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Blog Comments posted by Gavla

  1. One of the better reviews of HF I've seen. I liked it.


    Though to be honest-the biggest problem with HF 2.0 that I have is the.. uh.. double arms? On the foes and such. Sorta hard to pose.


    As for HF 1.0, uh.. huh. Nothing really, cept the Zams' and such.


    I guess another problem for me with HF 2.0 is how none of the Heroes have different body armor. It's all the same cept for colors. In HF 1, they had different body armor for three of them-and the same for three for being rookies. But other then that, it's pretty OK.

  2. Is the one without a shirt fat, hairy or saggy?


    As for dog-walking in your yard...see, we put nothing but rocks in our yard when we lived in a neighbourhood. No dogs pooped there. EVER.



    Hairy/saggy. From what I can tell, at least.


    We called the cops on them before, when they were screaming at each other (Six people in one house. We think they are two different families) at night.


    Heck, the one that walked the dog even bent our mailbox.

  3. I feel a lot of people go through this in school. I did, and it was tough. Of course it's tough, what trial in life isn't?

    Collectively, many students in a class will act like that. Stuck up and picky. If you are not like them, you are their enemy. A target for their hate and jokes and thrown basketballs. However, by being nice, kind, caring, and loyal to your friends you are better then them. Yes, better. And deep down I think the others know that. Which is why they go after you, me, and others. That, or they are heartless people that like to cause pain.


    Either way, you're not the only one going through this. Not the only one that lost a friend like this. It's hard, it's sad. We know that. It takes time to get used to. You can run away and hide or you can stick by those that truly care and want the best for you. Such as your friends around you and on here. So like Brickeens said, about going on.. that's right. You will find more like yourself. You might be shocked at how many can be like you.


    Anyway, about remembering things at last moment and such. I know what you mean, I tend to remember some things very late. Projects, birthdays.. We can't always remember everything. But we can do things to help. Maybe try making a list of these things in a word document on your computer? You can name it something and look at it once a day to see what you have to do. That is my best advice for that.


    I think you can get through this, Taka, in fact I know you can. You just need to trust those that care.. not those that have changed. Stay around your friends, try to ignore the others that hurt you. If you can, tell someone. Like a teacher, or someone with control over the class or area. That too, can be a big help.

  4. Why does this lack comments? Hmm.


    Onto the poem, it's quite good. You did a splendid job with it. The lines about ash and a nightmare is interesting.


    Anyway, there are people that care about you, and your problems. If they didn't, they wouldn't be friends now would they?


    I don't see your poems as whiny, but in fact, another form of art by you to further express yourself. With words, and not the pencil. If you understand what I mean, of course.

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