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Premier Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Eeko

  1. Eeko

    Sea Scouts

    I can't remember. We've only ha one meeting so far, so we have yet to visit the boat. Actually, I'm a mud scout. The term given to those who are Boy and Sea scouts. ~Eeko~
  2. Your mom's a highly respected member of the BZP community! ~Eeko~
  3. Teal: Entry #2 Purple: Entry #5 Green: Entry #4 ~Eeko~
  4. Once again, Greg teases us with an infinitesimally small bit of 2010. ~Eeko~
  5. Eeko

    Top Poster!

    I'm feeling it man...right here. *points to heart* You press CMD, Shift, 4, space, and then click the window. It's a lot of buttons, I know. ~Eeko~
  6. Eeko


    Walk behind your friends. ~Eeko~
  7. ZOMG!! I have that Manheim Steamroller album, and it rocks. You're missing the Jethro Tull Christmas album though. Gotta have that one. And I need to find it again, but I heard two songs off of Bob Dylan's Christmas album. Hilarious stuff right there. ~Eeko~
  8. Eeko


    Have you re-beaten Velox yet? ~Eeko~
  9. "Blogging to the exponent of awesome." ~Eeko~
  10. Eeko

    Artsy Stuff

    No what would look epic drawn by you? A ringwraith. Or anything from LotR for that matter. ~Eeko~
  11. Eeko

    Sea Scouts

    As of tonight's meeting I am a Sea Scout!! It's a brand new unit, so me and my sister are some of the starting members. We already have one ship, and are paying for a second. Excitement!! ~Eeko~
  12. I feel the same way. To the point that if someone asks, I'll reply with "Hey." ~Eeko~
  13. Swine flu sucks. A lot. ~Eeko~
  14. So do I!!! But first I need a Wii. ~Eeko~
  15. Eeko


    Hey, I'm confused with the comics for this year. There are the three that already are out, and one coming in November. Usually they did one comic every two months. Which comes to six comics a year. Unless I missed one, there are four this year. What happened? ~Eeko~
  16. I didn't find it boring…but if you ever need any help with science, I didn't make Eeko a scientist for no reason. ~Eeko~
  17. Eeko

    Birthdate Post

    Just reached 1994 posts. Year I was born. ~Eeko~
  18. Eeko

    Philosophy 101

    Nice. Being homeschooled, I can't do that. (One, I don't have a psycology class. Two, I can't really sleep through class. ) ~Eeko~
  19. Eeko


    Yeah, I'm taking the PSAT on Saturday. Oh, and on writing. Inspiration is easy, just pick an obscure section of storyline, and expand the heck out of it. Like the group of OoMN agents in the Makutaverse that Tahu's team was going to, but got wiped out. Or detail Trinuma witnessing the death of his friend Botar at the hand of Icarax. Stiff like that. ~Eeko~
  20. Eeko

    A Blog Contest

    I would enter! Despite the fact that mine would fail epicly. ~Eeko~
  21. Eeko

    Sexy Kex

    EPIC WIN!! ~Eeko~
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