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Makuta Matata

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Everything posted by Makuta Matata

  1. Either Creeping in my Soul, Gravity Hurts, Closer to the Truth, Move Along, or the Bionicle Heroes OST. Bye Bye Babylon was good also.
  2. Sonic Adventure 2 HD? Hmm...

  3. Probably nothing would happen. I mean, they are already antidermis.
  4. MIserix. I don't know why, I just like him.I also really like Antroz.
  5. True. The Pit Mutagen still let the Mahri have Kanohi powers. But maybe because they were already wearing masks when they were mutated.It's a common misconception that Mutagen mutated the Mahri. But it was the Mask of Life which did it, making them immune to the mutagen in the process.But it mutated them in a similar manner that the mutagen would have. The mutagen would have allowed them to keep their old mask powers, like Lesovikk, Karzhani (or however you spell it), aaand... well, that's all the examples I've got off the top of my head.
  6. True. The Pit Mutagen still let the Mahri have Kanohi powers. But maybe because they were already wearing masks when they were mutated.If the Barraki wore masks, they would have had them on at the time of their mutation.
  7. If they did, they'd still have mask powers in the Pit, like the Mahri.
  8. I always just assumed that the Spinners can be used to fly...
  9. The Bahrag are on SM, the Bohrok are deactivated and in stasis.But what would the Bahrag be doing on SM? I mean, their only real function was to command the swarms. I feel like being on SM would be useless for them.Surviving. They apparently have a self-preservation instinct. That's enough for us without having a special job, why not Bahrag?And their programming doesn't necessarily end now that the robot can't function. It may simply be that based on their programming they need to continue to preserve the ability to command the swarms to Clean, even though now there won't (as far as you know ) be anything to clean again. Thus they need to survive, and the MU has become dangerous.So it isn't necessarily self-preservation for its own sake, but may be for the sake of the normal job. Just because you know that normal job isn't needed anymore doesn't mean they can just toss away their programming. To me that programming seemed to override all other considerations. Even when they were launched early and people they weren't actually enemies of -- as they even said -- were in their way, they had no choice but to carry out the programming.So, they've basically became Rahi in a sense?
  10. The Bahrag are on SM, the Bohrok are deactivated and in stasis.But what would the Bahrag be doing on SM? I mean, their only real function was to command the swarms. I feel like being on SM would be useless for them.
  11. They're probably been deactivated. As for the Bahrag, I'd say that they're probably on Spherus Magna or deactivated somehow.
  12. This could be a poll. Looks like people are generally agreeing on 2006, with 2007, 2008, and 2001 in second.
  13. I picture myself as a Sonic fanboy who appears to like Bionicle also, even though it's the other way around.
  14. I'd say Toa Inika, but only by a few days, max. Well remember, Krakua was trained by the Order.
  15. It would have made for an interesting setting for the Bionicle Universe.
  16. I kinda wish that Greg F would stop by just for a moment to tell us who the GB was...
  17. It was also near the Northern Continent and Zakaz, though. I think it just happened to be placed there.
  18. Also, the pit mutagen fixed the ones on Mahri Nui.
  19. Wait where is Carapar on your list?Did Takadox really hypnotise the Mahri? If he did, I might have to reconsider his placement. I suppose a great deal would matter on his surroundings; if he was in a cave like his home, then he would be advantaged. But remember that if an opponent makes it past his gaze, then he will almost certainly lose. Still, if he's able to avoid direct combat for enough time, it wouldn't be too hard.You make a good point about him in a team fight, though. Carapar is really useful for sucking up damage with his armor. It's likely that multiply opponents would have to attack him at once, and then Takadox could pick them off one at a time.He did in one of the serials. And I meant to place Carapar at the bottom, but I somehow typed Pridak. Also, does Nocturn count?
  20. I really like this philosophy. If we just pretend that the serials were never extended past 2010, there's no need to continue them.
  21. If it's a one on one fight, then Takadox should be near the bottom. But if he was battling more than one of them at once, I think he could win by hypnotizing one of them and turning them on one of the others. We know that he can easily get Carapar, but remember, he hypnotized the Toa Mahri, who seem pretty strong willed themselves. I think he could easily get Ehlek as well. Maybe Mantax and Kalmah. Somehow I think that all the Barraki together could take on Pridak. Even if it was a one on one battle, Takadox should be able to take down most of the Barraki without any trouble. Unless they can avoid his gaze. Which is why I'd put him at second or third. I'd say: 1. Pridak2. Takadox3. Mantax4. Ehlek5. Kalmah6. Pridak
  22. I wish that Lego would do that, but it doesn't realistically look like it'll happen.
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