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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by JINZONINGEN 73

  1. These newer sets... I guess they're selling better to mass amounts of kiddies. But, personally, I've been given NO reason to buy multiples of Canister sets anymore. Buy a set. BOOM. Got hands that were missing on my mocs since Throwbots. ... ... ...ok, and? Maybe a weapon? What about all the fun, tiny parts I want so I can combine set after set into something awesome? It's just not there. There's certainly something to be said about that one place online where you can buy individual pieces. Buy two hands for like 40cents a pieces and I've just ELIMINATED any reason to spend either 7 or 13 dollars. Gone are the days when I'd have a shopping cart filled with 50 mask packs and 10 Lewa. Oh my god. Got a great idea. I must be a genius. Make the pins in a whole bunch of different colors so official sets don't look ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS WITH BLUE PINS ruining them. I have not a hand with adequate size to execute the most appropriate facepalm to their lack of simple logic.
  2. I saw the last one as your earning the Survival Cannibalism badge.


    1. On my 6am, 45 minute drive to work every morning, the only station that came in good played the SAME classic rock songs. Often at the same time EVERY day. FOR SIX YEARS STRAIGHT. One of those went, "MODERN DAY WARRIOR TODAY'S TOM SAWYER HE GETS HIGH ON YOU" ...and numerous times I came close to hitting telephone poles I was clenching my teeth so bad in horrified disgust. Maybe they have better songs, but that one station's media blitz abuse of that one song made me hate them. To have played it that much, I can only guess they gave it to the broadcasters for free and there was no cost per airing. 2. Good for you, for knowing when life is good. Some people have everything comfortably going for them, but in boredom create chaos and drama where none needed to exist. 3. So how do you say, "Don't try to eat me or I'll punch you senseless" in Wampa? 4. Indeed, indeed.
  4. Uuugh. Those little things KILLED the Atari 2600. Have you ever played it? Holy Hades. Look for Pacman instead. I hear they made more of those cartridges than actual 2600 units existed... also finding their way into a landfill.
  5. Nah, just the beginning of a humanoid moc. : p I should build a few different ones and give'em their own topic. That one's been built, like, since the mask came out. The back of the buggy is his lil' buddy's mask.
  6. I'd work there if I had a car and wasn't retired. Almost ALL the people I've ever heard complain of getting fired from there because they're "strict"... were fired for things I'D have fired them for myself. Nothin' bugs me more than Walmart-bashers.


    Know what's weird? Removed EVERY virus checker, scanner, cleaner one day. Know what's more weird? My old comp has been more dependable and fast than EVER. Norton? McAfee? HAH! Another smart thing is to have every possible program you can access NOT start up when the computer turns on. Go totally manual. And if you're not already doing it, ignore Internet Explorer and only use Firefox. Killed all IM services too, save for the GMail has hard-wired into it. The less junk on a comp, the more beautiful it is.
  8. Lol. I was just walking through town, taking pics under a full moon. Noticed it from the street, duh. That doesn't sound like a bad tradeoff. Y'know? I never really tried to make a gun using one of those arrow launchers. It seemed like it'd just be some DISASTROUS monstrosity that would either not fire or have a hair-pin trigger that wouldn't let you even pick it up. Man, was I stupid. Floobed around all night and wound up with a pretty dang simple configuration. Even better, the only rubberband in use is one to keep the trigger in the right position, though I could probably remove that in place of some clever config with one of those spring pistons. (HATE using rubber bands on mocs.) Success! Feels right and is dependable! I'm shocked. No, I WON'T shoot my eye out. It feels so right, I want to pull a Chocolate Frogs at some point in the future and make a matching pair. Maybe later. It's a Frankensteiner right now. After I armor her up right and all that jazz in the correct colors and stuff, it'll be a moc and'll have her own topic. : p Don't think I didn't think that right off the bat. So like, get out of my head. It'd be funny... but it also seems too goofy to execute. And now that I got the launching mechanism down, it'd be even that much harder to squeak in.


    Yeah, I do it too. It's like some weird, obsessive-compulsive illogical kind of thing.
  10. Hey, for me, that monitor is freaking HUGE. I never had one that big... or that clear... or that bright. Looks like it was NEVER used. No scratches, dents, yellowing... anything. Don't let the size of the structure belittle your perception of the monitor's size. Found it with a "free" sign on someone's porch at 2AM. I ran home like a bat out of Hades, grabbed my wife's electric mobility scooter and sat it in the driver's chair to get it home as I walked beside it steering (no car lol). Why someone would get rid of a factory-freaking-perfect monitor like that instead of selling it is beyond me.
  11. Last time I said "I'd hit it" in regards to people's blogs... I got modded. V__V
  12. 1. When cheese gets its picture taken, what does it say? Meeeeeeeee! 2. If the #2 pencil is the most popular, why is it still #2? YOU are number 6. 3. Before they invented drawing boards, what did they go back to? Stone slabs. 4. If all the world is a stage, where is the audience sitting? On their big dang butts, doing next to nothing. 5. Well, if crime fighters fight crime and fire fighters fight fire, then what do freedom fighters fight? Freedom for anyone the sheep are told to eliminate. 6. Why is the man who invests all your money called a broker? Duh. Too easy. 7. Honesty may be the best policy, but then, by elimination, isn't dishonesty is the second-best policy? Yes. Yes it is. 8. If one synchronized swimmer drowns, do the rest drown too? You'd hope. I HATE that stuff. 9. If the police arrest a mime, do they tell him he has the right to remain silent? They beat the bejabbers out of him until they yelp, THEN tell them they have the right to remain silent. 10. When a person asks you, "A penny for your thoughts?" and you put your two cents in, what happens to the other penny? The first person makes a penny... payment for being annoying.
  13. Heh, I was going to say, "This is either a math question, a riddle requiring musical knowledge... or a recipe for something tasty."
  14. Dear lord, did he just grind on Elmo?
  15. Don't worry, dyde. The joints this year are TOTALLY different from last year's. I even took my Glatorian and popped the sockets in and out like 20 times, determined to see if they'd snap or not. They passed. Well, so far. I only have 2 of them, Raanu being one. I buy sets strictly as parts packs for mocing, but I built this guy most of the while checking the joints. However, I put his helmet on backwards, lost the blades, put him in a sitting position and had him hold the fire weapon like a guitar. He is now Joey Sombrero, a street singer from Mexico awaiting change to be tossed to him. I even had minifigs walking past him tossing coins before him. (Why did I not take a picture?) So yeah, bad helmet, awesome hat.
  16. No. No. No, he isn't. "I special cause I do my own shtunts... sometimes".


    Well... it's not quite a dog...
  18. Woah. The topic got slaughtered? It seemed so tame. Musta' missed something after I left it. Anyway, Europa sure seems like the likely choice, if one HAD to find life in the fastest amount of time. Mars schmars, head off to that moon already. Who's to say our reality that we've all grown up thinking is "normal" isn't in fact a story of alien contact? We kinda' don't look like we belong here... and the fossil record helps that idea along by getting more messed up every time we find a new relative that shouldn't technically exist.
  19. If I recall, these only came with a certain type of Bionicle shoe... and I think you only got 1 per pair of shoes! I gots me one too... never found a use for it in a moc. Not one that didn't look hideous anyway. : p
  20. When I feel sad, a volcano erupts somewhere in the world.
  21. Well, you do have to realize though... his "origin" is still kind of shady, with many a conflicting piece of data. I think we're going to find very interesting things no one knew about him in years to come.
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