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Nathan Evo

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Blog Comments posted by Nathan Evo

  1. Well, uh... we sort of are forgotten men, for that matter. Admittingly, I didn't care for your latest one (though I understand it was impromtu?), and I got stumped on Glatoriannikas! over a year ago and I haven't bothered to bring it back.


    You know what? Maybe I should...


    Also, a lot of people complained about DO NOT PUT IN MOUTH after a while.

  2. Hmm, just found this and finished reading all the entries, so I may go back a little ways.


    This quote if from the topic in which he first said it in response to a question on if LEGO might bring it back do to people's complaints.

    . . . What I am actually implying is that if there is no fan sentiment being expressed for it at all, it definitely WON'T come back. The only reason LEGO would have to bring it back down the line is if they feel there is an audience out there for it. If the fan community just dries up and blows away, then the prevailing notion will be that no one is interested enough to support its return.

    As you can see, he neither confirms nor denies whether or not "petitions, raids [ :rolleyes: ], boycotts, etc." may help to bring back BIONICLE. In fact, he seems to confirm that both "petitions, raids [ :rolleyes: ], boycotts, etc." and "just kept having fun with it same as they always had" would help to convince LEGO that "there is an audience out there for it". He doesn't appear to limit it as you do.

    What I think that the point Greg was trying to make was that, although BIONICLE has ended, that does not mean that enjoyment of it should end just as well. We can go on as we've always had. We can keep discussing story, we can keep writing fanfiction, we can keep building MOCs and everything else. He was basically saying that just because BIONICLE ended doesn't mean that we have to completely throw BIONICLE into the trash bin and forget about everything and stop making MOCs or writing fanfiction and leave BZPower altogether. It means that, although it is gone, we can still keep talking about it and doing stuff with it. It does not mean, however, that we should bother LEGO with all these thousand and one petitions and letters.

    I have never seen more words put into Greg's mouth than I have over this quote. The topic Greg originally said this in was a "give it a rest, BIONICLE is never coming back" topic. Certainly it does not say that "we should bother LEGO with all these thousand and one petitions and letters", but it also does not say they "we shouldn't bother LEGO with all these thousand and one petitions and letters", that would be twisting his quote out-of-context. Also, thousands of letters and petitions sounds like a bit of an exageration, don't you think. :rolleyes:

    That is untrue, as it seems to be exactly what Greg is saying. What do you think Star Trek fans did all these years? Write petitions and letters to the producers time after time after time again? No, they kept discussing the story and writing fanfiction and the like. Greg was talking about general interest in BIONICLE, interest being kept alive the fan community. Not suddenly start going on RAEG TRIPS and bombarding LEGO to bring it back, because sooner or later they're going to get tired of us.


    You must remember, though: LEGO is making quite the push to get Hero Factory out there. Storied LEGO themes died because the stories were limited to online games and two paged comics in the LEGO Magazine. Hero Factory has its own TV Show, which means that more kids see it all the time and it is in their minds much more than the usual LEGO theme is. They are more likely to ask their parents for the sets and stuff for Christmas and Birthday presents that way.

    BIONICLE also got a very big push, yet, it also nearly died on it's 3rd year. Also, it's worth pointing out that Hero Factory is not the first LEGO theme to have a TV show. Galidor was. And not just 4 episodes either, 2 full, 13-episode seasons! It even got high-ratings, believe it or not! Bet I don't need to tell you what happened to it though.

    Not as much as Hero Factory, mind you. BIONICLE got several CDs and a card game in its first year, I believe. Also, Galidor was not made by LEGO, so I'm not sure where you're going with that. Obviously, if you're going to go that way, Star Wars was the first licensed theme to have a TV series made off it, but since that didn't have anything to do with LEGO either, it doesn't count.




    Actually, Galidor did have a lego line. From a long time ago, but it did have one.



    It had a LEGO line, but it was a licensed line rather than an original one like HERO Factory.

  3. Sign me up kthnks


    also you deserve this:



    That approval would be really funny if it was the other Blackout. :P


    (was pointed to this approval from another forum)


    I would rather eat my face than approve this blog.


    Also, see my banner.

    And I would rather skip rope with my intestines than watch you troll this blog pointlessly just because your favorite series of plastic children's construction toy has been dead for almost a year now and you still will not get over that fact.


    I honestly fail to see why some people get so worked up over toys.

  4. In my opinion, "leaving" a website is overrated. With any website, I just drift in and out as I feel like it. If you're not in the mood to come here, don't, but any time you are, you haven't gone all "hey everyone i'm leaving forever bye" so you can just pop in and maybe stay a while.

    I wouldn't go so far as making a huge announcement. I actually made this entry because I wasn't sure what I was going to do about it.

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