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Makuta Luroka

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Everything posted by Makuta Luroka

  1. Please, I'm a 2,428,135/10
  2. I feel that would be interesting to watch.
  3. Switching to stone region
  4. Makuta Luroka

    no more wind

    fixed now get out Idk what you're talking about.
  5. Makuta Luroka

    no more wind

    Press 'F' to pay respects...
  6. Hail to the king, baby!

  7. Switching from Pulse to Hellyam, in support of Portal.
  8. this is kinda what mafia games were like in '13 and '14 it's died down a bit since then It's because I'm running around sassing everybody this time, isn't it And because Luroka is posting while strapped to the ceiling with duct tape Speaking of which, someone cut me down, please?
  9. i mean it's not completely off the table. But if you kill me, then that means the terrorists win.
  10. So, fun fact. I did not expect to actually get away with doing this, but yeah it happened. You might want to pay a bit closer attention to the votes from now on.
  11. My new hobby: Tampering with votes in Mafia.

    1. Voxumo


      At least you are honest.

    2. -Windrider-


      My new hobby: cooperative conniving in Mafia.

    3. -Windrider-


      I just posted this and realized that this is not a new thing at all, for Mafia.

  12. I'd like to pay an arm and a leg and the body of my sibling in an alchemy ritual to transmute spot 2 into spot 24.
  13. Welcome to BZP! And like others have said, what better first post than such a gorgeous MOC: I love the color scheme, the design flows beautifully, and the parts use is very impressive. Great job! Keep up the good work!
  14. You, sir, clearly have not seen the masterpiece that is Foodfight!
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