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Everything posted by ALVIS

  1. ALVIS


    Because this place seems dead, I shall magically resurrect it using my awesome Lazarus powers! So, what the heck are nips?
  2. I really love Makuta, but the Master is definitely superior. HERE COME THE DRUMS HERE COME THE DRUMS
  3. You should totally make a habit of this. Do Blink next.
  4. Honestly, Lhik, I can write a 12-episode epic series without breaking a sweat and you get exhausted after one spoof? Actually, it's probably harder to write a comedy than an epic. So I can't criticize you.
  5. Hey whoa, sometimes I feel that way about the brainless sheep in my school.
  6. Yes. How about you design the first-ever level, consisting of a brawl against some Rahkshi on the Coliseum and some running through a dropship?
  7. sigh... Mental note: never bring up video games in a crowd of video gamer BZPers. Let's not turn this into a flame war. @ Omega: The one for Shadix's thing that you said you might work on? Remember? If not, I suppose it doesn't really matter. @ Talos: Um... well, if Omega would hurry up and defibrillate the Story Section, we might have something to do... @ Inferno: Try concept art and level design. There's essentially nothing done for either of them, so you should have some freedom with that.
  8. It's spelled "loathe", silly. Not being a Halo fan (indeed, not having played the game), I do strongly advise that, while we're allowed some fun, we really need to focus on SSB. So get to it. Talos, keep ripping music and stuff. Omega, work on concept art, that commercial thing for the podcast, and story. (I'm serious on that story!) Inferno, you can... uh... code something helpful. Parry, you can curl up in a corner and die. .... Okay, maybe you shouldn't follow in 2Tie's footsteps. It's just that I don't really remember what your talents are.
  9. What rock have you been hiding under? The rock in your BACKYARD! > Well, I haven't seen Inception, I haven't seen Christine O'Donnell in the New York Times (although I've heard the name), and I'd simply never heard of Nukaya before. (BZP is like high school - you can walk right past someone every day without realizing they exist. In fact, a guy in my Home Economics class recently was surprised to learn that I was actually in that period with him, and he knows me personally.)
  10. Keep it up, guys! As for me, I'm not dead. I've just been wondering where everyone else is.
  11. That's awesome. Forget the chopsticks, one is a REAL man if one can kill a fly with scissors. (Epic Karate Kid reference )
  12. DON'T look away. DON'T turn your head. And DON'T BLINK!

    Good luck. >:D

  13. Either one. Just revive the story section from its deathly stupor, please. @ Yawn: I dunno, it's up to PhantokaX.
  14. PhantokaX, you're my new best friend. XD @ Omega: Actually, speaking of the story section, when are you going to get that new chapter to me? Everything's sort of frozen up over there... :/
  15. Decapitation always makes your day more exciting! No, but seriously, that's disturbing.
  16. ALVIS

    Help, Quick

    Geez, I forgot Jeff even existed. I saw all you guys talking about him and had no clue what was going on. I'm ashamed of myself.
  17. Nah. His school's within walking distance of our house. (By the way, I've escaped. Dad pried the window screen off and sent my brother in with a screwdriver. XD)
  18. Mahri. Still not free, but my dad's trying to fix the lock. Scratch that, he's trying the window now. This is all quite amusing.
  19. Really? I didn't know that. But I'm sure I'd be gnashing my teeth in your situation. Then again, I wouldn't have let my friends pick the episode for me. XD Incidentally, funny story; I'm writing this while I'm trapped in my mom's office, with a freaked-out brother outside and my dad trying to save me. Basically, I was given the task of picking up my brother, making sure he got to soccer practice on time, and holding up the house while my parents were at work. Well, I got home and decided that I'd make him do a bit of homework before he could watch Doctor Who or go on the computer, so I put the remote in my pocket and went into mom's office (where our family's computer is). Since he was very adamant on not doing his homework, I locked the door. Well, then he went berserk, ramming into the door, trying to pick the lock, going through my possessions and threatening to break them. As it turned out, the second one was what clinched it. While he was going down to the basement, intending to come back up with my dad's trusty ladder and climb in through the office window (I know, right? lol), I went to the door to call my dad and get the kid under control. Well, I realize that the lock won't open. I'm stuck inside the office. So, I go over and open the window - but there's a mesh screen in front of it. My brother tries to wedge it out of the window while I'm explaining the situation (at this point he's freaking out because he's trapped me in the office and will probably be grounded for a year). Eventually I decide that wrecking the window won't help much and tell him to come back into the house and call my dad. So he did. Dad told us not to try anything else stupid and wait for him to get home. So, here I am - chatting with online friends while my dad calls the fire brigade or whatever. And it all started because I was trying to make my brother do his homework. XD
  20. Yeah. It's either that or the main theme from Mask of Light. Incidentally, funny story; I'm writing this while I'm trapped in my mom's office, with a freaked-out brother outside and my dad trying to save me. Basically, I was given the task of picking up my brother, making sure he got to soccer practice on time, and holding up the house while my parents were at work. Well, I got home and decided that I'd make him do a bit of homework before he could watch Doctor Who or go on the computer, so I put the remote in my pocket and went into mom's office (where our family's computer is). Since he was very adamant on not doing his homework, I locked the door. Well, then he went berserk, ramming into the door, trying to pick the lock, going through my possessions and threatening to break them. As it turned out, the second one was what clinched it. While he was going down to the basement, intending to come back up with my dad's trusty ladder and climb in through the office window (I know, right? lol), I went to the door to call my dad and get the kid under control. Well, I realize that the lock won't open. I'm stuck inside the office. So, I go over and open the window - but there's a mesh screen in front of it. My brother tries to wedge it out of the window while I'm explaining the situation (at this point he's freaking out because he's trapped me in the office and will probably be grounded for a year). Eventually I decide that wrecking the window won't help much and tell him to come back into the house and call my dad. So he did. Dad told us not to try anything else stupid and wait for him to get home. So, here I am - chatting with online friends while my dad calls the fire brigade or whatever. And it all started because I was trying to make my brother do his homework. XD
  21. 1. I see no pattern. 2. That's good. Keep it up. And if possible, could you go over to BS01 and record some of the music from the online animations? We need more music. @ Inferno: Regardless, I want you to work harder. >
  22. Ah, see? Team Angel works harder than Team Omega! So there! Also, on the subject of music: DON'T FORGET THE PIRAKA ONLINE ANIMATIONS! They had awesome music. Whoever could possibly record the music from those animations, please do so. They're available at BS01. Now, now, now!
  23. Try, uhh... All the characters besides the Mata, Takanuva, Makuta, Vezon, the Rahi Trainer, Krika, and Vakama... which would be... Ehlek Roodaka Matoro and uh... that's it for now...
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