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Everything posted by Click

  1. IC: Melody - Infirmary Melody shook her head. "A f-friend did, b-but I d-don't think I c-could bear it." IC: Garrotte - Hallways "So much for greatest school in the universe... You're not going to steal anything else from me are you?" IC: Tube - Infirmary They cracked open an eye as Aerahk passed. Time to go. "Uh, me too!" They muttered to their unconscious patient before chasing off after their fellow minion. IC: Canvas - Dorms "Key? Oh... let me see..." She pulled away from Dormirahk to quickly check over her armor, making a pitiful show as she constantly fell against the wall unsupported.
  2. I cannot tell you how excited I am for this game. I've been eagerly anticipating it since the very first post. As Scorp said, "Sky Pirates!" There's some great worldbuilding going on in here. I like how unique and balanced each city is; there's no obvious place you "have" to live, especially given most of the game takes place above the cities. Thank you so much for that teleportation system. Seems it will resolve many of the same issues as the Infinite system from Bionifight. As for the vehicles themselves, overall they seem alright, though I feel like there are some classes missing. I mean, what's the point of flying around a Rockoh or Axalara if the aircraft is more durable than the pilot? Would it be possible to modify the base design of one or both to add armor for the pilot? The way I see it, it could be something like this: Airship: Pros: Cargo carrier, large platform, Cons: Slow, generally unarmed. ("Freighters") Jetpack: Pros: Lightweight, long-lasting, Cons: Little carrying capacity, small species only, unarmed. ("Long distance") Skyfighter: Pros: Fast, agile, Cons: Weak armor, small species only ("Offensive") Rockoh: Pros: Heavy armor, ramming, Cons: Slow ("Tank") Jetrax: Pros: Fast, agile, three weapons, Cons: Weak armor, vulnerable ("Glass Cannon") Axalara: Pros: Mid armor, reasonable speed, Cons: No specialty, exposed pilot? ("Balanced") Also, one question about the Axalara: Does the bomb doors count toward the two weapons? Might be a good idea to clarify that Toa are extinct in this universe, just in case. Also, I'm totally making a "neutral" Junker who scavenges the deserts for parts to trade. Please and thank you. Other than that, I don't see any glaring problems, and I look forward to playing!
  3. IC: Canvas - Hallways "Let's see..." It had been so long since she last stopped at her dorm, and the numbers swirling through her mind didn't seem to fit. Not to mention they were making her headache worse. "I... I think it was 134. Yeah." IC: Garrotte - Hallways "What?" Garrotte frowned in disappointment. "You don't have anyone to throw out a welcome mat? ...Does he do that to everyone?"
  4. IC: Garrotte - Hallways "Well... hurry back. Swords don't fix themselves... though it would be nice if they did."
  5. IC: Garrotte - Hallways "It's... Garrotte." She said for the second time.
  6. IC: Garrotte - Hallways "Oh, okay. Um... thanks... what'd ya say your name was?"
  7. IC: Garrotte - Hallways She peered at the sword but didn't see anything wrong with it. Maybe that's why this Rahkshi was the welcoming committee. "What should I do in the meantime?"
  8. IC: Garrotte - Hallways "Really? You could do that? How long would it take?"
  9. IC: Garrotte - Hallways The tiniest crinkle of worry appeared above her eyes. "But... I didn't bring anything else. Can't you fix it?"
  10. IC: Garrotte - Hallways Well, that sort of made sense... after all, this was the welcoming committee. She should be able to trust him. She unsheathed her sword and held it out in her hands for him to take. "I... uh... don't think there's anything wrong with it, even if it's just a runt."
  11. IC: Melody - Infirmary Melody nodded back understandingly, though her brow was furrowed with worry. "Th-the other one is n-not so f-friendly. Sh-she fears h-he may have h-hurt someone." IC: Tube - Infirmary Tube all but shoved Slif's dead weight onto a bed and leaned up against the wall panting. IC: Garrotte - Hallways She didn't even flinch. "Why do you need it?" This guy was giving her the creeps, and she didn't like the idea of handing her only weapon over to him.
  12. IC: Canvas - Hallways Canvas was in no state to fight back, though she didn't like it. All this time looking for Melody and she would have to put it on hold again, just because of Hollow. IC: Melody - Infirmary Melody frowned a little. "H-how did y-you know?" IC: Tube - Hallways "Huh?" Tube followed Slif's gaze too late, earning only an awkward half-step that nearly sent the pair toppling. Whatever Slif said, he would be feeling better shortly. They were walking into the Infirmary now.
  13. IC: Canvas - Hallways "But... what about the Fellowship? We... we should find them..." Canvas replied weakly, closing her eyes against the spinning world. IC: Melody - Infirmary "W-we ap-preciate it," Melody smiled, looking back to Tear. "H-her life is n-not an easy one."
  14. IC: Garrotte - Hallways She lowered the vial slightly. "Oh, 'course you are... umm..." She put the vial back and looked at her slimy hand in disgust, turning about in place to find somewhere to clean it off. She settled for rubbing it off against her belt before holding it out in marginally better condition to Pyle. "It's... Garrotte, but... don't worry, I don't bite, though my poison gets a bit tingly." IC: Canvas - Hallways "Great! Maybe you can help me find..." In her excitement, Canvas jumped to her feet, only to fall back against the wall with a groan.
  15. IC: Canvas - Hallways She glanced up at Dormirahk again, a smile beginning to appear on her face. "Are you interested in joining?"
  16. IC: Canvas - Hallways Canvas' head drooped again. "This is a terrible place to be... it was supposed to be better than the old Rahkshi, but the students are just as feral." IC: Garrotte - Hallways Garrotte's eye caught motion in front of her... not just that, but a lot of light as well. She squinted up to see what was probably the strangest Rahkshi she had ever seen... and that was saying something. She just stared at Vlad as he passed, as still as a statue. That is, until a harsh voice whispered from right behind her, and Garrotte jumped back, a vial of poison in her hand. "Who wants ta know?"
  17. IC: Canvas - Hallways Perhaps this could help her after all. "I'm a part of this group, the Fellowship of Peace. It's a bunch of Rahkshi who are trying to change things in this school, make it so violence isn't the first response." She watched the Rahk's reaction carefully. "And there was someone who... wasn't right for the group."
  18. IC: Canvas - Hallways She looked at him curiously. "I don't suppose you've ever had a complete psychopath chasing you down for something that wasn't even your fault?"
  19. IC: Canvas - Hallways She dropped her head into her hands. "It's been a rough day..."
  20. IC: Canvas - Hallways "No, I'm fine. I should really be... going..." Canvas unsuccessfully tried again to get up.
  21. IC: Canvas - Hallways "Hmm?" She looked up to find an enormous Rahkshi of Sleep. "Oh just... taking a breather."
  22. IC: Tear - Infirmary Tear's body shook as she tried to stay rigid for Fate. She was scared and in pain from the delicate operation, but she was determined to do everything she could to make sure it worked. Wait... who... who is that? It didn't matter. Palma's touch quickly took away the pain and the fear, and Tear relaxed. The relief was so great she didn't even think to thank the nurse. IC: Melody - Infirmary Melody carefully stepped back from Tear as the nurse completed her job. She was glad Palma came when she did. It was hard to see the small Rahkshi so frightened and not being able to help. She turned back to Fate. "Th-th-thank you," she whispered. "B-but... w-who are y-you?" IC: Tube - Hallways "Don't worry," Tube said cheerfully to Slif. "We're almost to the Infirmary!" IC: Canvas - Hallways Canvas sagged back against the wall wearily. She really hoped Hollow would leave her alone now. She couldn't take much more of this stress. Keep it up, and he might just get his wish: her death. She had to find Melody. Canvas tried to push herself up, only to be hit with another wave of dizziness. Maybe she should just stay here. IC: Garrotte - Hallways She could get used to this. There wasn't a Rahkshi in sight as she crept through the hallways, feeling very much like an intruder into the quiet. Where was everyone? OOC: Canvas and Garrotte open to interaction.
  23. Oh no, I welcome it. Sorry about being so late to reply to this, but I honestly didn't expect any good feedback on the topic, so I'm really glad to have some. Allow me to explain some of my decisions further. Thank you, I'll consider going through and adding links to BS01. Might take a while though... Of course. Sigh, you've got to be kidding me... that was one of my favorites too. Guess I'll have to figure out where he fits in... For one, Roodaka already has a canon species. Also, they possess other abilities and physical traits such as Shadow Stealer's shadow teleportation and Darkness' mask that liken them to Makuta. They also lack traits that could easily pair them with another species, so when Akavakaku proposed this theory, I thought it sounded reasonable. Admittedly, Kalmah's region being in on the other half of the MU is the greatest argument against Kalmah being a part of this species (also the fact that apparently they can't wear Kanohi... another detail recently canonized). However, BS01 never mentions that he originated from that region. Kalmah has also been heavily mutated, but there are residual features in him that promote this comparison like his long, shield-like face and the two "tusks" underneath his face, while he only shares his armor color with Tyrant (and Lurker). And to be honest, Kalmah was the last Barraki (besides Takadox) to receive other members of his species, and this seemed like the best fit. I just never understood this distinction. Why is it two very similar creatures are classified so differently? What exactly caused this distinction? I've always imagined that Krahka is a more feral member of her species after living among and shapeshifting into Rahi for many years. Triglax, on the other hand, has been living among the Dark Hunters and must act as civilized as possible. Maybe they are both Rahi I guess, but I don't see why, for the purpose of this list, we can't have them be the same species. (And if Rahi is an entirely Matoran-defined term, why is it Poison is classified as sapient when his bio specifically states Matoran confused him for a Rahi? And Airwatcher is far from the brightest of DHs and could easily be a Rahi.) Native inhabitants of both of these islands are canon with very few details about either one. While working on this list, I found very few beings who could fit the description of them, however Dweller's species fit nicely. As for Lariska, this theory was proposed by Toa Onaku and it made sense. Lariska is one of the most trusted operatives of the DHs and, as far as we've seen, completely unique. I don't see why she couldn't have betrayed her people and island to TSO. Pridak is one of the strongest comparisons for the Barraki species. His realm includes the land of Visorak, his stature is tall and thin, and he is driven by pride. It's a nice way to merge two species to one. Care to explain why the comparison between Steltans and Hydraxon bugs you? Honestly, I'm not seeing a lot of similarities. Yes, they have four arms and Sentrakh is heavily mutated, but their proportions differ greatly and Gladiator is much taller. As I said, I didn't want to make this topic into something canonizing Jerbraz's species, but if you'd like to make a topic on you're own you're welcome to.
  24. If you mean inside the school, the closest thing is the Porters which only deliver messages given to them by a staff member or Prefect. Otherwise, it isn't all that hard to slip a paper into their dorm. Outside the school... most likely not. The only ones who want to meet Rahkshi are the Makuta and they have plenty of better ways to get messages to their children.
  25. IC: Garrotte - Hallways Well, this is it. The large grey slab resting at the top of the precipice certainly wasn't much to look at. She almost passed right over it on her way. And now here she was, standing in the doorway. All this talk of the grand spectacle, the brilliant minds, the vaulted entryways, and it ends up... ...a grey slab. Sighing to herself, Garrotte pushed her way inside, muttering, "Here goes nothing..." IC: Tear - Infirmary Tear's breath quickened and her eyes began watering in panic. The pain in her neck was flaring up again. "N-n-n-no..." I'm going to die. We both are... IC: Melody - Infirmary Melody did as she was told and tried to help keep Tear steady as best she could. She could see Tear was scared and rested a reassuring hand on her shoulder. IC: Canvas - Hallways "Wait, where're you..." Canvas stumbled half a step forward, barely catching herself against the wall as her vision swam. "Er... maybe I should... sit down." OOC: Garrotte open to interaction.
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