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Ok everyone here is my attempt at bringing a new group of Topics together, Topics meant to "Spark Creativity" and show off something you came up with and are proud of as well as asking advice on how to improve if you feel it's not the best (Just a not you may not feel it is great but you are your own worst critic, so others may think it is brilliant) in the true spirit of Bionicle and Lego as a whole. So here goes I hope this will be a great series. Our first topic in the series Kanohi Masks, whether the power of amazing almost supernatural feats or just very awesome design Kanohi Masks are the single most common element in the Matoran Universe with Matoran, Toa, Turaga, and many other races wearing them keeps them alive and can grant power if one's mind is less clouded and focused. But while many wear the same Masks no two Matoran's face are identical and have a unique appearance based on who wears them, yet at the same time being clearly a certain mask. But what kinds of Kanohi have we never seen? What contours, shapes and powers have not seen. What makes a design of Kanohi just right that almost all masks with that power will be shaped with the same base, the most Iconic mask in the series the Kanohi Hau with its Helmet like curve on top, three vent lines along the cheeks and the determined look in the eyes that almost screams "Come at me, I can take it" this mask really gives off a air of protection. But what of the other masks, do they say their nature from looks alone, and perhaps you've got a mask design with a power yould like to discuss. That is exactly what this thread is for. I would post my first mask creation if I were at my computer but I type this on my mobile so the Great Sakon will have to wait till tomorrow. Feel free to continue the thread and don't forget "Keep that Spark of creativity going till you have a flame of imagination!"
Raiders of the Forsaken Archives By RisingSoul, a.k.a. Christian Horst Back cover synopsis: Review topic. Dramatis Personae Hamak: red Toa of Fire. Sahkmah: blue Toa of Water. Marik: green Toa of Air. Ikapak: white Toa of Ice. Polin: brown Toa of Stone. Nepteran: black Toa of Earth. Kali: blue Ga-Matoran Chronicler. Contents: Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Chapter 20 Chapter 21 Chapter 22 Epilogue
Think about it. First, he also has some ability over shadow. He can do this by sucking the light out of an area, as we've seen Vakama do it before. He couldn't fire bolts of shadow, unless in his Karda Nui form, but he could create fields of shadow, darken a room, and blind someone. Also, in theory, he could make it so he almost never naturally dies by having atoms of his vital organs move at the speed of light, and then back to him. Those is a little sketchier, but it still makes some sense. He also could have superspeed. Running at the speed of light, nothing could outrun him. Who needs a Kakama? I think there are even more things like this. Tell me what you think and some other overpowers.
After the mild success of our previous iteration, I, Makuta, must inform you that we had some technical difficulties involving a portal, a Mask of Ultimate Power, and a Mask of Time that had some…unfortunate…results. As a result of this, you now find yourself in Metru Nui, shortly (but not too shortly) before this place will be destroyed by me. You must collect the six Great Disks hidden all over the island to obtain the Mask of Time, which may or may not allow you to escape before I suck you into my evil villain vortex. Choose wisely, for your very lives depend on it. The clock is ticking! EVERYONE IS WELCOME TO PLAY THIS GAME. IF YOU DIED IN THE PREVIOUS GAME, TECHNICALLY THIS ONE TAKES PLACE IN THE PAST, SO YOU’RE WELCOME. IF YOU LIVED, YOU’RE A PROBLEM FOR EVERYONE ELSE NOW. GOOD LUCK. AND IF YOU DIDN’T PLAY THE FIRST GAME, YOU HAVE BECOME COLLATERAL DAMAGE…ER, SUCKED HERE BY ACCIDENT WHEN I WAS TRYING TO KILL PORTAL. WHATEVER. CHARACTERS/PROFILES: Each of the characters is on a race to acquire the six great disks to acquire the Legendary Mask of Time. Each characters has their share of power that will allow them to acquire certain disks more easily than others. The more disks you collect, the more time you will have to acquire the Mask. Each player has a maximum of 21 points to allocate toward disk-acquiring resources. For example: Enlarge (Ta-Metru): 6 Regenerate (Ga-Metru): 5 Weaken (Po-Metru): 4 Freeze (Ko-Metru): 3 Teleport(Le-Metru): 2 Reconstitute at Random (Onu-Metru): 1 Another example: Enlarge (Ta-Metru): 4 Regenerate (Ga-Metru): 4 Weaken (Po-Metru): 4 Freeze (Ko-Metru): 4 Teleport(Le-Metru): 4 Reconstitute at Random (Onu-Metru): 1 THESE ARE JUST EXAMPLES. YOU MAY ALLOCATE YOUR 21 POINTS AMONG THE POWERS AS YOU SEE FIT. You are allowed to have zero of any number of powers, and 6 of any number of powers, and 5 of any number of powers, etc, as long as your total is no greater than 21, and all of the powers' numbers are 6 or less, as 6 is the maximum for any power category. If you do not allocate any resources into a category (i.e. 0), any disks you attempt to acquire of that element will result in failure automatically. If you have six, it will automatically result in success. Any numbers in between will indicate your chance to acquire them, as decided by RNG (5/6, 4/6, etc). You are allowed to have a profile that adds up to less than 21, and the jury is out on whether it is an effective strategy. It is the hope that the CORRECTIVE MEASURES employed in this game will render such a strategy INEFFECTIVE. As such, it is STRONGLY ENCOURAGED for your profile to add up to 21 points, and it is believed that it will result in the most desirable outcome for you as a player. In addition to the above disk-finding powers/affinities, each player has one MASK OF ULTIMATE POWER in their possession. This is due to some timey-wimey stuff involving portals and time-duplication and possibly inaccurate theoretical physics. Whatever. ALL PROFILES MUST BE POSTED IN THIS TOPIC. NO EXCEPTIONS. ROUNDS (6): Part 1: Disk Finding/Acquiring Each player will be given a chance to acquire 2 Great Disks per round. Obviously, you can choose to acquire the disks that you have the greatest odds for, but only a combination of all six Great Disks will win you the Mask of Time, so choose wisely! You may have multiple Masks of Time, if you are shrewd enough. For this portion of the round, post IN THIS TOPIC which two elemental masks you wish to acquire. I will post at the conclusion of 24 hours with each player's disk finding success or failure. Part 2: The Murders In this desperate race to avoid being sucked into Makuta’s Vortex, you cannot afford too much competition. Each night you will have the opportunity to slay one of your fellow disk finders and claim their disks for yourself. The Mask of Ultimate Power – This device has a 50/50 chance of: a) Stealing your opponent’s MoUP, if they have one b) If they don’t have a MoUP due to previous theft, they will die. You will claim all of the dead persons’ disks or Mask(s) of Time currently in their possession. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE YOUR MASK OF ULTIMATE POWER BECAUSE IT HAS BEEN TAKEN, YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO MURDER PEOPLE THAT ROUND. THE MORBUZAKH For each round, the evil Morbuzakh is on the prowl. This evil and despicable source of ravenous plant life will claim one player once per round, and put him in one of my containment spheres below the Coliseum. Should you be abducted in such manner, you will not be able to participate in the disk-finding or death rounds until you are freed. Your disks will remain with you, however. Claiming one or two disks during a round will reduce your chances of being abducted. Creating the Mask of Time itself will eliminate your chances of being abducted; however, the Morbuzakh will still be able to attack you if you lose your mask. Choose wisely. Should you acquire all six great disks, you will be given the opportunity to defeat the Morbuzakh on the corresponding death match. Only the six great disks can defeat the Morbuzakh. This will kill the Morbuzakh and make it so it can’t attack you…or your enemies. At the end of the SIX ROUNDS, if the Morbuzakh is still alive, it will kill everyone who does not have a Mask of Time in their possession. There are a couple of TWISTS regarding this party animal that may or may not be employed, and some that only a few players may discover. THE NIGHT AT VAKAMA’S FORGE Should you acquire the six great disks, you will be given an opportunity to spend a night round – that is, THE SECOND HALF OF THE ROUND, NOT THE FIRST HALF – at Vakama’s forge to make the Mask of Time itself. During this time, your chances of being taken by the Morbuzakh are TRIPLED, if it is still alive. Beware of the Dark Hunters that haunt the forge! THE MASK OF TIME What does this mysterious mask do? You’ll have to earn it to find out! THE FORTUNATE INDIVIDUAL WHO HAS THE MOST MASKS OF ULTIMATE POWER AND GREAT DISKS/MASKS OF TIME WILL BE THE WINNER! AND THEY MIGHT GET TO LIVE. MAYBE. IF I’M FEELING GENEROUS. RULES: 1. All BZP rules apply. Even though we are evil mask makers, we are still stuck in a children's toyline franchise. Darn. 2. If you don't respond to three disk-finding rounds, my pet Morbuzakh will eat you and your masks. You may skip as many of the death rounds as you like, but be warned that taking no action may result in your death. Rounds will move on in the 24-hour period regardless of how much response I get from you. ROUND 0: I REQUIRE FOUR PLAYERS FOR THE FIRST ROUND TO BEGIN. THE MORE THE MERRIER - THERE IS NO MAXIMUM! Please ask any questions you may have! ROUND 1 BEGINS IN 48 HOURS FROM THE TIME AT THE TOP OF THIS POST (we’re allowing more people to participate this time, since we aren’t on contest time schedule), WEATHER PERMITTING! You are allowed to enter until the moment my post starting Round 1 hits the server. Post them profiles! MOOOOOOOOOOM! PLAYER LIST: 1. Liuth 2. Ghidora 3. Lucina/Voltex 4. Pahrak #0579 5. Portal 6. Toa Kapura 7. Aerixx 8. Dallior: Rahkshi Lord 9. ToaGhost 10. Punderscore
- 141 replies
- 2
- vahi
- mask of ultimate
(and 3 more)
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Okay, so I have a couple problems with the new story. Starting with the "masters of the elements." So, where exactly do they fit in? We were told that they are descendants of the original masters of the elements, and that Cole, Kai, Jay, and Zane fit into this category. How does this work, exactly? The First Spinjitzu Master, who was the father of Wu and Garmadon, formed Ninjago using the four elements, represented by the Golden Weapons. Why is there a problem with this? A few reasons. One, because there were only four GWs, of the elements Earth, Fire, Lightning, and Ice. Somewhat related to this, there were only four elemental Dragons. You could argue that other Dragons exist, but we just haven't seen them. Two, if TFSM is the father of Wu and Gamadon, both practitioners of the four elements of Spinjitzu, this would mean that the four ninja (and Nya) are descendants of him, as well. Three, if all these elemental masters have been passing down their powers through the generations for thousands of years, then how old are Wu and Garmadon? Their father was the guy who brought their land into existence, so that means that those two have incredible longevity. However, that doesn't work. Why? One reason: Lloyd. When we first met him, Lloyd was a child, implying that he'd only been around for a few years. This doesn't work. We saw that picture of a younger Wu, Garmadon, and Misako. Garmadon was banished to the Underworld while he and Wu still looked young. This means that the "undead" version of Garmadon actually WAS able to leave the underworld, and he got Misako pregnant. However, we know they hadn't seen each other since before his fall, so that means that it couldn't have happened recently. Okay, I feel like I'm starting to bounce around a lot here, so I'l condense it: Story 1--the Golden Weapons: Ninjago was created thousands of years ago by The First Spinjitzu Master, who was the father of Garmadon and Wu. Garmadon, presumably while he and Wu were still fairly young, fell into the Underworld, and was unable to leave it. Many decades later, after Wu had a chance to age, he trained four young men in the art of Spinjitzu, which manifested in four elements. Story 2--Serpentine/Garmadon's mischief: Garmadon had a son with a woman named Misako before he fell into the Underworld. Lloyd was seen alongside the Ninja (who are depicted as being fairly young, themselves) while he was still just a kid (pre-teen or early teen). If the first story is to be believed, then Lloyd couldn't be Garmadon's son, or Garmadon spent only a few years in the Underworld, and Wu aged significantly in that amount of time. Already the timelines aren't adding up. Story 3--The Overlord: This one mostly follows suit of the first two stories, taking into account the significance of the First Spinjitzu Master and the creation of Ninjago, as well as the importance of the elements (four elemental blades in the Temple of Light). Story 4--Nindroids: Again, this one follows suit of the first few stories, with little retconning. Story 5--Tournament of Elements: Okay, here's where things get screwy. Suddenly, the First Spinjitzu Master (who harnessed the powers of Fire, Earth, Lightning, and Ice, and subsequently passed it on to his sons) is related to Kai, Cole, Jay, and a robot who was built by some guy, and therefore can't bear a genetic connection to the element of Ice. And then there's all these other guys with different powers that have apparently been around since the time of TFSM. "Many generations," Garmadon tells the Ninja, even though there's been only two generations separating Lloyd from TFSM. What's worse is that no one seemed to know about these other powers, until it became convenient for Garmadon to reveal that they had always existed, without any indicators like Golden Weapons or having a hand in the formation of Ninjago. Another point that came up in another topic is that Lloyd is now the Master of Power, instead of Light/Creation, as he was from the moment he became the Green Ninja. No story's perfect, but now they're barely trying to keep the lore consistent. What do you think? Is there something I missed? Thoughts? Theories? Theatrics?
How much can the average Toa lift over their heads? What about stone/earth Toa? What if a Toa like Tahu used a Nova Blast on Earth? Can any Toa/Toa Team bust a planet?
My favorite is the Kanohi Matatu, because it can not only move objects but also break them apart.
BS01 has the following to say about the Mask of Creation: Arthaka has created many things with this mask, including such wonders as the Toa Nuva's Kanohi and the symbols that host their elemental energy. They have also been given Adaptive Armor, and Arthaka created the Avohkii plus numerous other powerful items, including the universe-fixing Staff of Arthaka. So what are the limits to this power? Can [Product] be anything, provided that protodermis can power it? We know that Arthaka is not very skilled at creating living things, or at least he does not want to do so after his lethal Crystal Serpents failed to be tamed. This suggests that he can create things involving Life, though, which opens the door to all kinds of magic stuff. Could Arthaka in theory create a second Mask of Life? Could he make a few more staffs of apocalyptic power? Could he make a super-duper insta-heal device? I am asking this because I was recently re-reading a webcomic I like, in which the characters come across an ancient "datasphere" from a lost civilization -- a storage device containing vast amounts of data "in a 612-dimensional matrix". One of them looks into it and mentions that it "seems to contain detailed plans for every possible way to build every possible device to destroy every possible thing in all of creation." Of course this was immediately commented upon: "Huh, I can't imagine how their civilization managed to annihilate itself." The point is, it made me think about how this is pretty much what the Mask of Creation does: It presumably allows you to realize a way to build any thing that you could want, provided that the thing is actually possible to build. So Arthaka, the master craftsman, could potentially invent a new device to resurrect beings; because we know there is tech on the Red Star which can accomplish the same. He could invent a "kill Mata Nui" button, because we have seen a virus take him down. He could presumably special-build a robot which could teleport directly to a target and assassinate it. Arthaka himself doesn't do this, either because he's not a fan of destruction or because it would break the story, but in theory he could do this, right? Note that I am disregarding the need for raw materials here. I am certain that giant builds couldn't be materialized out of nowhere, even if the mask can create actual objects to an extent. Still a powerful ability to have, if you would essentially have the ability to think "I want a giant bomb" and then soon after have the plans to create the BIONICLE-equivalent of nukes.
Life and Light Powers and Masks, oh my!
Kopekemaster posted a topic in Bionicle Storyline & Theories
Well, I wrote this post once, then my Mac decided to go back a page and it deleted it all. But I've found in the past that when I've written something and it gets deleted, I'm able to write it better the second time. So here goes. It will probably still involve a lot of jumping around and an explosion of questions and ideas, but should be a little more organized. So, we know that if an Av-Matoran (specifically, Takua) puts on the Mask of Light, he/she becomes a Toa of Light. But isn't this a little unfair, since they would essentially only have one power? For example, other Toa have basically two powers: their elemental power, then their mask power. But for Toa of Light it is only one. True, Light is a more powerful/godlike power, but still. But this brings up something else, relating to another Legendary (EDIT: well I just looked it up and apparently the Mask of Light isn't Legendary, so I guess I'll ramble on more about that below.) Mask. Before I go further, though, I'm going to make up a Matoran prefix for Life. Let's go with "Li". If, supposing such things as Li-Matoran existed (which, if you think about it, is completely reasonable, since there are Av-Matoran), a Li-Matoran put on the Mask of Life, would they become a Toa of Life? (This, also, seems like a somewhat unfair thing with only being one power, though Life is an EXCEEDINGLY powerful and godlike power.) This would also suggest that Toa Mata Nui was, in fact, a Toa of Life. BUT I'm going to go even further into this rabbit hole of hypothetical stuff. Since there aren't such things as Matoran of Shielding, Matoran of Illusion, etc. (or none we have seen so far, anyway), this would somewhat suggest that you don't have to be of the power/element/whatever that your mask is. Which would mean that it didn't have to be an Av-Matoran that put on the Mask of Light. Sure, there's "the prophecy" and all, but I don't care about that. So, if it doesn't have to be an Av-Matoran to put on a Mask of Light, then that would also mean that it wouldn't have to be a Li-Matoran to put on the Mask of Life. So could basically anyone become a Toa of Light or a Toa of Life? And I'm not even going to get going on why Legendary/Great (in the case of the Mask of Light) Masks turn Matoran into Toa. Never mind. I lied. I'm going to talk about that now. Why do they do that? Could it be that the Masks themselves are so powerful that it basically overrides the need for a Toa stone? Or is it essentially a Toa stone fused with a Mask? Also, if, let's say, Takua took off the Mask of Life, would he shrink back down to a Matoran? Or would he remain a Toa? Could another Matoran take the Mask from him and also become a Toa? Also, could (since not having a Mask on is conducive to unconsciousness) a Toa who has taken his Mask off (such as the ill-inspired Takua from above) put on a powerless Mask? What would that do? I'm fairly certain, however, that they could put on a Great or Legendary Kanohi and would gain its powers. Could a Toa put on pretty much every Mask, and therefore gain almost every power? AND what is so special about the Mask of Light that it can turn Matoran into Toa? It is grouped with the Great Masks (which also implies that there are multiple of the Mask of Light), but the others (as far as I know) aren't able to do that. And Bonesiii, you'd better not make a gigantic post quoting and answering every single one of these questions. I've got my eye on you. ^sorta joking but only sorta -
When the Piraka were revealed in the Ignition arc, they each had three power types, and each had at least one of each type of power. 1. Vision power(s) 2. Elemental power 3. Miscellaneous other ability For example, Hakann had heat vision, fire, and mental blasts; Thok had spellbinder vision, ice, and animation powers. Zaktan, though, is an oddity. His powers were shown to be laser vision, air, and the ability to split his body into millions of protodites. This makes sense, except that the power to split his body was apparently given to Zaktan by TSO's disintegration beams. So what power did Zaktan have before this incident? Another thing- Zaktan is supposedly killed by Teridax, but manages to survive and goes to Zakaz. This leads me to the main part of my theory, Zaktan's actual power. My theory: Zaktan's true third power is the ability to not die. Whatever happens to him, he cannot be killed. TSO's eyebeams disintegrate, which means they break the target down on a molecular level (or something like that), and when Zaktan is hit with the beams, he does disintegrate... but survives in a protodite form. When he becomes a sea snake (because sea snaaakes!) and his water tank is destroyed by Teridax, Zaktan clearly should have died again. (We even thought he might've died, until it was confirmed otherwise outside of the story that the green cloud was indeed Zaktan.) However, he manages to survive against the odds. The one problem, as far as I can tell... For this reason it's likely that my theory is incorrect... unless of course Greg meant that it's Zaktan's nature to be unkillable. I think that Spiriah (despite being a screw-up) would've been smart enough not to give a Skakdi the power of immortality, and it's quite possible that Zaktan being a mutant just caused whatever Spiriah did to him to mess up and result in his inability to die. That all said, I'd still like to propose this despite that one quote. What do you think? Plausible? No? Tear it to shreds if you feel so inclined.
Hi BZPower! This is my first post on my new account. I have had other accounts over the years but abandoned them because I got too busy. I am committed to this one, however, and I can't wait to get to know all of you. I have looked all over eBay, but I haven't seen a Power Pack for sale recently, so I figured you guys probably have one you're willing to sell. Just tell me how much you want and maybe we can make a deal. Thanks, MX5
Or is there simply a lot of power in it? Do you think the power in things like the Mask of Life will eventually run out?
- 15 replies
- protodermis
- power
(and 2 more)
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I'm not ENTIRELY sure about this, but I remember hearing somewhere on this site that the Vahi isn't as powerful outside the MU. Well, if this is true, how come Tahu used it to it's full power on Mata Nui, even though that island isn't inside the MU?
In your opinion, what is the greatest source of power in the Bionicle Universe? Is it any of the legendary masks? The Golden-Skinned Being? EP? The Great Beings? Or is it somthing else?
This is a thing I've always been wondering about: could be it possible? I mean, the fact a Mask could handle two Powers at the same time? In better words, could a Toa be "double powered", which means he/she could use two Powers?I know it sounds kinda absurde, but, as for what I know, it's never been explained. I think it is possible, but I could be also wrong, eh.I don't know if you understand what I mean, so in case of doubt ask me.
- 37 replies
Well the title says it all. What is your favorite mask power?
This is JIMMY POWER MASTER 2.0, 3.0, and 4.0. A MOC spin of the 2.0 and 3.0 ones in LDD will be coming soon but, I have not had the time to do that yet but, I do have this Hero Recon Team Gallery picture of them instead,JPM 4.0 is one of my incredibly impressive ones but, if you want his awesomeness to take full effect view 2.0 first then 3.0 and last 4.0. I hope you like my MOCs!!!!!!!!!!(Spoiler:This is the 2.0, 3.0, and 4.0 version of one of my character from my epic Hero Recon Team Alpha 8.)Here they are!!!!!!!!2.0
As his mind faded from reality to darkness, and back again, the Matoran lost track of the world, though it hardly mattered to him anyways. When faced with slipping beyond the veil, one's mind tends to be overcome with drowsiness, as if you were to take a rest. However, there were things his mind couldn't let go of. They stuck as if permanently branded into his skull by a hot iron. These were the images of the events leading up to this, his final demise. -------------------------------------------- For the Matoran, it began as just any other day in the Archives. He was, as always, assigned to take inventory. However boring this might sound, it is vital to the safety of the workers in the Archives, as some of the Rahi and other creatures stored there are extremely dangerous, and if one were to break loose, the results would be disastrous. Whilst taking the inventory, he passed by a quite large crack in the wall. Though cracks like this would normally be easily dismissed, the Matoran felt that he should take a closer look, as one can never be too careful in the Archives. As he examined it, he was surprised to find light coming from the crack. As he was underground, this was quite interesting, and he tried prying it open further. To his surprise, the crack swung open, being in reality part of a door that had been covered in rock. He opened the door to reveal a rather small closet, of which the only contents were a mask, a slab, and a lightstone. Upon further inspection, he found the slab to have writing on it, the like of which he had never seen. Taking the objects he had found, he showed them to the other Matoran working in the Archives, but none of them knew anything about the objects, or that the closet had even existed. He took the slab all around Metru Nui, trying to find someone who could translate it, but not even the Scholars in Ko-Metru or the Teachers in Ga-Metru could manage the feat. Discouraged, the Matoran returned to his home in Onu-Metru. There, he found that the writing was similar to the writing on tablets that had recently been discovered in the Archives. Working tirelessly, he stayed up day and night, translating it into something understandable. This affected his work, making him so tired during the day that he would occasionally fall asleep on the job, and with no support from anyone else, he was stretched to the limit between duties. Still, day after day, week after week, he translated, never showing a single doubt (though he had many) that his work was important. After many run-ins with the Vahki for being late, and countless sleepless nights, he finally finished the project. He began reading what he had uncovered, his excitement growing with every word. He had inadvertently uncovered one of the most important things in Matoran history. He had found blueprints to the universe. -------------------------------------------- Of course, amazing as this was, having the all of the universes secrets in his possession, he had no plans to act on this. He simply planned to turn it over to the Archives, in the process becoming one of the most famous beings to have ever existed. He dreamt of seeing large crowds gathering, just to see him, Matoran saying ‘That’s him! That’s the one who discovered the amazing tablet! We should never have laughed at him and his diligence!” And so, the next morning, he rushed as fast as he could to the Archives, eager to begin his life of fame and fortune. However, as soon as he had showed it to the Chief Archivist, the Chief had just laughed, saying that he had obviously come upon some very well played hoax. The Matoran protested, but the Chief wouldn’t listen, and said to get back to work. That night, in his dwelling, the embittered Matoran decided to show that his work had not been in vain. He began to really study what the tablet was saying. Eventually, he came across instructions on how to make a power source that was large enough to run the universe. In fact, you could say that it was the way towards Absolute Power. He made up his mind. If he could make the power source successfully, he would prove once and for all that he was right. It took quite a few widgets to get everything he needed, so he was forced to live on very small amounts of money. It was worth it, though. Soon, he had all the ingredients he needed, even the Energized Protodermis, which was something of a difficulty to get. He had discovered that the lightstone and the mysterious mask he had found were actually extremely essential to the power source, though why they were the only specific ingredients found with the tablet was not clear. He put everything together in the Energized Protodermis containment units, as nothing else would be able to hold it. After a while of thoroughly dispersing everything else in, he was ready to put in the mask. Deciding to try it on before he dissolved it in the mixture, he took off his current mask and replaced it with this one. It felt strange, as some kind of energy unlike anything he had ever felt flowed through his body. He reached up to pull the mask off, but he lost his balance, dropping him off of the ladder he had been standing on, and into the murky vat. ----------------------------------------- Opening his eyes, he was surprised to find himself alive, though his body ached all over. However, noticing the more pressing matter of not being able to breathe, he tried to swim up and break the surface of the liquid. However, he ended of hitting his head on a wall of some sort. He tried swimming the opposite direction, but found another barrier, blocking him from precious air. Desperate, he rammed against it with a strength he did not know he had, exerting so much force that the vat simply disintegrated against the pressure. Drying himself off, he noticed that he had started glowing after his unpleasant dip in the vat. He felt raw energy coursing through his body, greatly enhancing his physical attributes, as he discovered. He decided that he would rest for the night, and that tomorrow he would prove that old fool who was the better Archivist around the Metru. ----------------------------- On his way to the Archives, he decided to take the long way, figuring that with all this power, not even those pesky Vahki could push him around. As he was walking down an alleyway, three thugs jumped out of nowhere.“Okay, buddy, we’re going to make this simple. You give us all of your money, and anything else you happen to be carrying, and we let you go real easy. You refuse, and we have a problem. Got it?”“But I don’t have any money left!” The Matoran protested. It was true. He had spent it all on his research.“Well, then it looks like we have a problem. Get ‘im, boys!” The Matoran panicked. Then he remembered his power. He could handle them easily, like taking berries from a cub Ash Bear. He closed his eyes and lashed out with a punch. He heard screaming and running. He opened his eyes, expecting to find all three of the thugs running like scared Rahi. Instead, only two were managing to get away. The other one was laying on the ground, with a fist-sized hole straight through his heartlight. He stared at the thug. He couldn’t have done this. He just couldn’t. But no matter how many times he tried to deny it in his mind, he knew he was the perpetrator of this terrible act. -------------------------------- After just standing there for a moment, he noticed that the sick feeling in the pit of the stomach wasn’t just coming from emotion. It was physical, and beginning to turn into a blinding pain. He stumbled around, leaning on a building for support, and suddenly realized what was happening. Power like this, so absolute in its infinite energy, had never been meant for the likes of any physical being. It was too powerful for his frail Matoran body to contain, and was slowly destroying him from the inside out. He thought it ironic that the power that had saved his life earlier was now going to take it from him. He fell over, his mind beginning to fade away… ---------------------------- The Matoran woke up laying on his bed in his dwelling. Looking around, he discerned that he was still alive. He got up, searching his dwelling for any signs of his experiments. Finding none, he dismissed the memories in his mind as just a bad dream. As he was preparing to go to the Archives for another day of work, he spotted a glimmer under his bed. Reaching under, he felt around until he felt something. He pulled it out, and saw something that sent chills up his spine. It was a small, closet shaped package, similar to the Archival closet he had stumbled upon in his dreams. He opened the package. Inside was the Lightstone, the Mask, and the Tablet.