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Everything posted by Click

  1. IC: Garuda - Tesara "Down below the city!" Garuda called back as she took off. "Don't worry, I'll tell my Zesk friends you're okay!" IC: Mirror - Tesara Guardhouse "Good," Mirror said flatly. "Now, what brings you to Tesara?"
  2. IC: Garuda - Tesara She hurried back to her ship and revved up the engines, watching anxiously to make sure the guard was following. IC: Mirror - Tesara Guardhouse "Funny you should say that, because the Captain suggested a way you could repay us. We'll need to know everything you did in the last 36 hours and everything you know about those robots. But for now, let's start with your name."
  3. IC: Mirror - Tesara Guardhouse Mere moments later, Mirror found himself back at the Guardhouse, where he informed the men standing guard he had "orders from the Captain" before approaching the cell again. "I've spoken with our Captain," he told the Vortixx. "She couldn't make it herself given she's still in recovery." IC: Garuda - Tesara "I don't know. Tilly wouldn't let me see. Would you please hurry?"
  4. IC: Garuda - Tesara She shook her head soberly. "I... don't think they need help anymore. Please..."
  5. IC: Mirror - Tesara Medical Tent Mirror nodded and saluted, excusing himself from the tent to find this "Silvana" again. IC: Garuda - Tesara "My sister told me to find a Guard because there was a crime comted. There was a hand reaching out of the trash underneath Tesara where I spend time with my Zesk friends."
  6. IC: Mirror - Tesara Medical Tent "So... what would you have me do with her?" IC: Garuda - Tesara Outskirts Garuda parked the Sand Bat in a proper space (for once) and ran off into the city almost before the engines shut off. There was a guard by the exit, which she poked in the leg to ask, "Hello?"
  7. IC: Mirror - Tesara Medical Tent "I'm sure she does, but we must consider the city beyond our personal curiosities." IC: Garuda - Tesara Outskirts Garuda nodded again and ran to her ship on all fours. She couldn't resist taking a look back over her shoulder once she got there, but Matilda's hunched form spared her from the sight. From there, she didn't stop until she was flying over the city in the Sand Bat, searching for a Guard. They weren't hard to find before in the wake of the disaster.
  8. I thought I was patient enough (almost two weeks), but I did hold off making a followup post just in case you did come back. If Bacchus wants to catch her again, fine with me.
  9. IC: Mirror - Tesara Medical Tent “Captain? Are you sure that’s wise?” he asked after Tekmo had gone. “She was hardly cooperative, and every minute she’s here invites another attack. IC: Garuda - Tesara Outskirts Garuda nodded, still hiding from the fear. IC: Kaenis - New Atero Residential District Growing impatient, Kaenis snatched her bags back and shuffled back toward the Parking District as the crowds began to disperse.
  10. IC: Mirror - Tesara Medical Tent "Not exactly..." Mirror admitted. "She's a bounty hunter, likely with a long list of enemies. One of them seems to have found her in the market, but she claims she was unaware of them until after arriving. Frankly, Captain, I propose we process her as a victim and get her out of our town as quickly as possible, for as long as possible." IC: Garuda - Tesara Outskirts As soon as she recognized what was in the pile, Garuda squeaked and ducked behind Tilly, covering her eyes.
  11. IC: Mirror - Tesara Medical Tent He took the cue and stepped in after Tekmo. "Captain," he said with a salute. "I've finished questioning the prisoner." IC: Garuda - Tesara Outskirts She watched anxiously over Tilly's shoulder, wondering if she'd have to run and hide a second time in one day.
  12. IC: Mirror - Tesara “I see...” Mirror said, thinking he knew where this was going, and not liking it. Their walk had brought them outside the medical tent, and Mirror wavered at the door. “...be careful.” IC: Garuda - Tesara Outskirts Garuda was a naturally curious little Zesk, but the moment that smell hit her nose, she froze, her instincts telling her something was wrong. She slowly looked back to the others, calling quietly, “...Tilly?”
  13. IC: Mirror - Tesara "Actually, this is all news to me. Never got a good look at Fe machinery until earlier today. The thought of such designs being out in the open is definitely something to be concerned about. I'm on my way to see what the Captain thinks of all this." IC: Garuda - Tesara Outskirts Quickly growing bored with the adult conversation, Garuda noticed the Zesks fighting over some trash heap. Sighing in an exaggerated way, she squirmed out of Tilly's arms and scampered over, snapping at them to break it up.
  14. IC: Garuda - Tesara Outskirts “And she’s my sister!” IC: Mirror - Tesara “Fe... what else do you know about the machines? The... Maxilos?”
  15. IC: Garuda - Tesara Outskirts “No, this is Tesara... kind of...” Garuda squirmed in her sister’s arms, trying to make herself smaller. IC: Mirror - Tesara Mirror looked down to see a fellow Guardsman. “Nothing that we couldn’t guess. She...” he trailed off, looking around and lowering his voice. “She’s a bounty hunter. Didn’t realize she was being followed until just about the time of the attack.”
  16. IC: Garuda - Tesara Outskirts Garuda sniffled and looked up, tears just about dried up. "Like, even if I ask for berry pie?" IC: Mirror - Tesara Guardhouse "Ultimately it'll be up to the Captain and the Council's discretion. But that is my recommendation." Without another word Mirror exited the Guardhouse, sighed, and started on his way back to the medical tent to find the Captain.
  17. IC: Mirror - Tesara Guardhouse "And yet you knowingly brought three deadly machines into the middle of the largest gathering this planet has seen in years, suggesting that if we release you you may very well do it again. That's all the reason I need." IC: Garuda - Tesara Outskirts Garuda's face screwed up beneath her helmet as she tried to come up with the best way to put it, but she just pulled herself closer to Tilly and whimpered some more.
  18. IC: Mirror - Tesara Guardhouse "Ah. Maybe I should add exile to my recommendation." He was tired of these games. There were better things to be doing in this town than speaking to the mercenary who had endangered all of it. IC: Garuda - Tesara Outskirts She shook her head again. "No. One of them blew up, and the other two got chopped into bits." IC: Eoron - New Atero A wise call on Tuma's side. It was the only hope of "justice" the traitor was going to receive. Now... about that aircraft. Eoron turned and started on his way back to the Parking District.
  19. IC: Mirror - Tesara Guardhouse "A bounty hunter then," Mirror sighed. "The best way to protect this city would be to release you to whatever fate they had in mind for you. I'm going to recommend as much to the Captain... unless you have a reason I shouldn't?" IC: Garuda - Tesara Outskirts Garuda shook her head. "I ran as soon as I saw them!" IC: Eoron - New Atero Residential District Eoron watched the discussion as an island of stoicism in the sea of clamor. New Atero was within their rights, after all, and all these deviants were doing were proving why such measures were in place. IC: Kaenis - New Atero Residential District All their walking had carried them into the Residential District, and Kaenis suddenly became aware of the noise of an angry crowd somewhere not far away. She finally turned toward Bacchus desperately. "Seriously, give me that stuff. I need to get out of here!"
  20. IC: Mirror - Tesara Guardhouse "So they were after you. Why?" IC: Eoron - New Atero Residential District Eoron parked the Gavel as near to the commotion he had flown over as possible, though the influx of other guards vehicles didn't make it very near. Still, he found himself among the guards soon enough, trying to work his way past the common soldiers.
  21. IC: Mirror - Tesara Guardhouse Mirror only answered the smile with a deeper scowl. "Three Toa-like robots, armed with some kind of rocket launchers. I've heard the word 'Maxilos' going around. Were they or were they not after you?" IC: Garuda -Tesara Outskirts "Tilly!" Garuda hopped up, startling Zeke, and ran to give her adoptive sister a hug. "There were these huge robots and they started shooting rockets all over the Marketplace! I ran off and hid, and then I came down here to tell everyone..." she trailed off, and as she looked up there were tears in her eyes. "It was scary..."
  22. IC: Mirror - Tesara Guardhouse Mirror perked up on hearing the Vortixx speak and slowly approached the bars. "Tesara was attacked by three machines," he explained coldly. "Our Captain of the Guard suspects you were the target. Do you have any idea why?" IC: Eoron - Indomitable (New Atero Skies) Eoron was moving back toward his ship when the announcement was broadcast. He paused to hear the orders, then continued moving on as resolutely as before. Other matters would have to wait; he was going to the staging grounds. "I expect that Rahi to be gone or with a permit when I next see you!" he shouted to Rakin over the Gavel's engines as it was released out into the open sky. IC: Garuda - Tesara Outskirts The mood was subdued in the little Zesk gathering. Garuda had told her story and now relaxed with Zeke in the shade of her ship, watching as more of her friends started to share her ease and come out of hiding.
  23. IC: Mirror - Tesara Guardhouse Mirror followed the four guards and the unconscious Vortixx in, then waited by the door. He had told the Captain that he would watch her, but it did seem she wasn't going anywhere... IC: Kaenis - New Atero "'Fascinating'..." she repeated flatly. That was all she was to people now. "Hey, uh, listen buddy. I appreciate the help, but I think I can take it from here."
  24. Hey, uh, Laval? I made a bit of a typo in my last post. Garuda isn't in the Marketplace, she's actually down below Tesara. I edited that for future reference, but if you could edit your post as well that'd be appreciated. Also, I MOC'd up Kaenis earlier if anyone was interested in getting a better picture of her. Gonna go ahead and add it to her profile.
  25. IC: Kaenis - Trading Sector (New Atero) She could feel his eyes on her (revolting) back, and it was beginning to make her uncomfortable. Her tail wavered back and forth, trying to cover what it could. She wished she was back to the Benevolence and could leave this place behind for the open skies. She wished she could just curl up in a corner. “So, you’rrrrrrgh...” Kaenis coughed, trying to cover the growl that lingered in her throat. “...you’re not trying to rrrob me, are you? I mean, you don’t usually find people who offer to carry your groceries!” IC: Garuda - Tesara Outskirts A few more moments of silent watching, then one of the braver Zesk, one Garuda called “Zeke”, crept forward. <Up there. What?> he chittered in the Zesk language. <Many people. Many givings.> Garuda replied fluently. <Then...> “BOOM!” Several of the Zesk retreated to their hiding places again as Garuda held up her hands and stomped around in a brilliant mimicry of the robot attackers. <...enemies!> To his credit, Zeke held his ground for the most part. <Gone now?> Garuda shrugged and dropped back to all fours. <Gone.>
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