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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by V-N

  1. I want to see it a second time. First time I sat in the second to front row, and I want to enjoy it without my neck aching.
  2. V-N


    Reminds me of the word glue. Still, no reason why you couldn't use it. People have used wierder names than the "opposite of insulin".
  3. V-N

    Cardinals Won!

    Surprising how the teams with the odds against them are winning. I must say that Green Bay made an amazing comeback, even if they still lost. It'll be interesting when these teams go against the big dogs.
  4. Um... Back of my head...? I mainly felt wierd...
  5. The same reason people hate Inika and Piraka torsos? They were neat the first time around, but people got bored of them. Besides, KK sets had neat armor pieces to use.
  6. Magic? As in, Magic: The Gathering?
  7. Some of my favorite are "Mary Did You Know" by Mark Lowry and "The Christmas Shoes". Don't know who wrote the latter though.
  8. V-N

    Sleep Disarming

    I have my alarm on the other side of the room, so I have to get up to turn it of.
  9. V-N

    Omg White Stuff! :o

    No one is lucky to get snow. No one. You always say that when people blog about getting snow.
  10. What will you dress up as this year? I'm not dressing. Will you be trick or treating? No. I'm going to be home giving out candy. What kind of candy is your favorite? Don't have a specific one; generally anything sour. What kind of candy is your least favorite? Most chocalates. Did you carve your own pumpkins? I have last year, and the year before, but my family didn't get to it this year.
  11. V-N

    Vikings Are 6-0!

    Has ANYONE lost more badly than the Titans did?
  12. V-N

    Blast From The Past

    *Raises hand with everyone else* I'd definatelty pay. Well, as long as you don't charge some outrageus price.
  13. V-N

    Blast From The Past

    *Builds shrine decdicated to Binkmeister, starts begging with Aanchir, Shine and Sumiki*
  14. LOL, if Greg did that... True words indeed, Mr. Bones.
  15. V-N


    How Bout' two? Or three? Um... Four? At least you will be staying! EDIT: There is always a chance BIONICLE will end. It all depends on sales. Currently, sales are doing smoothly, and BIONICLE is continuing for at least another year. But they can't predict very far ahead where sales will be, and can't really know how long BIONICLE lasts.
  16. V-N

    I Tried.

    And LEGO forces us to buy it because they put a gold Ignika in there.
  17. He HAS got a point. A salary of $00.00, the power to give pretty stars the size of a seed, and a position in the non-existent BZP history books...
  18. Getting lost in a foreign country is easy. Getting to the foreign country in the first place isn't as easy.
  19. Wait until they go on sale for half off and get both.
  20. Plus Strakk keeps losing against those retired soldiers.
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