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Everything posted by ALVIS

  1. I got my one-year spinny without really noticing it, but I'm kind of anxiously awaiting my two-year. I feel like a noob with just a one-year spinny.
  2. @ Omega: That was the Kanohi Vahi, which slows down time (except for Vakama) for an unspecified amount of time, thereby allowing him to punch the crud out of them. The golden Time energy flow from LoMN would be at the edges of the screen for extra flashiness.
  3. Clockwork Angel shall never surrender! *splooms FBI agents with awesomeness*
  4. By "our host", I was referring to Shadix, who is very picky about double posting in his blawg. Silly. As for 2Tie, I plead innocent.
  5. @ Omega: > @ Arcalis: That's good, keep it up, but please don't double post. Our host is rather picky about that.
  6. I would have tried chocolate chip cookies with tartar sauce, but there wasn't any. I DID try chicken with ranch dressing, but that's because I thought it was tartar sauce. Didn't taste too bad, really. XD
  7. We should definitely do that, but I don't have Skype or anything like that, and probably wouldn't be very convincing either. If any of you are very good at this sort of stuff, maybe you could piece together an advertisement consisting of Brawl sounds and then a desperate plead suggestion that anyone interested JOIN US.
  8. Really, they could be anybody. Doesn't matter at this point.
  9. OK fine then. Updated list: HERO FACTORY (back until someone gives me a good argument to sploom it)
  10. I'm always game to try new foods. Chocolate chip cookies with ketchup, macaroni-and-cheese pizza, tuna-potato chip sandwiches... yum yum yum, delicioso! (Remind me never to say that again.)
  11. Well, it takes a lot of hard work to get people actually working on stuff. Which reminds me - GET TO WORK! I enjoy my higher authority.
  12. Suggestions are always appreciated. Updates: Core War Chute System HERO FACTORY But I'm keeping The Mountain unless someone comes up with a really good argument to sploom it. It just has so much chaotic potential for a Brawl stage.
  13. Actually, from the start 2Tie saw me as the most helpful and therefore highest-ranking (besides her/him/it). Anyways, I won't have to bother with making the levels. That's your job. XD
  14. All of them. XD Inferno, you compile a list of stages and levels for my dear friend Arcalis. OK fine, maybe not. I've got a primitive list of some stages; let's take it out and have a look. Kini-Nui Ta-Koro Ga-Koro Le-Koro Po-Koro Ko-Koro Onu-Koro Mangaia Coliseum Arena Magna Mahri Nui Chamber of Life Core Processor The Mountain Codrex LEGO City HERO FACTORY
  15. It seems very Pohatu, so I'm fine. XD
  16. Archives Mole? Seriously? Well, we'd better fix that. But other than that, the Heart of the Visorak, and the Freeze Kanoka disk, most of your suggestions are great. *examines list again* I note that, for "Gooey Bomb", you have "Heart of the Visorak" listed. Not only does that not make sense, given the Heart's nature, but I thought the Gooey Bomb was going to be the Eccentric Rock. Ah! Here's the Eccentric Rock - under "Freezie". That kinda makes sense, but I preferred the Gooey Bomb plan. Oh, it doesn't help that the Freeze disk, which SHOULD be the Freezie, is listed as the Banana Peel. WAAAHT Okay, easy solution: Banana Peel - Unknown Gooey Bomb - Eccentric Rock Freezie - Freeze Kanoka Disk And as an added bonus, I'll fix the Unira, Party Ball, and Pitfall: Unira - Spine Slug Pitfall - Kanohi Garai Party Ball - I think this should be Matoran Sphere, and the Barrel can be a regular Barrel. See? Happygood.
  17. Actually, I promoted Talos to Fourth-in-Command, shoving Omega out of that rank and down to Fifth-in-Command. And he's also official Co-Author, yeah. » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «
  18. Okay, I'll give you lists: Inferno, you compile lists.
  19. 1. Besides him. 2. The last time I wrote a chapter? Lesseee... *checks The Cracked Vahi document* The last THING I wrote was my Clockwork Angel cameo, but technically the last CHAPTER I wrote was Chapter 10, where Tahu and Gali came across the master of the laboratory. Then we left that story arc and wrote all these other 30+ chapters detailing what everybody else was doing at the time. But I'm happy to be Editor-in-Chief. I'm still writing, just with other people's ideas. It's kind of interesting, really; a job I've never really done before.
  20. 1. Everything 2. Everything 3. Omega, work on that 4. Inferno, you work on that 5. Omega, you work on that 6. Inferno, you work on that But don't stop working on story chapters I think you guys can do all that and still write chapters.
  21. Yes, please do. I've waited long enough for this. After all, they're some of the most famous BIONICLE characters ever; we can't let them take a back seat in the action.
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