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Blog Comments posted by Bambi

  1. Since BIONICLE has ended (and by that I mean since 2010; G2 barely registered for me as an event), BIONICLE itself, the time from when I got my first set in 2003 to 2010, feels like my own personal "time before time." On one hand, it does feel like time existed as a BIONICLE fan, and even that BIONICLE is what made me aware of time. Before 2003 (when I was seven years old), my memories are emotional but do not take place in any particular order. After 2003, it feels much more structured, like each years builds up to the next. When someone says 2005, for example, even in a context related to a movie or something else from pop culture or current events, my first thought is Web of Shadows (along with Revenge of the Sith).

    I relate so, so much to this lol. Pretty much everything 2001-2010, I always have Bonkle associated with any memories from that time period. Isn't it crazy what an impact a random Lego toyline had on so many people?

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  2. On 3/6/2024 at 7:57 AM, Aderia said:

    Aww, look at that sweet lil smile - what a handsome pup.

    Now, I don't consider myself a coffee aficionado - perhaps a begrudging semi-dependent. My palate isn't sharp enough to really get into deep and/or subtle flavors and variations.

    A few factoids I've gleaned over the years that I've found interesting:

    1. Light roast has more caffeine than dark roasts. 

    2. You might enjoy different brewing methods, depending on how much you want to get into the process. Some of my friends really enjoy pour-over coffee, AeroPress, french press, among other methods. I do have a few who like to buy and roast and grind their own coffee beans, and one who has some coffee plant seedlings that she's growing. It can be a very involved hobby! 

    3. If you eventually find yourself nauseous after drinking coffee, there are low-acidic versions on the market, and I found that helped me. 

    4. Instant coffee is fun to use as watercolor for art, and useful in a pinch for all-nighters, but beyond that, consume at your own risk. 

    5. Adding cardamom apparently reduces or negates the caffeine's effect if you want some coffee before bed.

    6. Adding a dash of salt negates the bitterness - I've tried this one. It's ...weird? Maybe I added too much salt 😂

    Have fun on this new venture! 

    That's all very helpful! The only thing I already knew about was using salt. :P I tried and think I might have added a little too much too lol. This is good stuff for me to go off of. :D

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  3. On 2/16/2024 at 11:08 AM, Mushy the Mushroom said:

    Hooray for blogs from Bambiland! Welcome back!!! Oh snaps, what a majestic companion! Congratulations! If it were me I’d give him a traditional German name given his ancestry (probably biased due to my own though, haha).  Oh! I meant to say on your last suggestion blog: tis epic that you’re able to play an instrument, and if I had such fine skills I’d blog about it l. I know nothing of music notes, etc and am amazed by those who can wield such magic!

    Happy (belated)  Palentines day!!!

    Hm, a German name does seem fitting for him. His previous owner named him Whiskey, but I don't really like that, so for the time being I've just been calling him Whisk lol. Well, I can play a little, but not well enough to blog about :P I'm slow improving, but I don't really think anyone left on BZP cares about that particular subject lol

    • Like 1
  4. 2 hours ago, Mushy the Mushroom said:


    Hahahaha, I adore them, especially vampire-pepper. It looks like it's singing! Oooh, the canary carve! Never heard of that mysterious produce product. 


    This was the first I'd ever heard of it, but it cut like butter

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Mushy the Mushroom said:

    Ooooh, so bright and beautiful! May your harvest be blessed!


    ...Is the dog/coyote truly an impressive imposter? My brain is very much believes it is alive!

    Thank you, it has been so far. :D No, thought it looks very real, it's just to scare off the wildlife the garden has attracted.

    • Like 1
  6. 33 minutes ago, xccj said:

    Oh no, you have both a coyote and an owl hanging around in your garden!  So dangerous!!

    Anyway, looks pretty cool.  Nice job!  Hope you get some big pumpkins!


    Thank you, I would have got closer to the animals, but I didn't want to scare them off. 😧

    • Like 1

    I Did It

    34 minutes ago, Letagi said:

    The correct answer is buy another one and keep one sealed! Or, see if there's an open copy available on BrickLink for cheaper. 

    That thought did cross my mind...

    • Like 2

    I Did It

    48 minutes ago, Ta-metru_defender said:

    Ace books you got there.


    (also yes)

    lol. I'm debating it because while I like the set, I'm also wondering how much it will be worth sealed in 20 years. Maybe I'm too greedy? :P


    On 12/23/2022 at 2:07 AM, Mushy the Mushroom said:

    Oh snaps, sorry for the shivers, glad to hear of its revival!

    Yay for the Twitter! now I can periodically peoplewatch how the mysterious and fascinating Outside Humans live, thanks for free amusement! ^_^

    [~The Twitter-baffled-naive who made a ghost-like account for the first time a few months ago for sole stalk purposes because it kept throwing me out with the mean popup ;_; ]

    Why do I now feel like an animal at the zoo? :P

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  7. 1 minute ago, Mushy the Mushroom said:

    Beautiful, gives off major The Great Pumpkin vibes, but far surpasses due to cat content!

    I'd be lying if I said I wasn't thinking about that when I made it. :P Kitty content is always superior

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