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Premier Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Eeko

  1. Eeko


    No what we should do? We should get everyone on BZP, and make movies of the years that don't have them. We get the artist to draw concept sketches, the modelers to, um, model, and composers, and voice actors... We've got enough people, I bet we could pull it off! Or maybe I'm just delusional 'cause I've had three hours of sleep in the last 36 hours. ~Eeko~
  2. This is quite potentially, the greatest thing ever. ~Eeko~
  3. Cross the images to make a third in the middle. CAUTION! Will cause headaches if you stare at it for too long! ~Eeko~
  4. Eeko

    Want Applications...

    Eeko Scientist and martial artist. (Both of which I am. ) Overconfident Strong excited Gold and Black Kadin ~Eeko~
  5. Eeko

    I'm Scared

    O.o There showing the Wall!?! That movie should be kept at eighteen and above IMO. ~Eeko~
  6. Doesn't solve the paradox problem, though, not unless these wormholes go into alternate timelines. I'm sure you could engineer one too. But the point is moot as far as I'm concerned. I hold to the ripple effect hypothesis. ~Eeko~
  7. Wormholes might be the solution to your time machine problem. Accelerate one end, and you can travel through time! ~Eeko~
  8. Eeko

    New And Notes

    This is just about the best news I've heard all day. Thanks for doing all this for us! ~Eeko~
  9. Eeko


    I saw both in theaters, and Up was without a doubt, the more epic of the two. ~Eeko~
  10. You know why cats love catnip so much? It's a hallucinogen. It's like giving your cat opium. ~Eeko~
  11. Eeko


    He's for every one of us! ~Eeko~
  12. Happy 20th Populus!

  13. Eeko

    The Old Rag

    We are planning a trip for this year, the problem is, my troop is very new. There's only about four 'older' guys, so the cooler trips are far and few between. ~Eeko~
  14. Eeko

    The Old Rag

    I was almost able to hike that at the Hikeoree! But it was filled, so we did Hazel Mountain. ~Eeko~
  15. Eeko

    Too Much Pie...

    All the pie got eaten before I got any. But that's okay, I got three pieces of cake. ~Eeko~
  16. Eeko


    Yeah, the game was kind of pathetic. ~Eeko~
  17. Eeko


    I was at my Grandmother's house, and dang can she cook! She has the best Mac 'n Cheese I've ever had! Oh, and did anyone else see Daughtry during the Raiders vs Cowboys game? ~Eeko~
  18. Eeko


    First things first, my opinion on latest news. I'm sad that there won't be new sets, but that's also an opportunity for a lot more fan made canon. The fact that Greg is going to continue writing the story shows how much he loves his fans. Which is awesome. Secondly, I'm going to NC tomorrow for turkey day to visit relatives. So I won't be on BZP much. Thirdly, I'm taking a break from the BZPRPG until 2010. Mainly because I'm lost as to what's going on, tension is high, and it's easier to stop, and prepare for the next island. Until next time, "Stay smart, vacuum… dirt." ~Eeko~
  19. Meh, I don't care much either way. I haven't bought a set in forever. ~Eeko~
  20. Eeko


    Could you answer his Bink? I think whenever something official comes along, I get a wave of stupid, and can't figure out what it all means. Are there plans to reboot BIONICLE in a few years? Or was I just misinterpreting. ~Eeko~
  21. Six o' clock TV hour, don't get caught in a foriegn tower. Slash and burn return, listen to yourself churn. Lock him in uniform and book burnin, blood lettin, Every motive escalate, automotive incinerate. Light a candle, light a motive, step down step down. Watch a heel crush crush. Uh oh, this means no fear, cavalier, renegade and steer clear. A tournament, a tournament, a tournament of lies. Offer me solutions, offer me alternitives, and I decline! Wow. That was all from memory. ~Eeko~
  22. Eeko

    I'm Back!

    ZOMGZ!!1!1! Did youz staels Quuntamz acouuntz???!!?!!? ~Eeko~
  23. These aren't your dad's puns, these are ENERGY puns! TURBO PUNS!!!! ~Eeko~
  24. Eeko

    The Runner

    I got to go to my Sea Scout Ship today! Granted, it was to clean it, but still, it's awesome. And it looks ten times better after five hours of scrubbing. I can't wait to take it out!! ~Eeko~
  25. Eeko

    Admin For A Day - 2

    1. Due to an unexpected change in real life, Ta-metru_defender is unable to continue his job as forum mentor. Who replaces him? Velox 2. After years on the job, Blog Leader Makaru retires. Out of all the current Bloggies, who replaces him? Bfahome 3. Now, someone needs to replace that bloggie. Who do you hire? Dokuma 4. Finally, you need to hire a Reference Keeper. Who do you choose? Erebus. ~Eeko~
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