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Everything posted by ALVIS

  1. PhantokaX replied; says he might be useful for designing characters. Does anyone want to pay him any attention?
  2. Well, answer me this, Inferno: would anyone here really care if Omega died? I could always just write his parts for him. XD
  3. Programmers, modelers, and concept artists. BY THE HORDES. Oh, by the way - there's a guy on BS01 called PhantokaX who said he might be interested in being an author. Any way we could squeeze him in? EDIT: Shoot, I forgot - here's your lollipop. *hands lollipop to Inferno*
  4. ALVIS

    I'm Rusted!

    Really? What kind of insane happening led to THAT?
  5. Inferno, you stalker Just kidding. Well, Omega, hurricane or no hurricane, you've still got to get that chapter to me.
  6. 1. What are you glaring at ME for? I'm totally innocent. 2. You want organization? I'll give you organization. Omega, you redo your LEGO City concept art and see if you can recruit more concept artists. Inferno, you try and contact Leskows and Celu. Use your powers of charisma and big puppy eyes to convince them to return to work, and I'll give you a lollipop. Now get working.
  7. Oi! Empty out your inbox so I can send you an important message involving a new short story I just posted!

  8. I would argue that I deserve it, being second-in-command and all, but I don't feel like lording my position over everyone. I just got finished with cross-country and then homework; I don't need a thorough verbal flogging like Omega sometimes gives me. (That was a joke.) But yeah, I would say that's fair. Anyone who wants two characters can have 'em. Really, it's not our concern; it's just more work for Leskows and 2Tie. XD
  9. Sentimental... I like. Big guns... I like. Prose format... I like. » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... « Oh, by the way - I finally got back to posting stories in the Library. If anyone's interested in checking them out, my library is here.
  10. Yeah. That was my plan. Because both are awesome.
  11. That's Gornt. :annoyed2: But actually, I think he should be in there. He's a Vorox alpha male. That's all you need to know. So... we'll work him in somewhere. Maybe we could catch a glimpse of him prowling the Atero ruins. But yeah, Talos, there's an idea. I'll get it to you. Like, now.
  12. My new best friend. Read the beginning of the post.
  13. You and your warped philosophies. XD
  14. Other people either call me my real name or "Fez guy". Long story. But you shall call me either "Angel Bob" or "Clockwork Angel" from now on.
  15. @ Omega: Mavrah = awesomeness. You're my new best friend. ...and now you're not. XD Oh, and my character's name should be Clockwork Angel. Actually, maybe that should be the button combo to exit a match. You execute it and "TOPIC CLOSED" flashes across the screen. No, seriously, that would be awesome.
  16. Yeah. Plus a clockwork angel would be easier to KO people as than a statue. Duh. Also, someone had better get their brains racking for a premise for this proposed sequel to The Cracked Vahi. Given the ending I have planned, that could be difficult... but we'll see. We shall see.
  17. Ooookaaaayy.... Well then, resort to your "random slightly useless ideas" title. You seem to be good at it. XD EDIT: Cameo redone.
  18. That is a pretty awesome find, Talos. What would we do without you? XD
  19. I have no orders to give you besides the aforementioned "get 'em all to the Lab".
  20. ALVIS


    I didn't even catch onto premier perks week until we were halfway through, and anything I would blog about can be said in my posts. XD
  21. Direct copy and paste? In the rough chapter I did I just made up some crazy humanoid made of stone with wings and then made references with your name, if that is what you think is a direct copy and paste then I just got super lucky. Well, technically you didn't, as the Weeping Angels are psychopaths older than time who would never ally with the Dark Hunters in any case... but still. XD Chapter rewritten. » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «
  22. Actually, I think I'm going to redo my cameo, so as not to be directly copy-pasting a Weeping Angel in here.
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