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Nathan Evo

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Blog Comments posted by Nathan Evo

  1. Anything involving bringing back BIONICLE is generally going to be a goldmine of both silliness and stupidity, and in most cases both at the same time.


    Also, the hapless folk who try to submit their own ideas to LEGO through the message boards never cease to crack me up.

  2. @Takuma: I figured you wouldn't enter, most notably because I don't really expect you to do comics anymore. That will also help with the surprise if you ever actually DO go back into comic-making. :P


    @55555: Well, it's mostly the subject matter I dislike- I'm pretty terrible at writing mysteries in the first place. The idea of a contest is a pretty good idea, though. Maybe next time.


    @Eucliwood: Oh, you're one of those members, aren't you.

  3. I primarily remember two things about the LMBs...


    My favorite quote I found a while back:

    The first was that.


    The second was this long, weird "epic" written by some noobling in a "BIONICLE DREAMS" topic, which would probably belong in those fanfic topics if it weren't for "My mom woke me up! (angry LMB emote)". I've seen over sixty "chapters" of it and it doesn't seem to end there. To say the least, it's appalling.


    Man, if I had a dime for all the amusing stuff I found in the LMBs, I'd have a lot of dimes.

  4. You realize that this is as much a prank on the staff as it is you? We didn't plan this out as a group, Black Six just went ahead and changed us into Barbies.

    Okay, that bumps this up IMO.



    Yeah, I don't even want to know what crazy look crossed my face when I watched as one-by-one barbie staff started popping up everywhere. xD


    Guess the joke's on the jokesters this year.


    «Overdrive Barbie»

    Your signature terrifies me.

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