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Status Updates posted by otter

  1. Blue and Orange Mentality, hahaha. Bacon and Necktie.

  2. Bro, I thought I was a troll.

  3. BZPower, you have known no horror yet of this magnitude.

    1. Geardirector


      The Horror spreads...

    2. Ghidora131


      What do you mean? they've already seen ME. Can't be much worse.

  4. Caaaaarrlll...that *kills* people!


  6. Cool, 12:13 AM and I've already made 98 posts according to BZP.

    1. a goose

      a goose

      So you live in GMT-6?

      *Takes note*


      Now I know where you live! Kinda! >=D

    2. otter
    3. a goose

      a goose


      I don't think you're in Kansas anymore. XD

  7. Darth Vader wants hugs....he better stop choking them when they say no, though. :P

  8. Earlier I was mad but now I'm glad I think this is a fad

  9. Ever drink Bailey's out of a shoe?

    1. shadow pridak money gang
    2. otter


      Are you playin' your love gAAAmes with me

  10. EXPERIENCING MUCH unrustled jimmies.

  11. Face it.

    I win.

    You lose.

  12. Finally! Somebody my age. Anyways, i didn't know you played roblox. What is your account name?

    (answer to starwars trivia question is galen marek)

  13. First Ernest Borgnine, and now Neil Armstrong...;_;

  14. For some reason, some weird sort of "Moving Meditation" helps to calm me down. Due to this fact, I have decided that I must learn t'ai chi ch'uan.

    1. Highly Suspicious Person

      Highly Suspicious Person

      Ch'uan? That sounds like some sort of food.


      I'm hungry now. I'm going to get some pizza. Or maybe some ch'uan.

    2. 25K Now!

      25K Now!

      Taijiquan. It's a Chinese martial art. Don't use the Wade-Giles romanisation Grochi! It is terrible compared to our standard pinyin!

    3. otter


      Couch: *facepalm*


      Hubert: I'll use the romanisation if I want!

  15. Four days ago you were here. FOUR DAYS, MAN. Oh, wait, you don't know me. Oh well. I still say that you should come back more often.

  16. Gee, I keep the same name for three/four years, and only two people say anything about it. I wonder if I should be surprised or thankful.

    1. otter


      "Say anything about it when I change it," I meant to say. Haha. Oh yeah: It's been reverted back to what it was before. Grumble grumble.

    2. Burnmad


      I was going to say I thought you couldn't use those characters. =P

    3. Highly Suspicious Person

      Highly Suspicious Person

      You'll always be that Harp/Soda Can to me.

  17. Get back to Ga-Wahi Josh. Gosh, you and I run off to do something, and you just forget...you lazy bum, you.


    1. Progenitus Worldsoul

      Progenitus Worldsoul

      Man, You don't see how this works. I'll be one for huge swaths of time, it'll be going great, then I decide to take a break for the day, and it ends up being for the month.

  19. Give me the Washburn XB-120 Bass now.

    Now I say.

  20. Go figure. We have the same word in our BZP display name forever (Kal Grochi and Kal the Guardian) and your birthday is just 8 days after mine, while you're four years older than me.

    1. otter


      What an interesting little thing. Two people with similar display name, one four years older than the other while their birthdays are eight days apart.



    2. Razgriz



  21. Good. Now don't look behind you and see all your bases I destroyed while waiting for your reply.

    Topic Status: Closed

  22. Grochi, inc. Product line discussion time.

    1. Show previous comments  20 more
    2. Elrond of Rivendell

      Elrond of Rivendell

      Just wait until July 14, that is the date that I can change my name.

    3. otter


      That's the exact date I'm going to New Mexico.

    4. otter


      That's the exact date I'm going to New Mexico.

  23. Happy late birthday! Don't come back to the BZPRPG yet, and don't listen to Vorex!

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