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Makuta Matata

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Everything posted by Makuta Matata

  1. Being evil isnt in a Toa's, if Im right, but there are many that are/wereExcept, the amount of evil Toa is miniscule. What are the chances that every single Piraka on the team would care for each other? Also, caring and morality are two very different things.
  2. Zaktan. There was no need to kill him...
  3. Of the Barraki that are still alive and accounted for? They're named characters, so they must've gotten out.Also, they were working with the Order, so they probably got them out.This is true. You must also remember, however, that they made a deal with TSO once he found the viruses on Xia, because they had gained knowledge of them. The 5 of them probably fled together.~TobiBut we haven't heard anything on TSO either.
  4. Of the Barraki that are still alive and accounted for? They're named characters, so they must've gotten out.Also, they were working with the Order, so they probably got them out.
  5. Did the Barraki escape? I don't remember hearing about them...
  6. I like Jaller, Hewkii, Halhi, Macku, and Balta.Oh, and Garan.
  7. I should have brought a lexicon. XDThis story is genious. Executed well. I love the concept behind it. But somehow, I never pictured Toa of Iron to act like that... Just a little nitpick I hadm Maybe it would have been better if they weren't Toa, but some more Krekkas instead.
  8. I especially love the way that BZPower is nice and small, yet large at the same time. Similar to what SamH1995 said.
  9. BS01 says that they escaped onto Spherus Magna and they were last seen on the shore of Aqua Magna in a golden fortress with the Skakdi and the Golden-Skinned Being.
  10. Callin' out from Scatman's World!

  11. We know that after the Great Cataclysm, water flooded into the Pit and destroyed the prison, the the inmates went into the surrounding ocean. What we don't know is where that is in the MU. My theory is that it's located on one of the large islands in Mata Nui's feet. It would be far away from most civilizations, and they had east access to the ocean. Also, Voya Nui was far south of Mata Nui (the island), which covered Mata Nui's face, and since Voya Nui was floating above the new Pit, it can't have been far from the old one. My theory is that it's in his left foot, but that's just something I've always thought for no real reason...
  12. I think it depends on the disc. Like, the Disc of Time can probably be re-used, and same with the Toa Elemental Discs, but I think the other ones have a certain amount of uses before they break or something.
  13. Only if there was a teleportation portal or the like. (Otherwise it's impossible.)Yeah, there could easily be a portal there.
  14. I always thought that there was somehow a way to sail west and go through Mata Nui's walls and into his arms, but now that I think about, it seems less plausible.
  15. Just throwing this in, that the Toa Mata were created right before Mata Nui was activated for the first time. (You can find the information in Legend's #10: Swamp of Secrets or BS01)Then maybe it was only Matoran who weren't supposed to be Sapient. Maybe Toa were meant to be more sapient because they were supposed to be protectors. You have to be able to think to do that...
  16. It was only the Matoran who weren't meant to be Sapient. The Makuta, Skakdi, Tren Krom, etc, they were all meant to be Sapient. And do we know when the Toa Mata were first created? Because at the time of their creation, Sapience might have already been developed...
  17. Do they follow the Toa around as well?
  18. Well, the Elda isn't just used for sensing the Mask of Life. It's also used for sensing things like Matoro's Spirit. I can probably sense other things as well. I mean, She only had it for a few days, so he never really got to test the full extent of her powers. It might be like a sixth sense.
  19. I guess because he was really thereNo, Takua was, not Takanuva.In spirit he was.Oh. I guess that would explain why the Toa Metru didn't get their Toa Stars until after they defeated Makuta as well.
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