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Everything posted by Click

  1. IC: Canvas - Library Her eyes burned back into Hollow as she told Vlad to, "Stand down." Their argument was going nowhere, and Canvas didn't want any other casualties of Hollow.
  2. IC: Canvas - Library She only stepped up to Vlad's side. "I already said I'd take you to your brother if you'd just listen to me! Or did that not make it through your thick head?" IC: Tear - Infirmary "M-Melody?" she whispered weakly as she recognized the Rahkshi walking into the room. IC: Melody - Infirmary She turned to Tear, recognized her, then whispered to Sim, "Go find somewhere to sit down."
  3. IC: Canvas - Library Flamboyant? Compared to this knucklehead? "You still believe I would hurt him after I joined a group of peaceful Rahkshi? He's my friend, and I know he's alright. Leave them alone and I'll show you."
  4. IC: Canvas - Library She could deal with looks. Looks kept Hollow from crushing her. She did her best to mirror his venom until he looked away. Then she stepped between the two. "He is none of your concern. It's me you're after."
  5. IC: Canvas - Library She took a deep breath and tried again to be brave, hiding her shaking hands behind her back. "L-look, we had an... an argument. B-but I can show you where I left him! He's probably still there!"
  6. IC: Canvas - Library She was about to answer when the student she had been hoping was just another browsing books or investigating their meeting resolved himself to be Hollow with a rumble. But why is he here? Xi is just right over... oh... "W-what do you w-want?" She tried to sound brave, but failed miserably.
  7. IC: Canvas - Library "The Toa... they aren't very peaceful though. I hear some of them kill Makuta."
  8. IC: Tear - Infirmary Realizing she was staring, Tear quickly looked back up at the ceiling. He was here... and she, no he might be the reason behind it. Tear wanted to carefully slip out the door and leave him behind, but a sharp pain in her neck as she tried to get up reminded her why she was there. Resigned to her fate, Tear slumped back onto the bed and tried to avoid making eye contact with Spindle or... whoever that other Rahkshi was. IC: Canvas - Library "Oh just... research then." Canvas tried to hide her disappointment. "What are you finding out?" IC: Melody - Hallways Melody didn't waste any time in dragging Sim off towards the Infirmary, anxiously silent.
  9. I find it hilarious that those B:NG masks have practically become canon. Let's take these one by one: Mask of Clairvoyance: My, that's beautiful. The forehead is flawlessly done, though I think the mouth/cheek area could be wider/deeper. My only other complaint would be the sides of the mask. The original model curved around instead of having those awkward squares on either side of the head. Mask of Emulation: Yeah... I've got to agree with Cezium. This one could use some work. I like where you're going with the long mouth area, but the sides could be brought back more, the eyes shortened (they weren't nearly that tall in the original comic appearance), and generally it could use some smoothing out. Mask of Growth: You're on the right track with this one, but I'd recommend working on defining the mouth area and maybe doing something different with the top "horn" things. The etching work there and on the top of the mask looks great though. Mask of Rahi Control: Again, it's a little flat and boxy. Try to capture the trapezoidal shape of the original a little more by bringing the sides of the mouth in and the top out. It would add a lot to the mask to angle the faces just below the eyeholes, including those circular areas, and add a bit of concavity to the mouth. General notes: The mask of Clairvoyance is one of the best ones I've seen you do. It's good to see you're improving your modeling techniques and learning to capture some difficult shapes accurately. It also looks like these shouldn't have a problem fitting on a head or matching up the eyeholes, so great job there too. A bit of advice: The cost of your model is entirely determined by the material used, so the reason your models are so expensive (well, I guess they are still on the cheaper end of Shapeways masks) is that they have a lot of thickness to them. I've been making my masks with the standard Lego 1.5 mm thickness and haven't had a single problem with it breaking. It makes the masks cheaper and look better, as well as adding potential for more details. Also, the geometry in some of these masks is very easy to see. I'm sure it doesn't print too poorly, but the designs could be smoother. Try to use more faces when modelling, or use a Subdivide Surfaces modifier to get that extra smoothness. I hope that helps!
  10. IC: Melody - Courtyard She smiles at Waiata's obvious excitement. "P-perhaps we c-can play together sometime... after I g-get this g-guy to the Infirmary." She grabs Sim's arm.
  11. IC: Melody - Courtyard In answer, she pulled out her flute and played a quick trill. IC: Tear - Infirmary Tear groaned softly. She didn't have time to waste in here with this injury. She had to find the Fellowship. She had to see if they were okay. She had to get their help. She had to find out... Her eyes caught a glimpse of Spindle lying on another bed. Oh nonononono... IC: Tube - Gym Maybe they were wrong. It was much more fun to watch the tournament than fight in it. They loved watching the Rahkshi pretend they didn't know how to fight.
  12. IC: Canvas - Library "Good. That's good." Canvas lay back in the chair, hoping he meant he was staying with them. IC: Melody - Courtyard "Oh!" She stopped suddenly and turned around again. She had almost forgotten about the other Rahkshi there. "Th-thank you. I'm M-Melody, and th-this is..." She trailed off to let Sim introduce himself.
  13. IC: Melody - Courtyard "It's what f-friends do." But her smile was quick changed for a more serious look. "F-friends also sh-should know when t-to take f-friends to the Infirmary. Let's g-go."
  14. IC: Melody - Courtyard She nodded. "C-can you w-walk?"
  15. IC: Canvas - Library She laughed good-naturedly. It felt good to laugh. "Anything worth sharing with us simple folk?" IC: Tear - Infirmary Tear all but stumbled into the Infirmary when at last she found it and sank onto a bed. IC: Melody - Courtyard Melody crawled up behind Blue and Sim, smiling slightly at her success. OOC: No tricks this time, I just honestly forgot to switch Tear's color again
  16. It might help to update/colorcode the first post based on what you've sold so far.
  17. IC: Tear - Hallways She wandered through the halls, trying to remember her way back to the Infirmary. Her neck still hurt, but at least the corridors were tight and comfortable in here, like a warm blanket for her. IC: Melody - Courtyard She took a moment to think over how best to get Sim out without hurting him. In theory, if he fell in here like this, the easiest way would be to pull him right back out again in the same direction. She tossed his staff out of the hole and out of the way before carefully sliding Blue around Sim's back with the Shapeshifter helping to pull himself through. With that done, she tightly held what was Blue's head and the closest part of his body, calling up, "P-pull!" OOC: "Bunnying" approved
  18. IC: Tube - Gym Tube happily plopped themself next to their Master to watch the show, though they wished they could be a part of it. IC: Canvas - Library She smiled slightly as Sepulchral sat beside her. "So... what else did I miss?" IC: Melody - Courtyard Seeing this wasn't working, Melody decided to take things into her own hands. Using Blue as the rope he offered himself to be, she lowered herself into the hole. "St-stay still," she whispered to Sim. IC: Tear - Causeway to Hallways Tear awoke with a soft whimper of pain. She rubbed the sore spot on her neck. That hadn't been there earlier. In fact, when did she get out here.... Panicked both by the wide expanse of the horizon around her and what might have happened while she was out, Tear staggered back inside, trying to keep her eyes closed.
  19. With Ultron away, not much has been going on, though Thurisaz organized a tournament that is currently going on in the Gym. I actually really like your drawing. It's very clear who it's supposed to be and yet a little cartoony as fitting the character.
  20. I'm interested in: Hordika Nokama Piraka Avak Mistika Onua Puck Passer Silver Miru White Kaukau Nuva As for what I can trade, I did have quite a few of the sets you are looking for, though I'd likely have to piece them back together from my part bins. Sets like the '02 Matoran and maybe some of the Voya Nui Matoran. I'll also look through my ancient archives of instructions to see if I have any matches. I think I can also spare a green Miru, brown Kakama, tan Komau, Orange Pakari, and UD Kraahkan. I know that's a mess, but let me know if you're interested!
  21. I'm going to attempt to save you some pain and let you know why this is unlikely. As a 3D modeler myself, I know that to model even Lego's designs can take hours and hours of work, plus more if the design came from your head. After all that work, so many people ask if they can just have the file for free so they can print as many as they want. For all we know, they could go off and sell our designs for double the printing price or more. I'm sure you have the most innocent of intentions, but I'm just letting you know how this sounds from a modeler's perspective. However, there are a few websites out there that allow you to download files that modelers have uploaded for free use, but in all my searching of those, I've only found a handful of rough Bionicle models that may or may not even be the right scale. So here are your best two options: 1. Learn how to 3D model and you can create all the designs you want for 3D printing (I just watched a bunch of YouTube videos to get where I am now... three years later) 2. Shapeways is a fantastic 3D printing service where you can order 3D prints of designs created by others (I'm sure you came across it in your searching). There are a lot of brilliant Bionicle 3D modelers with a great variety of masks, tools, and even custom CCBS limbs. The prices are reasonable, the shipping cheap and fast, and odds are the quality (and color option) is far better there than your local 3D printer. If you want custom parts, this is where I'd recommend you go before trying to find someone to hand over models to be printed cheaply.
  22. IC: Canvas - Library She sighed and tried to calm down. "You're right. I don't need to take this on myself. I just wish everyone was here so we could work it out!" She anxiously collapsed into a chair.
  23. Honestly, it wasn't even a contest. 3 was the only one here that really looked G1 to me, and it's especially impressive that they used mostly parts available before 2005. Plus I like Dark Hunters.
  24. IC: Tube - Refectory But all Tube heard was mindless babbling as they turned and followed after Aerahk, happily swinging their mace.
  25. Pretty much. Post your idea here, and I think there's at least a week trial period for people to critique your game and help you refine the rules. Once people start saying it looks good, then you can post it in the Request Topic, and the judges will take it from there.
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