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Everything posted by Haku340

  1. Haku340

    Apple Sucks

    APPLE RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! O_O Spammy... [[Just deleted all the extra question marks.]]
  2. Well, feel free to use my geocaching banner on their site if you want!

  3. So you've found 111 caches as a team and your the team leader, right?

  4. What's your username on their (forum'd) website?

  5. Donkey Kong: DUDE! Why 'u lookin' down 'ere! This's my game!
  6. 1. Clean your desktop. 2. Lessen that black blotch above the grey tent thingy. 3. Strengthen the colors of the tent thing. 4. Show the character's head
  7. Haku340


    (Once again, Haku340's solution to absolutely everything) Why don't you have this nice cup of tea?
  8. Haku340


    I'd wake up early and go on BZP. But that's just me...
  9. Yes I am a GEOCACHER, are you?

  10. Yes, it is yo puppeh in my siggeh.

  11. Haku340


    Try eef2f7. Hi-light to the right of this text-->It's invisible!
  12. Haku340

    Longship Is...

    If only that was true...
  13. Haku340


    I on;y get two pages of homework and Mathletics this year because our teacher thinks that during school we do enough work .
  14. Hmmm, Looks like we need a Dlakii support crew...
  15. Are you a member of Geocaching? I found someone called Omicron on their website.

  16. F35 CURRENT STANDINGS: F35=3 Stickman=3 They're tying!
  17. Caption: No need to worry, Harvey Dent has called upon a new hero to replace Batman; Tourist dude!
  18. Haku340


    I just got banned from BZP in the morning and have to do Mathletics instead. Fat lot of luck that is...
  19. After looking at your blog, I have something to say:

    I was born in memphis Tenesee, and according to your blog, that's where you live!

  20. Haku340


    Wow, the weather in Sydney has gone from record high temperatures and UV levels to record rainfall. MAKE UP YOUR MIND MOTHER NATURE!
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