with abilities to the symbols within a given time period. The Rahkshi would similarly be minibosses, the Kini-Nui battle would be a simultaneous 6v6 hoedown, and I'd retcon the final battle with Makuta to include all 7 Toa, not just a duel with Takanuva, but keep the whole Kohlii angle as a game mechanic, but include traditional combat as well.
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