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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by V-N

  1. V-N

    Double Pong

    Now that is an interesting game! *Saves to computer*
  2. V-N


    ... Good ol' Omi always has to bust somebodys joy every now and then.
  3. V-N

    Yay For Spring Break.

    I don't get spring break at all. At least I don't have to deal with cafeteria food, though.
  4. Well, if you don't want to look rude, you can always use this> ;P
  5. V-N


    Did you read the other two books? (The Subtle Knife and the Amber Spyglass) They can get quite complicated, but still are good. And Toa with familiars... Man, that would be awesome.
  6. V-N

    Getting Better

    You're all about getting people to send their MOCs to Brickfest, aren't you Roa?
  7. V-N

    A Blow To Customness

    Ah, but that is no reason to avoid custom. Color sceme + custom = win As you can see, it is still good to go with custom.
  8. I believe bley is the color of those three stud long axles. It is also the color of those bushes. Anyways, that is what I think bley is...
  9. ... So you mean he has a Vahi?
  10. Then my BBCC #52 entry is perfect! Entry Name: F.A.R Handgun Entry Pic: Here Entry Topic: Here Entry Gallery: Here
  11. Does bley count as grey or silver?
  12. Actually, the majority of the people who commented here that said they got something different when they tried to make a gun are the normal ones, as they are the majority. Therfore, you are crazy different.
  13. V-N


    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «1. Can you hear me now? Good. (Verizon wireless) 2. So easy a caveman can do it (Geico) 3. Hungry? Grab a (?) 4. America runs on (Dunkan) 5. What's in your wallet? 6. Silly rabbit! _____ are for kids! (Trix) 7. Give me a break, give me a break, break me off a piece of that (?) 8. Eat fresh (Subway) 9. Meow meow meow meow, meow meow meow meow... ("Cats ask for it by name") (Some catfood. ) 10. It gives you wiiiings! (Some drink with a Buffalo on it. Can't remember) 11. Get your smile on (Mcdonalds? I know this one...) 12. It just keeps going and going and going (Energizer) 13. Grab life by the horns (?) 1. Always fresh, always (Quiznos?) 2. Dude, you're getting a (?) 3. Think outside the box (Taco Bell?) 4. Think outside the bun (Buffalo Wild Wings?) 5. Melts in your mouth, not in your hands (?) 6. The world may never know (Can't remember...) 7. It's better with the butterfly (?) 8. It's all in the mix (...?) 9. You are now free to move about the country (American Airlines) 10.See what brown can do for you (Dr. Brown? ) 11.Get the door, it's ____ (Pizza Hut? Or was it Papa Jons? Some pizzza place... ) 12. Kid tested. Mother approved. (?) 1. Buy ____ today and make this banner go away (?) 2. Zoom-zoom (Honda? Or was it Toyota? Some car company...) 3. More ____ please! (Oveltein [Or however you spell it]) 4. Shouldn't your baby be a _____ baby? (Can't remember) 5. Do the ____ (Midas Touch) 6. Brush like a dentist (Some toothbrush that I can't remember) 7. That was easy (Staples) 8. Is it in you? (Gaterade? [sp?] 9. There's no wrong way to eat a (?) 10. Nobody better lay a finger on my (Some snack) 11. Like a good neighbor, ____ is there (State Farm) EDIT: Edited to number them.
  14. V-N

    Charge On Ta-koro

    *Goes to warn Ta-Matoran of the plan.*
  15. That's a long deadline... Well, can't wait to see more entries. And where is Makaru and that Fanglyfuss?
  16. V-N


    I got them last Monday. Aren't very fun to have.
  17. V-N

    Next Blog Contest?

    I guess we could MOC the endless ocean. I wouldn't mind making blue creations. What else could you do for a theme... I don't know. I feel like making a Rahkshi.
  18. V-N

    Next Blog Contest?

    YES! MOC CONTEST. I'm not sure on a theme, though. Also, will it be a "Second Chances" (along with new MOCs) contest again? Please?
  19. V-N


    Tis why I wear a hat outside when I get a haircut.
  20. Sorry about aksing my Q in S&T#5 Again; missed your first confirmation

  21. V-N

    Mata Nui!

    *Sighs* Everybody can't help themself eh?
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