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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Click

  1. Click


    IC: Mirror - Tesara Streets The marketplace passed out of view rapidly, leaving Mirror with nothing but the sight of the dim alleyways and his strange companion who was all but dragging him along. "Where... are y-you taking me?" he asks nervously. IC: Ailun - The Moa (Outside New Atero) Ailun coldly turns back to his ship. "Yeah? Not my problem." This bot had caused enough trouble... though it looked like the captain had gained a lovely piece of scrap for it. IC: Fifteen - Capstone Her head felt just as heavy and inefficient as a chuck of raw protodermis. Her shoulders shook with pent-up anxiety and despair. "I didn't know," she offered as a weak, automatic excuse as she heard Xaril approach. IC: Sekra - The Makuta Killer (Aqua Magna) "'Some of us' don't mind," Sekra smirked at Sudrox as she pushed her way past into the diving bell. This thing was going to be cramped with a lot of tin cans and weapons stuffed inside... the sooner she could get out into the open water, the better.
  2. IC: Garrotte - Library She glanced around in dead-eyed wonder at the grand display of shelves. "What else can I find in here?" IC: Tube - Hallways Tube happily escorted their charge toward the Infirmary, glancing back as their Master announced the next round. Hopefully this would be quick so they could get back in time to watch the fights. IC: Melody - Refectory Her head slowly rose with renewed hope, and she looked around at the small group gathered around. "B-but at least n-now we're m-making a d-d-difference."
  3. Click


    IC: Fifteen - Capstone She jumped as the small group suddenly became the center of attention for a large number of lowlifes and criminals. For an instant, she wondered just what they had done. Did someone figure out they were from Fe? Her companion's words didn't make her feel any better. Her eyes darted down to her weapon, their tail forgotten in the moment. Hastily, she deactivated the staff and sheathed it at her side. Her eyes didn't rise from the floor after that. "I'm sorry," she said, in a small voice that hardly reached her own ears. She could only hope that would be enough to turn the wrath of the bar away from the visiting Matoran.
  4. Click


    IC: Fifteen - Capstone Capstone was filled with a wide variety of beings, but as Fifteen gazed through the crowd, one particular Onu-Matoran kept popping up. The first few times, she thought it might just be coincidence, but when she caught him pushing his way past a Skakdi to keep up, she knew he had to be following them. She pulled out her stun staff again, brandishing it in case he got too close. IC: Ailun - The Moa (Outside New Atero) Ailun turned back to the machine with a raised eyebrow. "Where do you think you're going, bot?"
  5. IC: Melody - Refectory "W-well..." she looks down in thought, and a bit of shame. "M-my friend... Sq-quid, once t-tried to start a c-class t-to teach p-people t-to be nicer. It... t-turned into a b-big f-fight."
  6. Click


    IC: Mirror - Tesara Marketplace Mirror was helplessly tugged along by the eccentric merchant with a wistful glance toward the chaos and his own vehicle. Hopefully Captain Jira wouldn't discipline him too harshly... IC: Fifteen - Capstone She kept a close eye on the nearby crowd, not wanting any of these theives get too close and make off with their possessions. She spares a quick moment to nod to her charge again, gesturing for him to lead the way. IC: Ailun - The Moa (Outside New Atero) "You can count on it," Ailun snapped before turning back to his ship. He had things to fix.
  7. Click


    IC: Ailun - The Moa (Outside New Atero) "And just who is giving your orders? I might have a few choice words to say to them." IC: Mirror - Tesara Marketplace Mirror looked up with a dazed expression, then squints through the smoke in the direction of the explosion and sees the attacking airship taking off. "I... I should help..."
  8. Click


    IC: Sekra - Makuta Killer Sekra raised an eyebrow before looking back down to her axes. If the others hadn't been so insistent that he not return here, she would be wondering if he left the ship... or even made this journey before... unless it was all a ploy. The gearbags outnumbered her now... there would be no help coming, and her poor ship was left all alone. Well, I'll be hanged if I don't go down fighting. IC: Mirror - Tesara Marketplace One minute, everything was normal. He was just a few steps from the cart, pondering what dinner items he could pair with a delicious madu fruit. The next, panic and fire engulfed the marketplace. Mirror was blasted to the ground, the screams of those around him indistinguishable from the ringing in his ears. He wasn't sure if he wanted to get up. Fight or flight was kicking in, and he wasn't even sure how to make that choice. IC: Fifteen - Capstone She looks over and nods on mention of her name, indicating her agreement to Karanta's proposal with as few words as possible. Perhaps she could find something for herself as well. IC: Ailun - The Moa (Outside New Atero) Ailun stalked up to the machine, completely undeterred by the massive difference in height as he craned his neck upward. "And what gives you the right to battle near a civilian ship, bot?"
  9. Click


    IC: Sekra - Makuta Killer She glances up for a precious second. "Oh, I know about the monsters. I was hoping you could be more specific with all of your experience in this matter." IC: Fifteen - Capstone After blinking hard a few times, the Capstone begins to rise from the horizon before her eyes. She pulls out her stun staff and straightens, trying to make up for her display by keeping a close eye on her surroundings. IC: Ailun - The Moa (Outside New Atero) "What the Karz happened out here?" Ailun came charging out of the hold, brandishing his pistol.
  10. Click


    IC: Mirror - Tesara Marketplace "My, uh... 'fix?'" Mirror replied nervously, slowly approaching. IC: Ailun - The Moa (Outside New Atero) "Hey!" He jumped to snatch the device from her hand, hanging it back in its place before returning to the broken throttle. "When it's your ship, you can make the rules. Until then..." The ship rocked slightly, weathered plates and rusty rivets grinding in a haunting moan. The lever tilted and fell again as Ailun's head snapped around back toward the door. "Oh come on!" He ran out without another word. IC: Fifteen - Iron Fist (Capstone) It took her a moment to realize they had arrived, having been so engrossed in her project the sudden halt in motion hardly phased her. So when she did come to her senses, she hurried to her feet and scrambled out of the hold with a miserable display of the proper march. The sun assaulted her eyes from every angle, making even the dull gangplank a vicious scar across her retinas after the long, dark journey. She nearly teetered off the edge once or twice. IC: Sekra - Makuta Killer Sekra sat near a window facing the ocean, once again sharpening her axes for peak performance in the coming struggle. She hoped she wouldn't need her Thornatus to drive those beasts off. Speaking of which... "Hey rustbucket, what kind of things have you seen out there before?"
  11. Click


    IC: Ailun - The Moa (Outside New Atero) Just as quickly as he had arrived, Threiaa was forgotten as Ailun raced to the control panel to look over the damage. He clutched his mask in despair, muttering to himself, "No, no, no... the radar, the environmental systems, the..." he cautiously tapped the throttle lever, and it fell to the ground with a clatter. "What!?" No, no, no, this ain't good..." IC: Mirror - Tesara Marketplace "Ahhh!" In a fit of panic at actually hearing TeeVee's voice, Mirror wrestled with his sword for a moment before the motion pulled him around to see the merchant's glowering face. Or, maybe he wasn't glowering. Mirror could never tell. Frozen in place, one hand still on his Lance, Mirror glanced back and forth to make sure he was the one being spoken to, before clearing his throat and answering, "Umm... s-sure."
  12. IC: Garrotte - Refectory Garrotte nods in a self-satisfied way, taking the Rahi's motions as defeat. IC: Tube - Gym "Master said I should help," Tube says resolutely as they take up position at Diode's side, despite his resistance.
  13. Click


    IC: Ailun - The Moa (Outside New Atero) Ailun's attention was finally torn away from the pilots brawling right outside by the creaking of his ship. He stared at the wobbling guns and roaring engine in confusion for a moment, only just figuring out what was happening before Threiaa's voice echoed from within. "Oh, for Mata Nui's sake..." He started stomping back inside before he turned back to... well, everyone out there, but Ennanas in particular to shout, "Don't let them touch my ship!" The sickening grinding of metal just out of view didn't fill him with much confidence. It may have taken Threiaa a while to find her way through the maze of passageways that led to the bridge, but Ailun had lain every scrap of metal and every rivet himself. It was only a dozen seconds later when he found his way to the doorway. "What the karz do you think you're doing?!" IC: Mirror - Tesara Marketplace With his shift completed, Mirror went to fulfill his promise and grab some Madu fruit for tonight's dinner... only to find the cart had closed down already. He stared at it in disappointment, somehow hoping TeeVee would pop out of one of the shuddered windows.
  14. Click


    IC: Ailun - The Moa (Outside New Atero) Well, that's one way to hit three Gukko with one stone, as they say. "Yeah, I don't want any harm coming to my ship. Keep an eye on them, would you?"
  15. Click


    IC: Ailun - The Moa (Outside New Atero) "Yep... I mean, nope! I think things are pretty safe out..." Ailun was cut off by a shower of sand from a crashing Rockoh. After he had finished coughing the dust from his lungs, he turns with more than a bit of exasperation to the pilot. "Mata Nui, are you kidding me right now?" IC: Fifteen - Iron Fist She continues tinkering as if the others weren't even there. IC: Sekra - Makuta Killer She stares at the disappearing biomech resolutely. "Not a chance," she says to Joe.
  16. IC: Tear - Hallways "I'm fine." She says quietly. She should really be getting away from this Rahk before someone gets hurt... IC: Garrotte - Refectory She breaks her staring contest with the Rahi to raise an eyebrow at Blossom, then turn to Vlad. "...really?" IC: Melody - Refectory She thinks back through the months. "I g-guess... since the b-beginning. I g-got h-here when the s-school first opened." IC: Tube - Gym Tube popped up next to their Master as if they had been called, grinning at the latest concluded match. "I can help!"
  17. IC: Tear - Hallways "I'm... T-Tear," she says softly, not raising her eyes from the ground. IC: Garrotte - Infirmary Garrotte nodded at the scene with an eyebrow raised appraisingly, while she thought, A good place to hide...
  18. Click


    IC: Ailun - Moa (Outside New Atero) "Nope, all good here!" he grins, wishing this freaky guy would go away already.
  19. Click


    IC: Ailun - Moa (Outside New Atero) "Uh, no... I just parked out here. Why does everyone think I need help?" IC: Fifteen - Iron Fist With the attention gone from her, Fifteen went back to her quiet tinkering. IC: Mirror - Tesara Marketplace He flinches, then snaps a quick salute and a faltering, "Th-thank you, citizen!" before disappearing back into the crowd.
  20. IC: Canvas - Refectory It wasn't long before the group arrived in the Refectory, and Canvas went to go find a place in line. It was nice and peaceful... for now. IC: Tear - Hallways Tear jumps and staggers back with a small cry, being equally distracted in her walking. "I-I'm sorry..." she mutters, looking down at the ground.
  21. Click


    IC: Ailun - Moa (Outside New Atero) "Umm... creatures?" He was feeling increasingly uncomfortable under the Glatorian's stare. "No, no creatures here!" IC: Fifteen - Iron Fist She holds it out for him to see the ungainly mess of scraps. "It's... nothing really. I didn't think to bring anything else for the journey." IC: Mirror - Tesara Marketplace "I will!" Mirror grins as he realizes Jira was gone. "But... uh, duty calls."
  22. IC: Melody - Hallways She smiles. "Let's g-go then." She starts off toward the Refectory, Canvas following along. IC: Tube - Infirmary With their mess... pretty much clean, Tube slips out into the halls while Palma was busy with the other patients. They had to get back to their Master. IC: Tear - Hallways Lost in thought, she continues wandering through the school with no real direction in mind. OOC: Tear open to interaction.
  23. Click


    IC: Ailun - Moa (Outside New Atero) "Okay... shoot." Ailun was still watching the stranger carefully. IC: Fifteen - Iron Fist She continues tinkering for a while before feeling the eyes on her and slowly looking up. "Oh... no, I'm just a Guard," she says quietly. IC: Mirror - Tesara Marketplace Mirror starts fishing through his armor for spare widgets, only to stop as he catches a glimpse of Jira. He drops his hands and shrugs. "I'm on duty now." IC: Serka - New Atero (Parking District) As she steps inside, she takes in the unusual features of the ship with an appraising grin. "Now this is my kind of ship."
  24. IC: Canvas - Hallways "Why don't we catch up over breakfast?" she suggests casually. IC: Garrotte - Gym She easily slides the blade into her sheath. "Lead the way."
  25. Click


    OOC: I have too many blue characters... IC: Ailun - Moa (Outside New Atero) He steps outside, blinking in the sunlight, to see a Jetrax with... a most unusual pilot. "Can I help you?" IC: Mirror - Tesara Marketplace Mirror laughs. "You don't need to worry about him, Captain. He's the one who sold me those Bula Berries last week!"
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