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Everything posted by ALVIS

  1. Why doesn't anyone tell me when something important like this happens?
  2. Talos, I did suggest "Final Form" for that mode. Anyways, I'll describe Final Form Talos in detail soon, but first some food. Back in a jiffy! EDIT: Back. Here goes:
  3. @ Talos: Well, that was an... interesting... chapter. (But cut out the angle jokes, 'kay? Most of the players wouldn't understand it.) Cameos: Now, guys, we could still sneak Gornt in there, as a Vorox alpha male, but it's not at the top of our priority list. @ Omega: Shoot. Then think up a BIONICLE alter ego for yourself, or we'll be forced to use Shadix. @ Inferno: Well, it's no fun if you make all your characters invincible! That's why I hate writing for Smiley! > Also: Over 100 posts in Story Back to Talos: Okay, I edited your chapter anyway. It's just not completely done. Pohatu breaks the fourth wall. That's always fun. » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «
  4. I joined the forums, but according to its rules, I am not allowed to either: Post new topics in this forum Post replies to a topic in this forum Additionally, the actual topics are blocked by my parental-controls filter. So I'll stick to Shadix's oddly-named blog, thanks very much.
  5. Actually, I was going to include them in the story, near the end... you'll see... And LOL at the double-post epidemic. @ Omega: Great cameo, but geometry powers? No. @ Inferno: Nonsense. I'm a psychotic alien statue thing. You're a... LEGO thingamajummy with numbers at the end of his name. XD @ Talos: You've got plans? Interesting. I look forward to my reveal. And guys, we still need to pin down the identity of that Dark Hunter that got poned by the evil hordes on Odina... maybe Omega?
  6. I want to give you an approval, but I don't actually have a custom "approval" image. I'll just give you my banner and you can parade that around. http://www.majhost.com/gallery/Chunky4/DigitalArt/SAE/anglecrack.jpg
  7. Let's not forget the duck-pond-that-isn't-a-duck-pond. And wait, weren't you supposed to get back TODAY?
  8. I repeat: get working, everyone! Omega, Lewa-Kopaka! Talos, Pohatu-Talos! Now, now, now! Move it! *cracks whip again* It's perfectly fine to have Talos in the story, and possibly the brawls, too, I don't really care. All I care about is that we sneak some Weeping Angels into the background. XD
  9. Forums: I dunno. And yeah, it has been rather slow lately. On story: continue that little thing you had going with Pohatu and Talos, won't you? But make sure to head them in the direction of The Laboratory, okay? That's where everyone's going... eventually.
  10. Make sure it's epic, like the real Brawl theme. We need an impressive piece of music for our theme song.
  11. Well, then get working! *cracks whip*
  12. MUSIC I'm the only person here that's awesome enough to contradict myself like that. B) List of music: Smiley's Theme: Gridlocked Cassinis, from Doctor Who, suggested by Angel Bob I don't see how you can keep lying to yourself: 1. You're not awesome. 2. Everyone else here is. And for Smiley's theme, suggestion denied. I'm sorry, but that doesn't sound right. Depends on what others think, I may change my mind based on other's reactions. By the way, do you have anything that isn't Doctor Who? I'm getting tired of all the music from you being from the same thing. In short: I want other people's suggestions for Smiley's theme, preferrably not Doctor Who, unless it feels right. By the way: Electro wasn't a she, none of the Throwbots were (unless my source was wrong). Anyways, I still want that theme in there. Perhaps as Laboratory music while Smiley's running around? No, I don't really have anything that isn't Doctor Who. There's plenty of good music in Zelda, but it doesn't seem right with this. And we should avoid using ALL copyrighted music. Maybe we could hire Nusua... :/ SLIZERS As for the Slizers, of course they don't have genders. They're robots, you fools! XD The polls are now closed. The vote is in favor of Ski. Ski is now our designated Slizer.
  13. Nonsense. I know EXACTLY where you live, and I have 2/3 of this site on my side simply for being a Doctor Who fan. But in any case, I actually wasn't planning a hostile takeover. And is anyone going to actually work on Lewa-Kopaka, or do I have to do it all myself? I'll warn you, if I have to do it myself, it won't be done for a while, because I have a vigorous teenager party to attend within ten minutes. Ta-ta!
  14. I'm the only person here that's awesome enough to contradict myself like that. B) Anyways, so the vote seems to be swaying towards Ski. I'll "close the poll" tomorrow. On a completely unrelated note, I've been compiling the music themes we suggested for different parts of the game. What follows is a list, including the song, link, what it was the theme for, and who suggested it (so we can tell the lawyers who to sue if that comes up). XD List of music: Inter-dimensional Space: Mephiles Phase 2 (or whatever it's called), origin unknown, suggested by E-123 Omega Tuma's Theme: Vim and Vigor, from Kingdom Hearts, suggested by .....Yawn? Mahri Nui Laboratory: Aquatic Base Level 1, from SONIC 06, suggested by E-123 Omega Desert of Sorrows: The Rueful Fate of Donna Noble, from Doctor Who, suggested by Angel Bob Ko-Wahi: Silence in the Library, from Doctor Who, suggested by Angel Bob; Blink (Suite), from Doctor Who, suggested by Angel Bob The Laboratory: 0:46 to 1:39 of The Master Vainglorious, from Doctor Who, suggested by Angel Bob; The Master Tape, from Doctor Who, suggested by Angel Bob; Uphill, Both Ways, from HALO, suggested by Inferno630; Gridlocked Cassinis, from Doctor Who, suggested by Angel Bob Jimi Stringer's Theme: HERO, by AIM, suggested by Angel Bob The Grand Ocean (which we haven't gotten to yet, but might as well propose a theme for): Boe, from Doctor Who, suggested by Angel Bob Rahi Nui: Lone Wolf, from HALO, suggested (vaguely) by Inferno630 and clarified by Angel Bob Suspenseful Music: 0:00 to 0:27 of YANA (Excerpt), from Doctor Who, suggested by Angel Bob Omega, you suggested a few Vezon themes that had to do with this Mephiles person. Could you present them to us again so I might add them to the list?
  15. I believe that we are allowed to use B:NG's models. Is their video game a different "company" or something? We should be able to use its models if it's technically part of them... On a completely different note, I want to pin down which Slizer we're using. I have here a list of Slizers I think we could use (I want it to be a fairly humanoid one, and one that appears relatively neutral to conflicts): Scuba Ski Amazon Electro Spark Frankly, I vote Electro. He's cool. B)
  16. Makes sense. But we're really getting ahead of ourselves. Anyways, somebody write a new Lewa-Kopaka chapter. I think they should eventually catch up with Gresh-Kualus-Smiley, but as that group's currently in the Field of Shadows, that can wait a bit. The info on Lewa-Kopaka: they were coming out of a wasteland into a deep forest in a ravine. Possibly Gresh's forest, though his group has since moved out...
  17. Once more, I successfully revise/butcher two chapters in a relatively short span of time! » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... « » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «
  18. I dunno... can Cybermen even blink?

  19. Sure. In fact, doesn't he have dimensional portal abilities? 'Cuz if that's so, he can just meet someone who tells him the Laboratory is the place to be, and he rushes there. Also, we need him to find a partner. Have him join up with another group (Gresh-Rahi Trainer preferably).
  20. @ Inferno: As in, demented evil kind of thing. I'd like if you made it more detailed, too... with gaunt features? This is just a minifig, I know, but all our characters need details. @ Parry: Hmm... talk to Leskows about that. In other news, EPIC NEW BANNER. B)
  21. Did someone actually send you something about that? Cause then I should probably change mine too. They didn't send me anything, they just deleted the sig. :/ Then I found my awesome Weeping Angel pic, but apparently it's just 5 pixels over the height limit. So I put in a request at SAE to crop it a little, and I'll have it back up soon. About beta-testing: Reznas, we can put you on the list, but it's a LOOOONNNGGG way off. @ Parry: Put 'em on Brickshelf and show them to us here, and we'll decide. @ Inferno: Thanks for the banner. And Shadow Smiley... Well, I'd like it if you could make it a little more, well, twisted.
  22. Actually, I was close to finishing that, but then my brother dragged me to the couch for some LEGO Harry Potter, which drained up the rest of my evening. It's a great game, but it takes waaaaaayyy too long to do just one level. :/ Anyways, chapter butchered and posted in the Story Section. @ Leskows: That would be better discussed in the Modeling Section. @ 2Tie: I would delete you, but I removed my banner, too. You see, apparently -L-'s banner is waaaaaayyy over 100 KB... :/ I'm going to find an awesome banner and link to the blog with that. EDIT: Done.
  23. Omega, put that in spoilers, you naughty boy. XD Chapter revised. » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «
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