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Asperger's Syndrome Topic

Master Inika

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I think I should know this, but what's an NT?


Why are orange and black such a good color Combination ? Purple is pretty, and so is blue. Pink hurts your eyes, green is quite mellowing, black is very threatning, red is cool, orange is SO awesome, yellow's hard to read... But you can't see white at all! Oh, wait. I forgot brown.


Here's my thoughts: If a person tells the truth and says, " I always lie," Is he lying? Or is he telling the truth? And what has a mouth, but no head, and a body, but no torso? Do caterpillars like to tend to supporting colum of stone's every need? Or is that name misleading by nature? Speaking of nature, why are the children of animals called offspring? don't many young beasts come alive in spring, and thus, should be called onspring? Heeeeeeyy..... I got the first post on a page for the first time. Who knows; it may happen again. What the... It did happen again... and again...



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The irony being that Asperger's tend to loathe abbreviations.

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What I mean is that they are very quick to blame everyone else for their social awkwardness. They absolutely believe that because they have a diagnose, everyone should bow down to them and respect them. I mean sure, they're not allowed to discriminate you, but you don't have to be so sensitive about looks or comments. Not everyone is going to like you, and if everyone likes you, you're faker than Nicole Kidman's forehead. My friend had this classmate with Aspergers. When he raised his hand to ask the teacher about something, he responded with "let's talk over lunch!". What do you think he did? He got his lunch, put it down right next to them and started talking. And then he started whining because people thought it was funny. I mean, yeah it was funny, but it's not like they laughed AT him, they laughed WITH him. But being totally backwards socially, he doesn't have the slightest self-irony whatsoever. Now, who's to blame for this? Can it be blamed on someone? Or maybe he should just stop hiding behind his diagnosis and refuse change, and actually improve his social skills? Because it is possible.


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The irony being that Asperger's tend to loathe abbreviations.

Hmm, I think abbreviations are pretty cool. USSR, DPRK, GDR. Then again, those are all repressive communist states, and I have a thing for history.

"You are an absolute in these uncertain times. Your past is forgotten, and your
future is an empty book. You must find your own destiny, my brave adventurer.
-- Turaga Nokama


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Change, you're wrong. Your argument is fallacious and your conclusion unsupported. You're essentially saying "I know of this weird kid who has Asperger's, therefore Asperger's makes you weird and it's your own fault and you blame others". Your premise, an anecdote about a kid with Asperger's, is used to support an argument about the entire Asperger's population, which is a massive and inaccurate generalisation. You're also both assuming his weirdness is purely Asperger's, causal oversimplification, and assuming your analysis is correct, psychologist's fallacy. Your premise doesn't support either of the conclusions, and your argument is therefore worthless. Are you seriously expecting me to just lie back and accept that it's my fault that I was born the way I was? Something you're born with cannot be your fault. I didn't choose to be straight, white, male, Australian, middle-class or 6 feet tall, nor did I choose to have Asperger's - none of these were things I caused to be true of myself. They're nobody's fault. By saying that Asperger's is my fault you're only endorsing my bullying, which is a horrible thing to do to anyone. I can't change the composition of my brain at that level, it's impossible. I've tried, been to psychologists about it. It's not as easy as you think to change the way you interact with people. Asperger's is not 'bad social skills', not something to work on and overcome, it's a difference in the way your mind works at a fundamental level, which causes higher intelligence and an introverted personality, among other things. Yes, I do believe that people should respect who I am, but it's not 'because I have a diagnosis', it's because I'm human. Everyone deserves respect for who they are (except horribly evil people, perhaps), and by saying that I feel everyone should be tolerant and dispose of prejudice, I'm not hiding behind my diagnosis, I'm embracing it and encouraging others to do likewise. I'm also not blaming everyone else, it's nobody's fault. And I'm most certainly not, whenever someone so much as dislikes me, saying "You can't dislike me, I have Asperger's!". Further, I've never met anyone who does anything like that. Go troll somewhere else, please.

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The irony being that Asperger's tend to loathe abbreviations.

I don't loathe abbreviations.

What I mean is that they are very quick to blame everyone else for their social awkwardness.They absolutely believe that because they have a diagnose, everyone should bow down to them and respect them. I mean sure, they're not allowed to discriminate you, but you don't have to be so sensitive about looks or comments.Not everyone is going to like you, and if everyone likes you, you're faker than Nicole Kidman's forehead. My friend had this classmate with Aspergers. When he raised his hand to ask the teacher about something, he responded with "let's talk over lunch!".What do you think he did? He got his lunch, put it down right next to them and started talking. And then he started whining because people thought it was funny.I mean, yeah it was funny, but it's not like they laughed AT him, they laughed WITH him.But being totally backwards socially, he doesn't have the slightest self-irony whatsoever. Now, who's to blame for this? Can it be blamed on someone?Or maybe he should just stop hiding behind his diagnosis and refuse change, and actually improve his social skills? Because it is possible.

If you're going to troll, please do so somewhere else. In fact, don't troll somewhere else. No-one likes it when people troll. And, chances are he wasn't joking, he actually thought the teacher meant it literally. And no, while it is possible, it is highly unlikely. Aspergers affects social skills perhaps most out of all the things that it does affect. I am not going to troll back at you, and say things like 'you're a bad person' and 'You are lying', because trolling back will simply make me as bad as you are. Have a nice day. =)

I also love how people with Aspergers don't particularly want to acknowledge the fact that they are ever to blame.It's everyone else and not them.

Our brains are to blame. How are we supposed to not blame others? (I think I just accidentally supported your theory. Oops.)

it's basically a mental Condition in which you randomly take one subject at a time and obsess over the limit for it.

There is no specific limit. I've obsessed over BIONICLE all my life. Or at least since I was four. Although most obsessions do only last a while. And it isn't just one subject at a time. EG, at the moment, I am obsessed with BIONICLE, and Doctor Who. Can't think of anything else, though...


Nikarra - Kaelynn - Ronan - Muir - Donal Aerus - Montague - Kira - KouraLearu - Alteora - Fuacht - Caana Nessen - Merrill

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I've been into BIONICLE since I was seven. It's annoying when NTs (mostly my parents) try to make it stop. Atm, I'm also into North Korea, Marxist-Leninism, and My Little Pony. :)

"You are an absolute in these uncertain times. Your past is forgotten, and your
future is an empty book. You must find your own destiny, my brave adventurer.
-- Turaga Nokama


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I'm also into... My Little Pony. :)

Really? You know what, I'd never have guessed. =PSomehow, whenever I look through these forums I get the idea that almost every member is Aspergers, undiagnosed or not. Is this just me?


Nikarra - Kaelynn - Ronan - Muir - Donal Aerus - Montague - Kira - KouraLearu - Alteora - Fuacht - Caana Nessen - Merrill

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I'm also into... My Little Pony. :)

Really? You know what, I'd never have guessed. =PSomehow, whenever I look through these forums I get the idea that almost every member is Aspergers, undiagnosed or not. Is this just me?
Hmm, not really. I think there are a lot of Aspies into BIONICLE. But there is a fair amount of NT fans.

"You are an absolute in these uncertain times. Your past is forgotten, and your
future is an empty book. You must find your own destiny, my brave adventurer.
-- Turaga Nokama


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I'm also into... My Little Pony. :)

Really? You know what, I'd never have guessed. =PSomehow, whenever I look through these forums I get the idea that almost every member is Aspergers, undiagnosed or not. Is this just me?
It's just you. I'm under the firm belief that the reason there are so many more "undiagnosed" or "self diagnosed" Aspergers cases around nowadays is because of the internet. Because of how interactions on the internet take place, without social clues or actual personal interaction, those who actually do have Aspergers have an easier time communicating. This leads other people to think that they too have aspergers because they relate to those that they meet online. What most people fail to understand is that Aspergers is quite hard to see without actual physical interaction. Apologies if this is vague or unclear, I'd be happy to elaborate if anyone has specific questions, but between writing a philosophy of religion paper and a sociology paper, I don't have time to make sure I'm easily understood.
I want you to hit me as hard as you can.

Something on your mind, Dear?

Hey, you created me. I didn't create some loser alter-ego to make myself feel better. Take some responsibility!

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I'm also into... My Little Pony. :)

Really? You know what, I'd never have guessed. =PSomehow, whenever I look through these forums I get the idea that almost every member is Aspergers, undiagnosed or not. Is this just me?
It's just you. I'm under the firm belief that the reason there are so many more "undiagnosed" or "self diagnosed" Aspergers cases around nowadays is because of the internet. Because of how interactions on the internet take place, without social clues or actual personal interaction, those who actually do have Aspergers have an easier time communicating. This leads other people to think that they too have aspergers because they relate to those that they meet online. What most people fail to understand is that Aspergers is quite hard to see without actual physical interaction. Apologies if this is vague or unclear, I'd be happy to elaborate if anyone has specific questions, but between writing a philosophy of religion paper and a sociology paper, I don't have time to make sure I'm easily understood.
I'll definitely agree that the Internet makes socializing easier. Without it, I would have lost my mind years ago.

"You are an absolute in these uncertain times. Your past is forgotten, and your
future is an empty book. You must find your own destiny, my brave adventurer.
-- Turaga Nokama


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I apologize for not replying sooner. I am a professionally diagnosed aspie. Good to see this topic back. I'm just suprised the Mods haven't gotten involved yet. So, who else here finds science fiction extemelely fascinating?

Me! :D

"You are an absolute in these uncertain times. Your past is forgotten, and your
future is an empty book. You must find your own destiny, my brave adventurer.
-- Turaga Nokama


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What I mean is that they are very quick to blame everyone else for their social awkwardness.They absolutely believe that because they have a diagnose, everyone should bow down to them and respect them. I mean sure, they're not allowed to discriminate you, but you don't have to be so sensitive about looks or comments.Not everyone is going to like you, and if everyone likes you, you're faker than Nicole Kidman's forehead. My friend had this classmate with Aspergers. When he raised his hand to ask the teacher about something, he responded with "let's talk over lunch!".What do you think he did? He got his lunch, put it down right next to them and started talking. And then he started whining because people thought it was funny.I mean, yeah it was funny, but it's not like they laughed AT him, they laughed WITH him.But being totally backwards socially, he doesn't have the slightest self-irony whatsoever. Now, who's to blame for this? Can it be blamed on someone?Or maybe he should just stop hiding behind his diagnosis and refuse change, and actually improve his social skills? Because it is possible.

I agree with you to a point, I don't think anyone should use whatever their diagnosed with to benefit from it. That being said, I do have to say I have not met an Aspie in real life, but I think you are wrong to use one Aspie's actions as credibility to say that every other Aspie acts in that same way, and that they blame thier social awkwardness on others etc. I've read every post in this topic and I haven't seen one post where someone has said "Yeah, I'm an Aspie and I have social awkwardness because of Non-Aspies, it's all their fault." I also don't get the ending to your story. You said you weren't laughing at him, but with him. Well in that case he did it as a joke, right? But you said he started "whining because they thought it was funny". Which tells me he didn't do it as a joke, which means your classmates were laughing AT him not WITH him. And what's the big deal if he did do that anyway? I have some friends who would do that too, and they don't have Aspies or any other problem with them. It's just some people process information differently than others. It's no reason to make fun of them.Sev



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I'm glad someone created this topic because i myself have AS along with other similar disorders. AS is the main reason I enjoy bionicle. I mean it's pretty bad when i forget when a certain event happen I will try to remember what bionicle were out at that time frame. I will say that I have been in several treatment centers 2 of them for 2 years so I have had my fair share of difficulties living with AS.Just remember that Even though You have AS does not mean that you can't do things everyone else can do and Don't ever let some one label. I must say there is one thing Related to disorders is that darn DSM-4 book that therapist use. They treat it like the frickin bible.They don't even seem to try and get to know their patients they just go to the DSM-4. And let me tell you Alaska's treatment for mental disorders suck, they seem to always send the person out of state for treatment.

What I mean is that they are very quick to blame everyone else for their social awkwardness.They absolutely believe that because they have a diagnose, everyone should bow down to them and respect them. I mean sure, they're not allowed to discriminate you, but you don't have to be so sensitive about looks or comments.Not everyone is going to like you, and if everyone likes you, you're faker than Nicole Kidman's forehead. My friend had this classmate with Aspergers. When he raised his hand to ask the teacher about something, he responded with "let's talk over lunch!".What do you think he did? He got his lunch, put it down right next to them and started talking. And then he started whining because people thought it was funny.I mean, yeah it was funny, but it's not like they laughed AT him, they laughed WITH him.But being totally backwards socially, he doesn't have the slightest self-irony whatsoever. Now, who's to blame for this? Can it be blamed on someone?Or maybe he should just stop hiding behind his diagnosis and refuse change, and actually improve his social skills? Because it is possible.

I must say that that example can be fore any type of disorder physical or mental. Example a person in a wheelchair could use it to his example by cutting everyone in a line just to get to the front and use the Wheelchair as a excuse when confronted on it. There many more examples. Point being a disorder can be misused.


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There is a very high level of defensiveness in this topic, bordering on nasty levels. Like Cathexis (a properly-trained academic psychology expert, I know, he's been my friend for years) mentioned earlier in the topic, Aspergers is in fact in the process of being absorbed back into the Autism label. This is because Autism itself comes in at several very different levels, and Aspergers fits right at the lowest state. Like he said, it's just Autism without the speech difficulties, or so incredibly vague that you might as well say the only way to get Aspergers is to read the wikipedia article about Aspergers. The key point here is that psychology is a study and science constantly in flux, and what may be accepted in one generation is debunked in another. This is because our understanding of the human mind is ever-evolving, and in fact as society changes our minds change too, so we can never fully get a grasp on it. In the end, using terms like "Neurotypicals" and so forth is just putting up a wall between you and other people, and if you want to be able to live a good, normal life, putting up walls is a bad thing.

Tumblr: Where facts and logic go to die.

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There is a very high level of defensiveness in this topic, bordering on nasty levels. Like Cathexis (a properly-trained academic psychology expert, I know, he's been my friend for years) mentioned earlier in the topic, Aspergers is in fact in the process of being absorbed back into the Autism label. This is because Autism itself comes in at several very different levels, and Aspergers fits right at the lowest state. Like he said, it's just Autism without the speech difficulties, or so incredibly vague that you might as well say the only way to get Aspergers is to read the wikipedia article about Aspergers. The key point here is that psychology is a study and science constantly in flux, and what may be accepted in one generation is debunked in another. This is because our understanding of the human mind is ever-evolving, and in fact as society changes our minds change too, so we can never fully get a grasp on it. In the end, using terms like "Neurotypicals" and so forth is just putting up a wall between you and other people, and if you want to be able to live a good, normal life, putting up walls is a bad thing.

I didn't make up the term. I just use it for simplicity.

"You are an absolute in these uncertain times. Your past is forgotten, and your
future is an empty book. You must find your own destiny, my brave adventurer.
-- Turaga Nokama


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Wow, it's unbelievable that one topic can bring up this much complaining. *Looks at Official TPTB Topic*I stand corrected.But, seriously, this topic isn't for us Aspie's to vent our anger at NT's, nor is it for you NT's to vent your anger at us Aspies. This is for Aspies to realise they're not alone on BZP. And for NT's to do... I dunno...


Nikarra - Kaelynn - Ronan - Muir - Donal Aerus - Montague - Kira - KouraLearu - Alteora - Fuacht - Caana Nessen - Merrill

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for those without Aspger's too offer their support either from an academic standpoint according to what they've learned from their studies, or from a casual standpoint as they've had to deal with support family members with Asperger's.

69 Days to a Better Body

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Can I just say, I find it annoying when people abuse the word "trolling"? If I was trolling, you'd know. I do it all time, and it's painfully obvious when I do troll. Criticizing isn't trolling. And criticizing isn't "hating". Nowhere did I say it's your fault that you were born with Aspergers. But I am saying that by claiming that there's nothing you can do and that there won't ever be isn't true. I know plenty of bipolar people, and for those of us who know what that means will probably get this next part. I know plenty of bipolar people, and when they encounter periods of depression, they always insist that there's no hope and no way out. And every time, I have to remind them that they are bipolar and that introspection is key. I've had depressing times, trust me, and I know it's hopeless, but when you know you are bipolar, you know for a fact that there's a light in the tunnel. And in so many ways, this is similar to Aspergers. If you know you have Aspergers and you suspect something is off, or if you think that people are after you (in any which way), you can remind yourself that "Hey, maybe it's not what it seems. Maybe it's not me, maybe it's something else". If you can manage to do that, force yourself to be more optimistic, then I think you'd be surprised by what you're capable of. And don't say you can't, because it is possible. I know plenty of bipolar people and I know plenty of people with Aspergers of all ages, and when they mature and fully understand their capabilities and struggles, they are able to achieve a higher quality of living. It might be clad in dark armor, but this is really a message of hope.


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for those without Aspger's too offer their support either from an academic standpoint according to what they've learned from their studies, or from a casual standpoint as they've had to deal with support family members with Asperger's.

Yeah! What he said!

Can I just say, I find it annoying when people abuse the word "trolling"?If I was trolling, you'd know. I do it all time, and it's painfully obvious when I do troll.Criticizing isn't trolling. And criticizing isn't "hating". Nowhere did I say it's your fault that you were born with Aspergers.But I am saying that by claiming that there's nothing you can do and that there won't ever be isn't true. I know plenty of bipolar people, and for those of us who know what that means will probably get this next part.I know plenty of bipolar people, and when they encounter periods of depression, they always insist that there's no hope and no way out.And every time, I have to remind them that they are bipolar and that introspection is key.I've had depressing times, trust me, and I know it's hopeless, but when you know you are bipolar, you know for a fact that there's a light in the tunnel. And in so many ways, this is similar to Aspergers.If you know you have Aspergers and you suspect something is off, or if you think that people are after you (in any which way), you can remind yourself that "Hey, maybe it's not what it seems. Maybe it's not me, maybe it's something else". If you can manage to do that, force yourself to be more optimistic, then I think you'd be surprised by what you're capable of.And don't say you can't, because it is possible. I know plenty of bipolar people and I know plenty of people with Aspergers of all ages, and when they mature and fully understand their capabilities and struggles, they are able to achieve a higher quality of living. It might be clad in dark armor, but this is really a message of hope.

At what point did any of us suggest we had a 'lower quality' of living? Edited by Pirok the Va-Matoran


Nikarra - Kaelynn - Ronan - Muir - Donal Aerus - Montague - Kira - KouraLearu - Alteora - Fuacht - Caana Nessen - Merrill

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You didn't, but some of you kinda do. Even though you don't say it out loud, one can read it through even a post on the Internet. "Aspergers, let's unite against the NTs!" It's like seconds before someone pulls this one. Please don't assume I mean everyone. It's easy to discern those who are more mature and those who aren't. ;)


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bah, too many posts to quote and/or read. I Have asberger's syndrome, and actually have nver heard the term "aspie" before, and now that i have heard it, dislike it. A big a fan of History and the history channel, as well as bionicle, and video games. oh, and portal.........I <3 Portal when i had problems with a certain person whose description bypasses the word filter, i would listen to still alive... if i didnt have my ipod, i would sing still alive. if that would be too embarrassing, i would whisper still alive. if people got annoyed. i'd tell them to shut their ugly faces and then i would hum still alive. THATS how much i love portal. and i've listened to still alive over 300 times, according to itunesand still aive is 2 minutes 56 seconds long. 2 minutes 56 secs(216 seconds) x 300 = 68400 seconds of listening to still alive, divided by 60 seconds per minute, = 1080 minutes, / 60 minutes per hour, = 18 hours of the song

Edited by bulik

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you kinda do

So, we're different, and that means some of us don't have a better quality of living? We don't have a lower quality of life. Some of us are bullied, or discriminated against, and our lives aren't happy, but you should say some of us don't have lives we believe are happy. Our quality of life is not affected unless we decide to stop eating, or walking, or breathing, etcetera.


Nikarra - Kaelynn - Ronan - Muir - Donal Aerus - Montague - Kira - KouraLearu - Alteora - Fuacht - Caana Nessen - Merrill

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Doesn't being depressed and frustrated with your peers affect the performance of your mental and physical health? You can argue against that all you want, but I think you know you're wrong if that's what you believe. It was a statement directed at anyone who felt it relevant to them. You don't let nasty comments get to you? Awesome! You don't get nasty comments? Even better!But for those who get them and let it get to them, they might find it helpful to understand that not everything is pitch black. ;)


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Honestly, I'd say that, if anything, being frustrated, alienated, and disinterested in my peer group is actually a good thing, for myself at least. I have no reason to get involved in the pointless idiotic 'let's have fun!' activities at school, and can instead focus on what I'm actually paying for. Taking my classes, LEARNING, absorbing new knowledge, and getting good grades. At work, I don't waste time with unprofessional stupidity like gossiping, small-talk, 'making friends' with co-workers. I FOCUS on the job I'm being paid to do, and that's it. I'm curteous and polite to customers, yes, but I'm not one of those stupid people who tries to be 'chummy' with every single person, getting involved with their lives, asking horrendously personal questions while taking up time that can be better spent properly serving them. So what does that mean? While 'normal' people are wasting time with silly 'friendships' with people they truely have nothing in common with other than going to school at the same place, getting involved in 'let's make friends and make school fun' stupidity when they could be using that time for something that actually matters, I'm studying, and getting good grades with ease, and learning things that will help me in the workplace in the future. While they're being lax, chit-chatting, trying to make friends with customers, I'm being an efficient worker, doing the work several of those other people could have done if they actually put more than the bare minimum of interest in their job.

69 Days to a Better Body

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Miles Completed: 123(+2 Miles) | Today's Time: 1H


Exercise time was too bloody hard to fix...forgot to track a few days...sorry.


MOCs: Sah n Dibum - Vehicles Part 1 - Mouldi Pheats - Daleks

Stories: Adventures in the LegoVerse

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Honestly, I'd say that, if anything, being frustrated, alienated, and disinterested in my peer group is actually a good thing, for myself at least. I have no reason to get involved in the pointless idiotic 'let's have fun!' activities at school, and can instead focus on what I'm actually paying for. Taking my classes, LEARNING, absorbing new knowledge, and getting good grades. At work, I don't waste time with unprofessional stupidity like gossiping, small-talk, 'making friends' with co-workers. I FOCUS on the job I'm being paid to do, and that's it. I'm curteous and polite to customers, yes, but I'm not one of those stupid people who tries to be 'chummy' with every single person, getting involved with their lives, asking horrendously personal questions while taking up time that can be better spent properly serving them. So what does that mean? While 'normal' people are wasting time with silly 'friendships' with people they truely have nothing in common with other than going to school at the same place, getting involved in 'let's make friends and make school fun' stupidity when they could be using that time for something that actually matters, I'm studying, and getting good grades with ease, and learning things that will help me in the workplace in the future. While they're being lax, chit-chatting, trying to make friends with customers, I'm being an efficient worker, doing the work several of those other people could have done if they actually put more than the bare minimum of interest in their job.

I must say that I have to agree with Malevolence. I live in a rural area where most of the kids my age are doing illegal activities/acts which could mean serious trouble, So me being a bit anti-social has actually done me good since I'm not involved in anything illegal. The only thing that I must say is hard is trying to talk to people my own age about topics that most kid are into and that is why I enjoy bzpower because here I can talk about bionicle with people who actually know what i'm talking about while still being stuck here. Malevolence is also right about being able to focus better, I have been able to focus on my school work and i am currently the student in my senior class with the highest grades. So in all reality my Disorder is a blessing for school and work. I do have more disabilities than i have listed but i really don't want to list them all so That's why I i'm only referring to my Asperger's.

bah, too many posts to quote and/or read. I Have asberger's syndrome, and actually have nver heard the term "aspie" before, and now that i have heard it, dislike it. A big a fan of History and the history channel, as well as bionicle, and video games. oh, and portal.........I <3 Portal when i had problems with a certain person whose description bypasses the word filter, i would listen to still alive... if i didnt have my ipod, i would sing still alive. if that would be too embarrassing, i would whisper still alive. if people got annoyed. i'd tell them to shut their ugly faces and then i would hum still alive. THATS how much i love portal. and i've listened to still alive over 300 times, according to itunesand still aive is 2 minutes 56 seconds long. 2 minutes 56 secs(216 seconds) x 300 = 68400 seconds of listening to still alive, divided by 60 seconds per minute, = 1080 minutes, / 60 minutes per hour, = 18 hours of the song

I've never heard of the "Aspies" term before and i was in several treatment centers And still never heard it so it's new to me.


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exactly what is that?

69 Days to a Better Body

Days left: 45 | Days completed: 24 | Yesterday: Shoulder's & Glutes - Today's: Triceps - Tomorrow's: Biceps

Miles Completed: 123(+2 Miles) | Today's Time: 1H


Exercise time was too bloody hard to fix...forgot to track a few days...sorry.


MOCs: Sah n Dibum - Vehicles Part 1 - Mouldi Pheats - Daleks

Stories: Adventures in the LegoVerse

Interesting Stuff: Shows You're Watching

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Never heard of the show, but I did type a whole rant about how much it infuses me with the enraging fury of all the hatred of Hades (You've got to love Asperger's and our sometimes bizarre reactions to language quirks) that people find it necessary to change/add a prefix to make something 'masculine'. It's utterly stupid, and actually makes me laothe my gender I'd consider going under the knife just so I'd never be associated with them again. You'd think that in this day an age, for all our faults, we'd finally be at the stage where men didn't feel the need to needlessly 'masculinise' words, products, terms, etc. just so it'd be okay for a male to use them. Then again, Western society IS extremely homophobic, archaic, and full of unreasonable, close-minded, archaic, and meaningless restrictions and expectations for the males of their species, so I shouldn't be so surprised...

Edited by Malevolence

69 Days to a Better Body

Days left: 45 | Days completed: 24 | Yesterday: Shoulder's & Glutes - Today's: Triceps - Tomorrow's: Biceps

Miles Completed: 123(+2 Miles) | Today's Time: 1H


Exercise time was too bloody hard to fix...forgot to track a few days...sorry.


MOCs: Sah n Dibum - Vehicles Part 1 - Mouldi Pheats - Daleks

Stories: Adventures in the LegoVerse

Interesting Stuff: Shows You're Watching

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Yes, the East has much more legal sexism. But still, there is nowhere in this world anyone could escape sexism. I think that, yes, there are mental differences between men and women. It's a scientific fact. Like, I think I read somewhere that men (generally speaking) learn better by reading,and women (generally speaking) learn better by listening. Might have been the reverse. But, anyways, I don't care if you're a guy, girl, or somewhere in between. You can like MLP, or anything else you feel like liking.I think sexism is particularly pressuring on Aspies. I think that a lot of male Aspies (which make up the majority of our diagnoses population) likes something that's considered "girly." I read about how some of them are treated, and I just think, "Mata Nui, is this the world I live in?"

"You are an absolute in these uncertain times. Your past is forgotten, and your
future is an empty book. You must find your own destiny, my brave adventurer.
-- Turaga Nokama


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I've never been professionally diagnosed with it, but I sometimes wonder if I do have it. That thing about obsessing over one thing for a while definitely applies to me, like if I watch an anime or movie or play a video game or something, and I end up liking it, I'll often go through some stage where I obsess over it. As for the social part, I'm more introverted than extroverted, but I like hanging out with my friends and stuff. By definition, I probably do, but again, I haven't been professionally diagnosed with it, so I dunno.

---------------------------------------------------Links to fun stuff---------------------------------------------------

A story I wrote in 2016My sole BZPRPG character who has existed since 2016, but has done absolutely nothing, A fun little Cantonese earworm ft. Marina Sirtis, Some real nostalgia from 2003 BZPower


We are Primus. We are Prima. We are Prime Nova. We are Sentinel Prime. We are Optimus Prime.

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Like it was earlier said, people over the internet- or basically anywhere- have an incredible tendency to look into one topic, learn a bit about it, then immediately freak out, going 'OMG THIS IS SO TRUE IT MUST BE RIGHT GAHHASDFGHJKLZXCVBNMQWERTYUIOP'. I wouldn't count in the fact you have Asbergers.

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Hello, fellow Bionicle-obsessed aspies :biggrin:. I've been diagnosed since I was about seven.

I've been into BIONICLE since I was seven. It's annoying when NTs (mostly my parents) try to make it stop. Atm, I'm also into North Korea, Marxist-Leninism, and My Little Pony. :)

Lenin was actually a pretty cool guy for most of his life, unlike several other communist leaders. "cough" Stalin, Mao "cough" Edited by electrodude

It's all ogre now

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