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Everything posted by ALVIS

  1. I feel your pain, Psychedelica. Gotta wait two weeks more before I can even record The Pandorica Opens. Still, at least I've found something to wait anxiously for, like the next BIONICLE comic.
  2. No, no, I have to finish The Hungry Earth and Cold Blood (EDIT: AND Vincent and the Doctor, The Lodger, and all those other episodes I appear to have missed) first! Don't tell me anything! But, erm, in the meantime, theory commencing: Err, the Pandorica probably contains the end of the universe or something, and a bunch of The Doctor's greatest friends and foes will reappear, and he'll somehow save the day when it's all over... right?
  3. Well, I obviously wouldn't have seen it, then... perhaps my dad would've, I'll ask him.
  4. I'm sure it's good. Which doctor? I don't think I've ever heard of that one before.
  5. It's clear to me that someone... or something... is on their scent. << >> OH MY GOSH, I HAVE TWO SHADOWS...
  6. Lhik, you're right, fish custard probably wouldn't taste that bad... just a bit odd.
  7. Nicely said, ~~Zarkan~~. Anyways, Greg, I heartily agree. A book would be nothing without a satisfying conclusion and explanation behind all the events. I love it when everything falls into place after or during the climax, and while that wasn't exactly the format BIONICLE used, it was still a great moment when Mata Nui's location was revealed. I don't know why people would complain about the story team actually explaining the world of BIONICLE - I can see why they might gripe about a few details like Makuta's true name, but not the Big Picture. So, thanks for revealing the mystery bit by bit in a really great way.
  8. Exactly my reasoning! Interesting that everyone seems to agree with me today. Must be because it's my birthday. Lhikevikk, we disapprove of your taste in potato chips. Particularly the whole grain ones. For this heinous offense we shall force you to consume vast amounts of fish custard and marmalade jelly.
  10. Just make it all as epic as humanly possible, and try and run the models by Greg to have them canonized as official. That's a high request, I know, but it will all be worth it in the end.
  11. Why is it that get-rich-quick schemes never work?
  12. Wait, what? No link to blawg in sig? Lhikevikk, I am now forced to bookmark this blog instead of clicking links to it!
  13. Next Tuesday is my birthday... Oh, and nice to see Ol' Two-Face again. Let us all give a resounding cheer for the return of Two-Face! And now for something completely different. As Lhikevikk knows, my friends and I celebrated the end of school on Friday with an all-night Doctor Who/Super Smash Bros. Brawl marathon. Brawl needs no discussion; I always cream everyone at Brawl. But as for Doctor Who... My dad, who's a Brit, has often tried to get me to see the show. Prior to Friday, though, the only episodes I'd seen were Dalek and Journey's End, neither of which had really captured my attention. (OK, the Dalek's skeletonizing ray gun was awesome, but that's all.) Friday night and Saturday morning, we watched my friend's hand-picked favorites: Rose, The Unquiet Dead, Dalek, Aliens in London, World War III, Blink (BEST. THING. ON. TELLY. EVAR.), The Sound of Drums, and its sequel (which I can't remember the name of). I am now completely hooked. In short, I've joined your club of Doctor Who fanatics and can now participate in your geeky discussions. Those clever enough to read minds will have deduced that this has some connection to my upcoming BZP makeover. Everything shall change come June 7... Oh, and the next day after that's my birthday, did I mention that yet?
  14. They used to have an E grade. Talk to old geezersexperienced people, they'll tell you.
  15. Well, at least I get a dramatic death, unlike being thrown down a mountain tied to a wok.
  16. I'm getting this feeling that Snake rarely checks his comment box...

  17. Any storyline that sinks to the level of including a vampire family is not worth my time (unless it's Doctor Who. Doctor Who is the exception to ANYTHING). Therefore I shall have to go with the Calvierri.
  18. ............................................________ ....................................,.-‘”...................``~., .............................,.-”...................................“-., .........................,/...............................................”:, .....................,?......................................................\, .................../...........................................................,} ................./......................................................,:`^`..} .............../...................................................,:”........./ ..............?.....__.........................................:`.........../ ............./__.(.....“~-,_..............................,:`........../ .........../(_....”~,_........“~,_....................,:`........_/ ..........{.._$;_......”=,_.......“-,_.......,.-~-,},.~”;/....} ...........((.....*~_.......”=-._......“;,,./`..../”............../ ...,,,___.\`~,......“~.,....................`.....}............../ ............(....`=-,,.......`........................(......;_,,-” ............/.`~,......`-...............................\....../\ .............\`~.*-,.....................................|,./.....\,__ ,,_..........}.>-._\...................................|..............`=~-, .....`=~-,_\_......`\,.................................\ ...................`=~-,,.\,...............................\ ................................`:,,...........................`\..............__ .....................................`=-,...................,%`>--==`` ........................................_\..........._,-%.......`\ ...................................,<`.._|_,-&``................`\ That's how you make life enemies, Lhikevikk.
  19. Nooo.... Master... pleeeeaassse.... I beseech you... I shall not fail you agaaiiinnnn....
  20. ALVIS

    My Vision

    Goodness, this sounds like some sort of evil villain's plot from an obscure book, but one that just might work... That is, provided anyone were diabolical enough to go about with it, of course. But no one here is. Right? *reads comments above* Uh-oh. Man, I need to hang out with healthier people.
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