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The Hip Historian Iaredios

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Everything posted by The Hip Historian Iaredios

  1. I just thought that light had restored his body, like it interacted with the mask's power and charged both it and something else. Since reading this topic, the energy output by a reacting mask could have activated the remaining life energy from Takutanuva.
  2. No, Red Star doesn't revive antidermic beings. Huh, would you look at that! Funny how it just happened to be like that. "Hey, shouldn't we also bring back dem god-like critters that made other critters as well?" "Those rat-scallion-tin-daedra-shadow-walkers? You be chewin' spice boy!? Them critters were spiky-scary bunch, they can twiddle dem thumbs in sheol yonder with ol' Palpatine for all I cares. Now lets get back to dissecting this here Botar!" "Mmm, Botar.... Glaaaaarrgh..."
  3. There is a gameboy game called Maze of Shadows. I think it is the only canon game since it was based off a book. Reading about or aquiring either should solve some of your questions. And BTW, Vakama is awesome.
  4. I can be harsh, but I try to be honest; I am very opinionated. I want there to be strategic advantages and disadvantages, creates some interesting stories, the set rules is one thing I like about Bionicle (among many). Again, I think you are misunderstanding. EDIT: I realize that this is getting off topic so I do apologize.
  5. Behold, your Basilios has returned!

  6. I also remember the Makuta having two thumbs on each hand.
  7. I voted 'no' as well, but I think you're being to harsh on the Akaku here. For starters, the Akaku's x-ray vision is stronger than the Ruru's. But even if we were to assume that the great Akaku is basically a powered down version of the great Ruru, that still doesn't make the Akaku useless. The Toa Mata had no access at all to the great Ruru, so collecting a great Akaku offered a real advantage to them. You say it creates "strategic problems/advantages" in the story, but you can apply that criticism to the concept of a Toa Suva as well: A Toa with both an Akaku and another mask on his Suva is also more powerful than a similar Toa with only an Akaku, so he has a strategic advantage as well. You can extend this to Kanoka too: someone with a level 4 Kanoka has a strategic advantage over someone with a level 2 Kanoka. IMO strategic advantages don't make the story stupid. The reason I voted 'no' is I like to think there is some kind of balance between the Kanohi, that each Kanohi is unique but somehow equal in power to other Kanohi. However, I know there are many more examples of how this is untrue. Still, I like the principle. When I first read about the Ruru I thought it worked like night vision goggles, i.e. by intensifying the light that the wearer sees. I guess your headcanon is just as plausible as mine, in the end the only thing we know is that the Ruru allows its wearer to see in the dark.I am confused, from what I see we are saying the same thing, yet you responded otherwise. I am sorry if I missaid something and I made you go through all of that. I was criticizing the Ruru.
  8. It seems like we're outcasts. XDDark, Complex Story Outcasts, unite! I have to say, if people can follow Star Wars and the multiple comic book universes and they are still popular, then I bet peoe can follow another science-fantasy storyline, one that only has around a decade behind it. It has great potential to reach the stars and have many people rally behind it. One thing I absolutely love about Bionicle is its potential, and retconning its entire lore will not help it. I chose a short time after the Battle of Bara Magna because it could start with legends about two titans and a battle of mythic proportions and the next generation doesn't believe many of the stories, and many of our beloved characters either dead or aged to the point that the youth think of them and they're tales as but bed time stories and epics sung by bards. I would like a surprise, but maybe showing a Skrall Empire near-death and a Barraki Empire and Skakdi Empire rising to take its place and Takadox and the Element Lords each having independent small kingdoms. The new story could possibly have these new heroes thrown into reality with their world shattered by the new plot and finding the old wives tales true. I don't really like the Red Star story, as it could mean a return of Makuta if that's where all the dead go, I liked his death and we need a new villain (the X Men don't only fight Magneto, though he is very important). I might like it if it was thoroughly wrapped up properly, then I might change my mind; as for the others, I enjoyed those and I would like them finished.
  9. I always imagined Jaller's mask tubes to be silver. And you know those round things off to the side of the Toa Metru head's mouth? I like to think the external gills go through there.
  10. I think of it in the same way I think of Tolkien's myth. Just about all of it takes place in an area called Middle-Earth and is heavily written about and described, while the rest of this mythic prehistoric Earth either has no description or something brief beyond the world map. The rest is up for imagination amd fan written tales. Same applies here. I love that it isn't completely covered (though I admittedly would have liked a year in one of the continents, not going around it like Voya Nui or Karda Nui).
  11. I like to think that most beings of the MU had five fingers, but I see the civilized bara magna inhabitants have five fingers while vorox had four; not sure to think of the Skrall having either amount of fingers.
  12. I always thought Mata Nui was the size of Greenland and Metru Nui was the size of Great Britain. After reading the other posts here, I feel a little silly now. xD That would make for a truly colossal robot!
  13. I once used some paint I used to paint birdhouses, and it gave the Kanohi a rugged, eroded look, but if you are not careful the paint would chip off and I would have a fragile rubber-like shell in the shape of the mask both chip and peel off. I would recommend spray paint, from what I hear it works very well, but you would permanently lose the original color.
  14. The Makuta chose those specific breeds of kraata/rahkshi more for psychological warfare purposes, as each of them were the opposite of each tribes religious and cultural values and principals that have been developed with help by the Turaga for the past one thousand years. Such witnessing of the living embodiments of the tribes' vices would have added to the apocalyptic hysteria that came with the appearance of a Toa team with seven members. The legendary fight between Shadow and Light once again had Teridax using psychological warfare for the first phase of the duel. He loves to mess with people's heads.
  15. But we have had no real confirmation yet and there still seems to be some evidence for a continuation. Greg himself said not to get any ideas based on what we've seen (though it's true that actually points more towards a reboot). Still, there may be plenty of evidence for a reboot but going ahead and saying it purely is because of that is a little bit rash. I do agree that it probably is a reboot, but I'm keeping my mind open to whatever Lego offers us. I'm not saying it's undebatable, but I am tired of people constantly tacking on "IF it's a reboot" when replying to reboot-centered posts because it has ceased to be a productive line of discussion. I brought it up in this topic because it had the latest instance of the phenomenon. I haven't seen such a response yet, so I am sorry for angering you by addressing a reminder that it could go either way. If it is a continuation, it would be a nice treat to both new and old fans alike (and unless not promoted properly like in the past, it could be profitable if done right), but as said previously if it is a reboot then this would be absurd.
  16. I like to think it more like a symbolic absorption of their darker selves, bringing to light to what they could become: servants of The Enemy. In reality, I think Hapka's version suits what actually took place.
  17. And don't forget that the original books didn't sell that well. That's why there were fewer books each year—the Bionicle books struggled to maintain a consistently high sales record. The demand for collected volumes would be even lower since many of the fans who cared about those stories either aren't interested in Bionicle any more, or still have the original books and thus would have less demand for compilations. And besides all that, the most problematic part is that rereleasing old stories could have a NEGATIVE impact on fan engagement, especially if the new theme turns out to be a reboot. Unless Lego made it explicitly clear that the books being released were old stories and did not relate to the current sets or characters, new fans who bought the old books hoping for further stories about the current theme would most likely end up confused and disappointed, and might not invest in future Bionicle books expecting something similar to happen again. That is, IF it is a reboot. If it is, then by all means you are thoroughly correct.
  18. There is no Mask of Luck in the Bionicle Universe. Perhaps you are referring to the Mask of Possibilities? Ah yes, thank you, that's it. I have been out of touch from Bionicle for a couple of years, though I still made references to Mata Nui and Makuta Teridax though. One day a friend of mine asked to explain these references, and as I did, a resurgence of interest sparked, leading me back here to discuss the properties of fictious helms. I love life. xD
  19. I always thought that this was stupid. There is already a mask that does that and unless it is legendary like the Kraahkan or Ignika, or Nuva, masks need to try and stick with a single power. It creates strategic problems/advantages in a story and won't force a cheat to be used. Same goes to the mask of Fate and mask of Luck. The two powers are almost the same, and it just annoys me. Others have already made good arguments for the M. of Summoning and M. of Rahi Control, so I shant touch it. Bravo.
  20. I was saying, re-releasing all the books in a given year or story arch into a single novel or two with the serials included. If my memory is correct, there has only been one novel released but it was still small as it only combined the first three 'Bionicle Adventures' books. I am saying, take that concept and apply it to a year (example: 2006) or an entire story arch (2006-2008): would it work?
  21. EDIT: Spelling fixes. A few people including myself have been thinking about doing that. I am not sure about it all: I find that the Kaita could have been used a couple of times, but I feel they were pieces of ancient forgotten knowledge and as such should only be used in extreme circumstances second only to the Nova Blast ability. Times a Kaita would have been useful would be the Turaga forming a Turaga Nui to attempt to repel Teridax's forces in Metru-Nui under Ahkmou when said dark-lord had usurped the local deity, or when the Toa Nuva were in Karda Nui fighting the god-like Makuta invasion force in Karda Nui, their kaita in adaptive armor (if Artakha allowed them to function as such) would have been cool to see fighting alongside a giant Takua.
  22. I am not sure if this is the right place to put this, but... Do you think Lego should release all the Bionicle books & story serials (etc) of a given year/story arch (depends on how many were released for that said time period) in honor of Bionicle's return in 2015? We can talk about that in specific details. Also, would it be economical (would they sell)? Would you buy said new novels, even if you already have the individual books already? If new novels were to be released, I would think it wise to list the books as volumes. What do you think?
  23. What do you mean? I think he means the escalation of the size of the Bionicle Universe. Island of Mata Nui > Great Spirit Robot > Planet of Spherus Magna (and variations).
  24. Thank you for the info. I wonder how Bionicle would fare if it was owned by DC. Either might be too different to recognize or just a little different; better or worse. Eh, we'll never know, just something fun to think about I guess. I know that. Too clarify my question, would the two be able to be compatible with each other, or would it change Bionicle's atmosphere too much? And would that change be a good thing or a bad one? Why?
  25. Ever seen Lord of the Rings (movies, not character)? Watch those and see the varied heights of the Hobbits in comparison to the various heights of Humans. The same can be said about most matoran in their size relative to Toa.
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