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Blog Comments posted by ~Allegretto~

  1. I was shocked and appalled at how little Doctor Whooves they used.


    Other than that, it seems like they were using an entirely different animation style for the first few minutes. I'm loving the 3D-style effects.


    I actually didn't notice anything, aside from Twilight getting blurred when Spike first came down the stairs. :X


    I thought the lack of Doctor Whooves was kinda funny, actually. (Needed a DeLorean, though...)

  2. You know you swallow something like 5 spiders a year?


    Have fun sleeping! =D


    Well, I'm not consciously eating them then, so I'm more okay with it than realizing there's a fly swimming in my juice.



    You ethnocentric person! Insects are a delicacy in many other cultures! :P


    I'm fine with people eating bugs, as long as it isn't me. :P

  3. BLECK


    lolol I c wat you did thar



    Insects are good for you. ;)lol


    Well if you want to drink it be my guest, but I'll pass. :P



    Not sure if grossed out or Emperor Whenua


    Ew EW (loljk no offense EW if you're reading this which you prolly aren't but w/e)



    Why did you stop drinking? All the flavor is in the bug.


    Yeeeeah, not particularly my favorite flavor...



    Protein, bro.


    I can get protein from other things thanks. :P Like beef! Beef is good...

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