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Makuta Matata

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Everything posted by Makuta Matata

  1. I've been wondering this too. I just assumed that he controlled gravity. The thing is, I'm surprised that Makuta managed to get that down so quickly.
  2. Halhi is very in-tune with wildlife, and her mask lets her use the powers of the animals around her. Not sure if that's one, but hey. Hewkii's a star Kolhi player, and he wears a mask of accuracy. Nuparu's an inventor, and he "invented" a new way to fly perse. Matoro was destined to die, and his mask could reanimate dead things... And that's all I've got.
  3. The Elda was basically useless. All she could do with it was see Matoro when he was a spirit.
  4. Nuparu was an odd one out, but it's not like he was the only Onu-Matoran engineer.
  5. Ta = TahuGa = GaliKo = KopakaLe = LewaPo = PohatuOnu = OnuaThe above is the connection. It brings up some storyline problems, sure, but that is the original reason for naming them what they're named.Maybe the Toa Mata were named after the prefixes.
  6. Oh, it's this topic again. The difference is that stone controls literally stone, while earth controls soil. Like, a mixture of minerals and biodegraded life forms and such.
  7. Technically, they're not, but they're the Bionicle equivalent. The difference is that kids age and become adults, whereas Matoran could be Matoran for their whole lives. Not every Matoran becomes a Toa. Same with Toa and Turaga.
  8. Well, I don't think the Zakaz thing matters too much, considering that there were no Matoran on the island of the Skakdi, as far as we know.But there easily could have been.Maybe originally, but I expect any Matoran there would leave or be killed off when the Skakdi were mutated and everything (metaphorically) went to Karzanhi.Well, when the MU was created, I don't really think that the GBs barred Matoran from Zakaz... They could have settled there if they had wanted to.
  9. Could he see alternate futures as well? Wouldnt that send you a bit insane?Yeah, that was because he didn't get the Mask of Creation. See, Arthaka and Karzhani could easily have had their places switched...
  10. He was originally intended to be good, but he went bad when Arthaka got the Mask of Creation.
  11. Well, I don't think the Zakaz thing matters too much, considering that there were no Matoran on the island of the Skakdi, as far as we know.But there easily could have been.
  12. Actually, it's greater endurance for Fe-Matoran, and greater strength for Po-Matoran. Both have to do with physical ability, but they're quite different.Well, it's still similar. Maybe it's the same for Ta-Matoran and Plasma Matoran. Ta-Matoran resist heat, so maybe Plasma Matoran can resist heat or something.
  13. Now that I think of it, Matoran of Magnetism having a great sense of direction sounds right. On the other hand, I still think that Matoran of Plasma should have about the same traits as Ta-Matoran, just like how Fe-Matoran (I think) have similar abilities to Po-Matoran. And Matoran of Plant Life might have enhanced gardening abilities, but they might be similar to Le-Matoran in the sense of agility. Or Maybe they're photosynthetic.
  14. Plant Life Matoran can probably make things grow better, like gardening and whatnot. Plasma Matoran are probably similar to Ta-Matoran. Gravity Matoran are probably heavier or something, and Magnetism Matoran maybe have a magnetic charge? And Lightning Matoran might be able to withstand Electricity better.
  15. He was going to do that to Icarax, but I'm pretty sure that Ignika described him as someone he shouldn't bother to waste his power on or something.
  16. I suppose it's plausible, but I think it's more likely that they just burrrow through and then the robot seals itself back up.
  17. This topic is talking about beings like Matoran, Toa, etc. living inside the MU, not the anatomy of the MU itself.Oh. Now I feel like a fool. DX
  18. Something like this: *Hewkii sees Gadunka* "Oh, it's my friend again!", says Hewkii. I don't think I like your taste in friends", says Kongu. "Yeah, I think of that every time I look at you", says Hewkii. Burned.
  19. It's probably my favorite Bionicle game ever. My only peeve is that Vezon is ridiculously overpowered.
  20. It can be any two Skakdi. Remember, Hakann and Avak used theirs together once? And to use it, I'm pretty sure it's the same process any Toa would use.
  21. Lasers are beams of concentrated light can precisely cut things. Heat beams are beams of heat that heat things. They can also cut things, but it; not as presisce and its more apt to burn it.
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