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Status Updates posted by Bambi

  1. Oh yeah, I finally went ahead and made a Flickr account: https://www.flickr.com/photos/190276685@N02/

    It's really just old stuff for now, I'll update it whenever I get new pictures that I'm happy with. 


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bambi


      Thanks~ They're very photogenic. ^^ I have... Twelve? I think. And that's not even the most I've cared for at once lol. 

      Of course my real name is Bambi. Everything else is just stuff I made up for online use. :P

    3. Mushy the Mushroom

      Mushy the Mushroom

      Wow! Do they all live indoors?

      Ah, good.  I was terribly disappointed. :P

    4. Bambi


      I wish! :P My dad is allergic to cats though. We also have a bird inside who wouldn't last five minutes with my fat kitties. 

  2. I always forget we have this feature lol.

    1. Mushy the Mushroom

      Mushy the Mushroom

      It's strange to remember how active these once were.

      PS Your profile picture and sig are so cute!

    2. Bambi


      Yeah I know, I remember when people would post multiple status updates or blog entries a day. .-.

      Also thanks, I loved that art and I'm happy it worked for my avatar/banner lol. ^^

  3. I love when BZP keeps timing out so I can't post or delete blog entries...

  4. I love when BZP keeps timing out so I can't post or delete blog entries...

  5. I love when BZP keeps timing out so I can't post or delete blog entries...

  6. I love when BZP keeps timing out so I can't post or delete blog entries...

  7. I love when BZP keeps timing out so I can't post or delete blog entries...

  8. I just randomly saw a post you made and recognized the name from YouTube. Just wanted to say my brother, who is dyslexic and has a somewhat hard time reading, has been listening to the readings of the Bionicle novels on your YT page for the first time and we both really appreciate what you're doing.

  9. Wait, what happened to the friends list? lol

    1. Mushy the Mushroom

      Mushy the Mushroom

      It died....The followers thing seems so formal/a lot less friendly. ;_;

    2. Bambi


      We've gone from having a best friend to having a best follower. :P

  10. Beast Wars, best Transformers series fo sho.

    1. Bonkle


      We all know what Megatron would say: yeeeess.

    2. Bonkle


      And I can't get over how friggin adorable your avatar is.

    3. Bambi


      Aw, thanks lol.


  12. I'll be back.

    1. Naota Takizawa

      Naota Takizawa

      It's about time someone posted his most famous quote.

  13. Yoooo happy birthday!

  14. Equestria Girls fan?

  15. Love your avatar/signature theme. Too bad I just changed my Anya avatar..

  16. Why aren't you on my friends list? O.o

  17. Are you actually a girl? I never knew. :P

    1. Scanty Demon

      Scanty Demon

      Uh, that maybe a lie. But you'll someday know just not now.

  18. Unhappy borthday >:(

  19. TF:A was pretty cool.

    1. Kanakalackin


      Favorite character?

    2. Bambi


      Haven't seen it in a while, but Prowl was my favorite.

    3. Kanakalackin


      Prowl was my favorite Bot. But my favorite Con was Blitzwing.

  20. >Go 49ers That's a funny way to spell GIANTS

    1. Athmos


      *Green Bay Packers.


      Your keyboard needs to be checked out. You're spelling wrong all over the place here.

  21. I've been keeping my eye out for you. :o Remember me?

  22. Where is your avatar from?

    1. Vakama-san


      He's from an unfortunately little-known DS game called Solatorobo: Red the Hunter. He's the protagonist of the game.

  23. Happy belated birthday! :V

    1. Scanty Demon

      Scanty Demon

      Thanks mate,better late than never :3


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