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Premier Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Ziko

  1. Ziko


    BLUH I just finished shopping like the same exact thing. wokwokwokwokwok =P
  2. Ziko

    Reasons I Love Bzpower

    Those are good reasons.
  3. Ziko

    H E Y

  4. Ziko

    Snow Day

    I got a snow day today, and I had one yesterday. But there's hardly any snow out. I think it probably has something to do with the temperature being -5 and wind chill being -30, but that's just me. -Ziko
  5. That's ironic. XP

  6. I'd like to help with the plans too if that's possible. 'Plans' sounds very interesting. =P And someday I really will send a mailbag PM. It will happen. I think. -Ziko
  7. Ziko

    New Name

    Not particularly
  8. Ziko

    My Day

    I would eat two whole boxes of Chicken McNuggets to get up at 11:30. 11:30... Do want. D= -Zik
  9. Ziko


    My time zone disagrees.
  10. Ziko

    3 Days Until Name Change

    Brawl and Megatron's Beak
  11. My cousin kept making the platforms we were trying to stand on sink. >< so I picked her up and threw her into the lava But yeah, that's a great game. I haven't played it for a while, actually... -Zik
  12. Your blog has over four thousand comments; you have nothing to complain about there. =P -Zik
  13. Two posts in one day! =0

  14. Ziko

    Yeah About That Reorg

    Chrome's putting the third icons on a separate line; it looks like 271px is the magic number to put them the right way. Cool idea for a content block... I may have to steal it. =P (wait...that would mean actually updating something on my blog...) -Zik
  15. Ziko

    Name Change Time

    I liked Eyru, personally. -Ziko
  16. Ziko

    New Font Style?

    I'm still liking number two also. No vote on the song, though (I can never remember song names, so if I've heard them I don't remember =P). -Ziko
  17. That's too bad (or good?). I haven't missed school for a long time (not sure if that's good or bad either XP).

    [And yay weekend]

  18. I'm pretty good... wish I could get more sleep, though. =P

    How've you been?

  19. It's... [sortakindahalfwayish] aliivvvee!

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