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  1. IC: Reda - Gym She takes a half step back and scoffs. "Have you looked at yourselves? You'd only hold me back. I need someone like... that!" She points out Sliver and Zas'ma, recognizing their confident, predatory stance.
  2. IC: Tear - Gym He took in the two before him. Neither one was familiar, but with how little he had seen of the school, it wasn't surprising. "I understand we will be working together," he offered. "I am Tear." IC: Tube - Gym "Yeah, go make a friend!" Wait, what? IC: Garrotte - Gym "I apologize if I offended you," Garrotte added emotionlessly. "This seems to happen a lot."
  3. IC: Tear - Gym "Typical, once again pitting the students against one another. Perhaps this one promises real death." He shook his head. "Show me your ally." IC: Reda - Gym Reda stared at the offered hand as if it would give her a fatal disease. "Yes, I'm going to win. Just not with the likes of you."
  4. IC: Tear - Hallways Tear followed the gesture, popping his Kraata case as he went to slide two curved blades from between the plates. "What is it this time?" IC: Reda - Gym Ah, already they flock to... Reda stifled a gag as she realized just what was approaching her. One looked relatively normal, the other... a walking pile of mucus. "What do you think you're doing?" she snarled.
  5. I've been keeping an updated list of participants and teams over on the Wikia. http://corpus-rahkshi.wikia.com/wiki/The_Seventh_Assignment Also a quick reminder that we do in fact have a Wikia you can contribute to. We are very short on character pages if you players can help us out with your characters.
  6. IC: Tear - Hallways Tear looked up into a friendly face and put one on himself. "Ah, my commiserator. Door, was it?" He pushed himself to his feet with a grunt. "It seems we are to be joined for an assignment again." IC: Canvas - Hallways Shrugging, Canvas followed the two toward the Gym. IC: Tube - Gym Tube attempted to crack their knuckles. "Can I mash them?" IC: Garrotte - Gym Still holding out her hand, Garrotte took a quick glance around for these "misfits and unusual characters." I suppose the glowing one is a little odd... IC: Reda - Gym It wasn't long into her wanderings before she was drawn by a rumble of conversation. Her head snapped toward a hallway, quickly pinpointing the noise. "Excellent," she whispered to herself as she ran toward it. The sight that greeted her was a massive stone room filled with all manner of Rahkshi, and waiting in the center was Icarax himself. The students seemed to be allying themselves with one another, for what purpose she was unsure. But she wanted in. "I have traveled far to grace your school," Reda shouted into the clamor as she strode in, attempting to make herself as tall as possible and yet still below the shoulder of most of these students. "Now, it is for you to decide: will you join me in my rise to prominence, or will you be crushed beneath my feet?!" OOC: Just as recap, Tube, Garrotte, Tear, and Reda will be joining the assignment. Reda is open to interaction/teams.
  7. IC: Canvas - Hallways Canvas mustered a smile as she noticed her friend charging toward her, still with that Cuutuk. "I was just about to find out myself. I think it's another assignment." IC: Garrotte - Gym Garrotte blinked, not quite understanding Helkyre's tone or how she had gotten over here so quickly. She holds out a slightly goopy hand at an even 60 degree angle. "I am called Garrotte."
  8. Good to be back, ain't it Smudge? Actually, things have been pretty quiet. Luckily you're just in time for the first assignment in a while.
  9. IC: Hoto - Village of Kaam "Oh..." Hoto sighed, sounding almost disappointed. Perhaps it was for the best. IC: Tube - Gym Tube just grinned innocently at the group, unaware of their confusion. IC: Garrotte - Gym Garrotte stared at the indicated Rahkshi. "Is she diseased?" IC: Canvas - Hallways The halls were eerily empty, lending more credence to her foggy memory of something going on in the Gym. Hopefully it wasn't anything violent... IC: Reda - Hallways The silence of the halls was suddenly broken as the front doors swung open and boomed against the wall. Silhouetted against the bright sky was... well, a rather small purple Rahkshi lacking spines or weapons or anything that might lend her a more imposing form. She seemed unaware of this fact as she strode inside, brilliant blue eyes burning into the... empty hallway. "Is this how you welcome your new champion?!" she shouts into the void. "Ridiculous." Reda shook her head as she picked a direction to begin her wandering. OOC: Tear, Canvas, and Reda open to interaction
  10. IC: Tube - Gym "Oh, you serve Master too! You will like him, he is a smart and evil master! We will have fun protecting him in this assignment!" IC: Tear - Hallways Her struggle only lasted a few moments longer before Tear fell limp to the floor, too exhausted to move. And as she relinquished control, something else rose to take her place. Tear lifted his head slowly, taking in his surroundings through narrow eyes. How long had it been since he'd been awakened? He felt weak and tired, obviously her attempts to keep him away. Pity she wasn't as strong as he. He was in a hallway not far from the Gym, the open doors of which let out an indicative rumble of conversation. Something was going on. He should check it out... but perhaps he could use a moment to recover his strength first.
  11. IC: Tear - Hallways Perhaps Tear's longer legs should have helped her catch the fleeing squishrahk, but as she ran the toll of the last day with no rest began to make itself known. Her vision blurred, her head pounded. Tear collapsed just down the hall from the Gym, clutching her faceplates. "No..." she whispered, seemingly to herself. "No... more..."
  12. IC: Tube - Gym Tube was about to answer when they noticed the fourth member of the group. "Who's that?" IC: Garrotte - Gym Garrotte remained still as a statue even after the instructions had ended. It was a moment or two of awkward silence before she blinked and seemed to return to the task at hand. "I see no reason not to." IC: Tear - Library "N-no!" Tear called out, apparently too late for the surprisingly quick little Rahkshi. It was obvious she didn't understand. Tear had to find her, had to stop her before she got hurt... She rushed out after Kororia toward the Gym.
  13. Well, with Smudge back I'm a character down, and there's a new assignment going, plus I literally have 100+ more of these guys to burn, so have another profile: Name: RedaVariation: DodgeLevel: 2Gender: FemaleGear: A pair of thin metallic whips lined with sharp barbs. Just as effective as short-range knuckledusters in her armored hands. She also carries a long dagger in an ankle sheath. Appearance: Reda’s armor is primarily a deep plum color across her back, limbs, and torso with subtle hints of white and burning blue eyes. Her back is lined with runic patterns with embedded Reda symbols () just over her shoulders. Her spines have been reduced to a single, low rail down her back, professed to improve her mobility. Her short, yet athletic suit serves the same purpose. Personality: Still and meditative at rest, quicksilver in combat, Reda is a force to be reckoned with, and she knows that perfectly well. Her strategies, in battle and in life, rely on trickery, misdirection, and a full use of her dodge powers to stay out of trouble. The only thing matched by her combat prowess is her massive ego. She knows she is better than any other, be they Rahkshi, Toa, or Makuta, and one day, she would love the chance to beat all three. For now, she’s content with earning those levels to ensure her victory. Not that she couldn’t win anyway.She has an odd habit of whistling whenever she can, including in battle. Occasionally she’ll chime in with a whistle or crack from her whips. Bio: When she was first spawned by the Makuta of Stelt, Reda felt insecure and alone. She was a “runt of the litter,” and generally looked down upon by her peers. That is, until one of them dared to believe they could push her around. Almost without thinking, Reda avoided his blows, and the fight soon ended with him on the ground. Few dared to confront her after that, and Reda’s ego grew explosively. It was only a matter of time before she heard of the exploits of her siblings in a far away school and determined to seek them out as the only ones who… might compare to her.
  14. IC: Hoto - Village of Kaam "Oh, sorry, I... I mean Makuta Krika. This... is his domain, isn't it?" IC: Garrotte - Gym As Icarax's voice boomed, Garrotte came to a sudden stop in the doorway, her eyes fixed on his grand figure. So... it was to be a test. IC: Tube - Gym Tube came rushing into the Gym to the sound of Icarax announcing the next assignment. Hardly listening, they wasted no time in shoving past some stupified Lerahk and finding their Master again. "I'm... back!" they panted. IC: Canvas - Hallways Fortunately, this one wasn't a Rahk to pick fights. Canvas watched him go until he vanished around a corner, then turned back to her thoughts. What had she been doing? Oh... the Prefects. In the Gym. Hadn't the Porters said something about the Gym too?
  15. IC: Tube - Hallways Tube stuck around for a moment to be sure they were no longer needed before leaving the Infirmary. It seemed their fellow servant had already done so, and Tube tried to hurry to catch up, moving noticably faster with their new level. IC: Garrotte - Hallways "It still sounds as if we should make haste."
  16. I don't know what your printer resolution is, but the prints do seem to be a little soft on the details. Is that purely from your printer or is that from the model? A few edges could be sharpened to define the details more. The eyes also seem to be a little on the small side, but perhaps that's from your painting. It does seem that they fit a Mata head, which is always the hard part, so good job with that. The promise of trans-, multi-color, and customizable Krana certainly sounds promising. I look forward to seeing more designs from you!
  17. IC: Hoto - Village of Kaam "What about... my father?" Since she had first heard they were going to the Northern Continent, the possibility of meeting Krika again had been weighing on her mind. The thought wasn't entirely unpleasant. Keeping her alive was one of the kindest things she had experienced, and maybe... to see him now... no, she couldn't risk it. Could she? IC: Tube - Hallways They stuck close to Glass' side as Aerahk led everyone to the Infirmary. IC: Garrotte - Hallways "It would seem so. Perhaps we will be punished for being fashionably late." IC: Tear - Library She shook her head briskly. "Th-th-the last one... assassins were h-hiding in the r-room..."
  18. Icarax just announced the next big assignment. In the past, these assignments have been assassination games, destruction of a local Christmas celebration, essay contests, a manhunt, capture the flag, and a game of Mafia, all with their own deadly twist (you know, beside the essay contest). If you want to participate, you're welcome to move on to the gym, but it isn't mandatory. The more peace-oriented Rahks are mostly steering clear. Here's the original post for reference:
  19. IC: Tube - Gym Tube offered their shoulder again as the small group followed Aerahk out.
  20. IC: Tube - Gym They were still standing by Glass' side, half-stooped to accept his weight. As time went on without their assistance being required, they began to look around a little awkwardly.
  21. It sounds good to me as long as they aren't attached at the hip like some siblings in the past.
  22. Ooh, I wouldn't mind a silver Pakari, light grey Rau and Mahiki, tan Mahiki, orange Matatu, and light blue Ruru. Might pick up those Kraata too... I'd want a Vahi and the Chrome Hau, but honestly the noble Kanohi is probably all I can afford right now...
  23. SMUDGE!! Let me tell you, we have been counting down the days until your "2 year vacation" was up. I doubt any of us expected at the time that we'd still be around. But here we are, three years in, still kicking. It's awesome to have you back. I've been keeping Melody "warm" for you, as it were. I'll have to send you a PM to get you updated on what's happened with her character. Fortunately (and unfortunately), Corpus isn't the game it once was, and so you don't have a whole lot of reading to do. In the meantime, check out the Timeline to get a general idea of where she and the Fellowship have gone, as well as the rest of the game around them. Loganto's been around, so whenever you're ready you can hop back in with Melody and Cuutuk as they return to the school from "music practice" to see what the latest assignment will be. Oh, and Melody just got to level three for her efforts in creating the Fellowship.
  24. IC: Tube - Gym Tube hopped up beside Glass and offered their shoulder. "Master said I should help you tendoo your wounds." IC: Tear - Library "Th-these assignments... th-they k-k-kill us..." IC: Hoto - Village of Kaam Holding tightly to Johmak's hand, Hoto took a few hesitant steps away from the ship to get her bearings. "Are... are you sure it's... safe?" she asked as she clutched the bag. IC: Garrotte - Hallways "Very well," she says with a nod as she returns to the halls.
  25. IC: Tube - Gym As Exxan clambered out, Tube was waiting there to offer assistance and support. "Are you okay?" they asked as they chased after him. IC: Tear - Library For the first time in a while, Tear's eyes meet Kororia's, conveying all the fear a Rahkshi could muster. "D-d-don't y-you know w-what these 'assignments' are?"
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