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Status Updates posted by Bambi

  1. They will spit upon the honor that you guard with your life//And run to hide in selfish fear when threat of death is in sight//Lay down your shame//Armed with resistance and blind to the cost//They say, your purpose is mindless and lost//But we don't adhere to the slander they spill//We mourn with your losses and stand//stand by your will//These tears we spill, they haunt us still//Cries of the weak, lie quiet in sleep//Beneath our feet//

  2. Saying goes that when you're stuck on a mountain//You try to go up, you try to go down, you turn around//To face a wall so you can face yourself realizing you've made a mistake//

  3. "What the Stonewall Jackson is going on out here?" brb dying

  4. A pup for every person, and a person for every pup.

  5. These eyes, they will gaze and reflect//And gauge every thought I reject//No sway of stance in changing times//Just a narrow mind commanding respect//

  6. Is your avatar by any chance from the Disney Ultimate Spider-Man?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bambi


      Oh, okay. I wasn't sure since I haven't seen any of the newer episodes yet.

    3. Sybre


      I don't like Miles as much as Peter, but the costume kicks butt!

    4. Fastcar800


      Spidey Man. XD

  7. I think Mat and Chols are two of the greatest guys ever.

    1. Dr. Giggles PhD

      Dr. Giggles PhD

      I know right!!!!

      Chols is my best friend... one of my best friends I gots manys.

    2. Chols
    3. Dr. Giggles PhD
  8. Erebus! When I saw the avatar, I.. thought you were 55555. ._.

  9. Aw, it's been over a year since you got a comment on your profile. Come back man!

  10. How did a noob like you become a FA

    1. Sumiki



  11. Dead flowers for the torn apart//Laid at the grave to heal a broken heart//Let it rain until it floods//Let the sun breathe life once more//Reborn//

  12. And now we will rise to conquer them all//Many will challenge, many will fall//Bring us your vile, malicious of mind//We will bring their neck to the line//Scum of the earth, power of air//You wanted the world, we'll bury you there//

  13. You soaked your heart in gasoline//Now light it up and burn//Voiceless, wasted//I came this far to drag you down//And watch you take your turn//

    1. Dr. Giggles PhD

      Dr. Giggles PhD

      My heart isn't soaked in gasoline, it is soaked in blood.

  14. Sitting in yours castle on the clouds//Watching as your whole world tumbles down//Do you remember all the sins you've made//Glory forged upon a lonesome grave//One day you became all of this//One day you became just like her//

  15. I still wonder when the medicine will take it's effect//And the injection they made, it's all just left me the same//I'ts hard to concentrate with echos of your voice in my head//From all you said, I'm still paralyzed//But I'm almost out of breath from saying things that I'll regret, that I'll regret//My time is over I can't do this alone//I'm infected with you, pull the plug already//Tell me before I go that you're infected with me//

  16. A figure for the closing of time, the antagonist divine//Void of vacant word, one final answer to be heard//I will carry my decree into a storm of lead//This is total war, my want for tolerance is dead //To my last breath, I am someone to hate//

  17. Scratch and Neon's in the club tonight//Oh yeah, we're gonna have a good time//So grab some pony don't be shy//It's our job to make you feel alright//

  18. PM me your Yahoo emails so I can add you on messenger!



      dued, im gonna doo0o0o tha5t right now!!!!!

  19. Can't you feel the ground of our discretion giving way//Refusal of hope, solution demise//Bury the truth in a mountain of lies//

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    3. Bambi


      Moar moosics?

      The weak of the mind will use fist//And the fist of the frail will bring gun//The loudest of guns provoke bombs//And in wrath he will chase until it's done//

    4. Kaleidoscope Tekulo

      Kaleidoscope Tekulo

      This sounds like a lovely campfire song. It just sounds so jolly and fabulous. ^^

  20. I approve of your name, Colonel Chamberlain.

  21. Is that the.. Cubs I see?

    1. That Which Is

      That Which Is


      They are my favorite team!!!!

  22. I hope Brickfair is still going on by the time I get a job/can go.

  23. Is that by any chance a Demon Hunter related avatar?

  24. This is the end of everything//A degenerate culture's elegy//Now the reaper is waiting at the door//Drunk on our blood and craving more//

    1. Bambi


      asdf so much demon hunter lately

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