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Blog Comments posted by e=mc^2

  1. this sucks!!! that contest was basically a waste of my time then!! and what are "PBZP"!! i could have even paid for shipping!! because money aint a problem for me. this just suck!! i was looking forward to getting mazeka!!


    hey neryt.


    you better watch what you say, cause its not very nice at all. starparu took the time and effort to put up this contest, and this is how you thank him? i dont think you should say that this was a waste of time, bzp contests should be entered: a) to promote fellowship and fun in building awesome mocs and to B) to learn from other people's design's to make your own better, not because you wanted a physical prize in the end.


    you're even lucky starparu was giving out these crazy awesome prizes, and you better be thanking him from the bottom of your heart if he accepts your request to pay for shipping.

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