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BZPRPG - Kentoku Archipelago

Nuju Metru

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His superior speed allowed Kulrik to unsheathe his rapier and duck below the swinging Soulsword spear. Quickly raising his blade Kulrik swatted the psychic weapon to the side before again retreating a few steps. The Vilda duelist considered the situation.


Kulrik's opponent had strength and size on his side, as well as a formidable reach exacerbated by the long spear he wielded. However, the Herupa was also hot headed - Kulrik could now see the hateful look of murder in his eyes, of undisguised hatred. In some ways it made Jiyu more dangerous, but also more manageable. The Vilda First son had speed, agility and experience in this sort of fight. All he had to do was figure out how to fell the blasted giant.


"Someone more suitable? Your skull must be even thicker than the whole Empire realizes. Your sister Seigyo is the one who should be leading the Herupa, not an oaf like you. She's the one that would bring your clan real honour. Everyone's just been too scared to tell you."


Speaking of Seigyo, where was she? Kulrik hoped she showed up soon, she might actually know how to calm down her older brother.


"And yes, the Empire is broken, I'll be the first to agree with you on that. But it needn't be destroyed to fix it!"


Plus, it's hard to woo women when society is crumbling apart.


Kulrik jumped and stabbed forward with his blade, missed, then jumped back as Jiyu swung at him again.


There we go, Kulrik thought. Let's tire out the big, cranky baby.

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You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much

Which Barraki are you?

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"Well, then you should think about it. Everyone has a reason for why they do what they do, and what discipline they chose. It says something about you. It said something about me, and your Soulsword will say something about you."


IC (Enali)


"I understand..." Enali replied.


The young Menti was quiet for a moment, then looked up at her elder again.


"Kagesu, I have a question."





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"Then, by all means, ask." The Eiyu Menti leaned against the wall, adopting a relatively relaxed stance.




Torshu Nihonei was not having a good day.


As the brawl suddenly erupted, the woman dove out of her chair and popped back up to her feet, hand on the hilt of her weapon. The Toroshu wasn't entirely sure what unfortunate series of events had led her to this moment, attempting to determine whether or not to intervene, but she was not pleased by them. For the moment she remained still but alert. When she understood, or when there was an immediate need, she would intervene.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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Jiyu paused, taking a step back. His initial approach was too broad. Precision. He needed precision.


"You're one to speak of honor, you irritable little peacock!" He shouted, before locking gazes with the Vilda first son...


... An launching a direct assault upon Kulrik's mind, the mental attack being comparable to an avalanche, or a great sweeping wave.

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Man, I haven't posted on this topic for quite a while...




Jinrali turned to the other two. (if you can remember that far back) "Well, I'd better get going. The upheaval in the Royal palace won't stop itself, you know."




(I'll do this eventually, I swear...)


My BZPRPG Characters

Corpus Rahkshi Characters: Kol Arsenal Swarm Amalgamation

Skyrise Characters: Zavon


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IC: Kaede

"Wow. She's lucky." Kaede's eyes widened slightly. Too see such a mysterious land...


If they got there safely, at least. Best not to think of what could go wrong.


At Jinrali's comment, she turned to tmher fellow Menti and said "Okay. Good luck."

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IC (Gotsoko)


Kulrik and Jiyu's escalating duel was suddenly interrupted by a voice that was elderly but still cut through the air like steel.


"What in mother Zuto's name is going on here?" barked Lorekeeper Gotsoko, leaning on her staff of office. Nobody had noticed her arrive, but the Datsue had an aura of sternness about her that immediately commanded everyone's attention despite her age and stooped stature.


She glared at the men from beneath furrowed brows.


"Explain yourselves."




"Then, by all means, ask." The Eiyu Menti leaned against the wall, adopting a relatively relaxed stance.


IC (Enali)


"There's something I don't understand," the girl explained. "A Saihoko can be slain for the smallest of mistakes, but a noble can get away with almost anything, unless a more powerful noble is involved...


"What gives them that right?" she asked. "I mean, Herupa Jiyu wanted to throw crates at me, to 'help me learn'. I'm sorry, but that just seems crazy! What is it about his bloodline, or his title or whatever it is, that makes him automatically so worthy and important?"





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Kagesu was quiet for a long moment as Enali's question registered. Finally, the older Menti let out a breath with a quiet whoosh of air as she sank down the wall into a sitting position. She was quiet a few moments longer as she tapped a finger against her kneecap, staring off into space. "... Tradition. Tradition and society. That is a question that some very daring philosophers have been asking since the Empire's inception, and if you were to ask that question, that is the answer you would get. Tradition. Our society accepts those traditional values, and without challenge, they stand."


"But the real reason is the underlying fact of our Empire." A pause, and the Menti sighed. "Might makes right. Take away the societal standing, the clans, all of these constructs that we made ourselves. Then what's the difference between you? He's bigger and he's stronger. Those at the top of our society are there because they have had the power to shape our society. To condition us to believe that that's how it should be."

"A Saihoko can be killed without a thought because they don't have the strength to defend themselves. Because we've all been conditioned to think that that's how it is supposed to work. A noble can do as they wish, because for anyone of lower status to oppose them is tantamount to taking on the entirety of society."

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On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC (Enali)


Enali nodded, a little sadly.


"That's what part of me thought, but..."


She sighed.


"...I suppose I didn't want to believe it."


Neither Menti said anything for a while. Eventually, Enali piped up again, in her usual inquisitive way.


"Were things always like this?"





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"As long as I've been alive." The Menti rested her forearms on her knees, glancing back over towards the Ageru near her. "That might not be too long, but our histories say the same. The Eiyu have chronicles our Empire since its founding, and nowhere within those chronicles is a time much different from now. Our virtues, supposedly given by Zuto Nui herself, is the justification for all of the things we do."

"There've been people who found ways to tip the scales, just a little, from time to time. I owe my own standing, meager though it is, to one of them. But nothing sticks."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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Kulrik had been frozen by the Willhammer attack as he rushed to construct feeble defences. His Sighteye training afforded him some protection, but nevertheless on the mental plane Jiyu had the advantage. Kulrik could feel waves of Jiyu's consciousness rise up and try to drown his own. He held fast, but the Vilda could only last so long. 


Then the Lorekeeper arrived. 


The waves ceased instantly, and both First Sons just looked at the new arrival. 


"I was conducting some research here in the Library and came to ask Toroshu Nihonei for some assistance. Then Herupa Jiyu arrived and was so perturbed by my presence, he insisted on attacking me right away" Kulrik told the respected Datsue. He still held his rapier ready should the giant decide to strike again, and Kulrik also readied himself on the mental plane. If Jiyu tried anything, Kulrik would grab hold of his sense like strings and weave them into an ornate tapestry, ensuring that the larger Menti fought a ghost rather than Kulrik himself. 

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You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much

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[sado, Imperial Library]


Well, I hadn’t expected Jiyu to be that forward.  If we were on the street, I wouldn’t have minded seeing him turn Kulrik into a splat on the wall; but we were in the library.  As much as I hated most of the empires obnoxious sparkly buildings in the capital, I do like books.   I could sympathize with the elder’s annoyance.  Still, it had been quite a show.


I tried to look innocent as possible.  It doesn’t usually work that well with me.

Edited by Mel

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

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[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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IC (Gotsoko)


Gotsoko turned to Nihonei, clearly neither impressed nor convinced by either of the males' explanations.


"Toroshu, is this true?" she asked, in a notably softer tone. Clearly, the Lorekeeper had much more patience for the leader of her own clan than the First Sons of others.





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Ic: "In a manner of speaking," a feather-soft voice pronounced in the library hall. How it got there—so close to everyone—without anyone noticing before became instantly understood when their noble eyes recognized Inokio. He was nondescript and a notoriously whispery in footfalls when he wanted to, and he had centuries of practice in the Palace to hone his skill. He seemed almost monkish in appearance with his trademark simple robe and an open book bag slung over one shoulder, giving the impression of a scholar who'd spent all his days wandering the rows of manuscripts fastidiously hunting typographical errors on every page. "It seemed to me Jiyu was insulted by Kulrik and moved to strike him—for what, I don't know."


He shifted his weight on his other foot and sagged his shoulders slightly; the shoulder strap to his bag almost slipped off, saved by his timely reach to secure it in its place. "I would also opine that Jiyu didn't make the first move. Kulrik isn't good at maintaining his bridges." He shrugged noncommittally, but his eyes bore into the other two First Sons with resolute contempt. 


To him, Kulrik was a fine example of the plague the current generation of First Sons had become, and he considered him a petty errant price who dabbled in politics, attempting to paint a silken portrait with the ignorant discipline of a child smearing paint on a wall. Nobody would appreciate the finished product but the artist was vehement in his belief that it was a masterpiece. Jiyu, on the other hand, was a wild card. At least in striking Kulrik he'd done what many others would have loved to do, but on the other hand it was not the place to do it. The library was sacred ground for the scholarly and violence was never tolerated here—the Loremaster and her torahs would see to that. However, beyond the basics, Inokio wasn't sure how to judge the giant regent, not just yet. 


"It seems I came at a bad time," he forlornly stated and pulled a volume from his satchel. "I only wanted to turn this in for another text, but life can't stop being an adventure."

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[sado, Imperial Library]


"Really?" I drawled, looking straight at Inokio.  "I seem to remember you in the practice yards when I left.  That was a rather short practice, battlemaster."

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

En4XX.gif aDhCn.gif gkKRR.gif TUJGk.gif 7dN9Y.gif TNxSB.gif HpGw0.gif r89Xe.gif AKbnC.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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Ic: "No, you didn't, because I haven't practiced today. You only saw me in the Yards, not understanding that I literally live there," Inokio snapped back at Shuuan with a razor precision in his tone that matched hers. Still, he smiled thinly, whatever reasons were his own.

Edited by Queen Anora Mac Tir
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Isn't this a party, thought Kulrik. If he'd known things got so interesting in the Imperial Library, he would have come more often during his Menti training.


At the moment, however, the large gathering was more a nuisance than anything else. He had work to do - real work, not defending himself in duels with witless oafs. He needed all this to be over with as soon as possible. Kulrik also didn't particularly enjoy being enjoyed being scolded, especially by a higher ranking male. 


"I confess, no, I'm not very good at bridges. They seem to collapse whenever I'm near.  But I've come to the Library to perform some scholarly work that can help, maybe save the Empire, and perhaps find some help along the way. Now that I'm no longer being attacked, do you think it would be possible for me to continue with what I was doing?" Kulrik asked the Loremaster.

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You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much

Which Barraki are you?

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IC: Seiryu

His hands were trembling. His hands shouldn't be trembling.


"Come on, I am above this manner of behavior... Urk..."


It felt like the withdrawal symptoms of opium as described in the books. Sweating, twitching, nausea, high anxiety; was this a panic attack? Or some sort of illness? One thing was for sure though: Seiryu wanted to be home as quickly as possible.


"Ah, perhaps that might... No, no... Ugh..."


Everybody into the castle had called him a hikikomori. Perhaps they weren't wrong. He never felt this way when in his room, but taking so much as a step outside would cause him to go on high alert. "Especially in times such as these..."


Focusing back on what he had actually came here for, Seiryu turned back to the time he had been reading. He had come to the library to view a book on certain poisons that had been documented over the years. There was this one that had a sweet taste, used as a sugar substitute in the past and added to wine, but would eventually cause symptoms akin to those of lead...


Loud noises started coming from outside.


.:Is there some event of note transpiring in the main area?:. he asked nobody in particular over Ideatalk.

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IC: (Senavysh Angavur)


Sena had a very peeved look upon her face. This place was not one for petty squabbles, it was one of peace and meditation. She was thankful for Inokio's intervention in this matter. Nonetheless, it was a matter she thought she had not a say in, so she let the Imperials handle it themselves.

I occasionally return to BZP for a nostalgic trip back. Hit me up on discord if you need anything. 
BZPRPG Characters that I will possibly revive, Mons-Shajs-Tarotrix-Aryll Vudigg-Jorruk Yokin-Senavysh Angavur






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IC: Chiyo

"Very well then. Thank you for your hospitality, especially on such short notice." Chiyo rose to leave, but turned around for a final comment. "Would have any dye requests or other favors you wish from us? Just making sure."


IC (Kilanya)


The Toroshu shook her head.


"Not at this time, no," she said. "Please send your mother my regards."


IC (Gotsoko)


"Then you do not intend to defend your honour, and continue your duel with Jiyu outside?" the Datsue asked wryly. Something in her expression suggested to Kulrik that the aged Lorekeeper was...testing him?





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"Of course I intend to defend my honour" Kulrik said impatiently.


He didn't very much like the Lorekeeper's tone, who seemed to be questioning Kulrik's bravery and honour. The First Son was not one to back down from a fight, nor was he without honour when it came to things like these - though, admittedly a pretty face could make him forget about those things.


"Now It is clear that Herupa Jiyu has challenged me to a duel because of some grievance, real or imagined" Kulrik continued, emphasizing the last work. "But he has forgotten proper duel rite, an offence I am happy to overlook. As the challenged, it is my right to choose the weaponry involved as well as the time of the duel, so long as it is within three moons of time that the challenge was issued. As the challenger, it is Jiyu's privilege to choose the place.


Kulrik focused all his attention on the Herupa now.


"Herupa Jiyu, I gladly accept your challenge to duel, and choose to fight in three moons time, with the weapon of choice being the rapier. What location do you suggest?"

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You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much

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"Perhaps we can all find a way to restrain our egos, hmm?" 


Nihonei's tone was civil, betraying little of annoyance that flashed through her mind. The Toroshu had long since relinquished her grip on her blade, straightening to her full (admittedly less than intimidating) stature. A hand smoothed the fabric portions of her attire before she crossed her arms, regarding all of those in attendance with the expression of an irritated mother. 


"Plangori Shuuan, while your wit is a welcome change from Sado's norm, now is not the best time." The Eiyu scholar addressed the daughter of her fellow Toroshu patiently, giving the faintest hints of amusement, before looking to Inokio. "Battlemaster Inokio. Your skill with arms is commendable, but I would suggest perhaps some time spent in meditation. It would seem your patience is in more need of work."


"And you two."


Nihonei stared at both of the First Sons before her, looking from Jiyu to Kulrik and back. Neither was exactly a paragon of virtue in her opinion, let alone a shining example of what they were supposed to represent. The giant, whose rage she could still hear echoing in the recesses of her mind from his presence at the then-Chojo's ball. And the Vilda's First Son, whose... Reputation, was legendary. And here they both were, engaged in a personal dispute while the empire threatened to burn. Nevertheless she addressed them in a patient, if firm, tone.


"If you intend to settle this, do it now. Take this to the Yards, and have your duel there. There is far too much at risk in our land to spend months waiting for petty squabbles to be resolved, to permit such anger to bubble underneath the surface. Settle it now, or forever hold your peace. And whatever you do, disturb not the peace of this establishment."


Her voice heard, she pivoted to face Gotsoko and Senavysh. Bowing at the waist, she addressed them both in a much kinder tone than she had the two males previously. "Tajaar, while I have not had the pleasure of knowing your name, I apologize that your visit to the Library has been disrupted so. Gotsoko, it has been too long. I regret that my first visit in many moons has been so... Chaotic."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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"I agree with my fellow Toroshu," Jiyu stated, looking Kulrik in the eye, "We will settle this now, in the yards, or you will turn tail like the coward you are."


And if you do run, I'll see to it that you meet a coward's end. Jiyu thought to himself.


:Or, you can calm down now and prevent me from finishing what mother started.:


Heads turned at the one who broadcasted those thoughts, with Jiyu's one eye widening in both surprise and... Some revulsion.


:Seigyo, you wouldn't-:


:I would. You're threatening my charge. I regret a lot of things Jiyu. I regret not getting involved between you and mother. I regret not being with Hana more often. I regret not trying to follow behind mother and become Toroshu... But I will not allow you fighting Kulrik become another regret. Regardless how I feel about Kulrik, he is my charge and I have sworn oaths to protect him until my last breath. So if you wish to duel him, then you shall do so over my dead body Jiyu!:


Jiyu almost took a step back from his sister, who had quickly moved between him and Kulrik.


"... We will hold this conversation another time. When there aren't... Pressing matters to attend to," Jiyu stated, already beginning to plan ways around Seigyo.


Seigyo didn't feel brave for standing against her twin. More like downright terrified. Her brother was many things, least of all predictable. Or kind. Their mother had removed his kindness. Or any of his emotions other than pure blind rage and his destructive impulses. While she knew he often looked nonplussed at near anything, she knew for sure that he was beyond unhappy.


She briefly even considered the thought of her twin even knew what happiness was.


She quickly banished that thought as well.


"Apologies for not acting sooner," she said softly to Kulrik, "... I was searching for... The right words. I apologize about my brother."

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Ic: "Battlemaster Inokio. Your skill with arms is commendable, but I would suggest perhaps some time spent in meditation. It would seem your patience is in more need of work."


"Quick wit does not indicate impatience, Toroshu Nihonei," the warrior countered with the same deftness, though his eyes didn't sting this time and instead looked at the ground before Nihonei with sufficient customary deference. 


His hand, still holding the volume, dropped to his side as he waited for the standoff to finally abate. 

Edited by Queen Anora Mac Tir
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IC: Seiryu

His question was ignored. More noises. A surge in local Ideatalk activity. "Tsk..." Seiryu poked his head out the door of the reading chamber to take a look. "Okay, what's the noise..."


His mental threat assessment immediately kicked in.


Nihonei: threat level unknown. Appears to be neutral; could hace shifted sides though.

Inokio: DANGER DANGER . Belongs to enemy faction. Avoid all contact if possible. If forced, act natural.

Jiyu: unknown. Neutral. Seems to be in a bad mood though. Could be dangerous.

Kulrik: unknown. Allied on paper, but doesn't seem to be that involved. Currently involved in a dispute with Jiyu?

... Shuuan?: unknown. Possibly neutral? Doesn't seem like the type to pick a fight though.

... Senavysh?: unknown. May be enemy aligned. Doesn't appear to be involved.

Gotsoko: unknown; seems to be trying to keep the peace though.


... Why am I thinking of them as allies and enemies? Should I be?


"Okay..." Seiryu ducked back into the reading chamber. "Stay out of this."


IC: Chiyo

"Very well then. Farewell for now." Chiyo took her leave.



Chiyo was walking through the streets when she bumped into Higashi and Jinrali. "Hello."


OOC: mind if I put you two in the same area?

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[sado, Imperial Library]


I snorted at Inokio’s response.  Quick wit would require your statement to have some intelligent turn of phrase to it, battlemaster, which unfortunately it did not.

I frowned as Seigyo stepped between Jiyu and Kulrik.  While I knew the Herupa’s prided themselves on sniveling loyalty to whomever they served, even I could see that allowing Jiyu to bottle his feelings inside again was doing absolutely no good for him--and I’m sure it wasn’t going to be good for Kulrik in the future.

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

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[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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IC: (Senavysh Angavur)


"I am Senavysh, Jah-Toroshu of Clan Angavur," she said politely, albeit with an awkward tone. "Representative of all The Taajar."


It wasn't too often she stated her title. Less often that she explained it Imperial terms. "I feel no offense in this matter, Toroshu. Though I thought diplomacy would be regarded higher in such an establishment as this."

I occasionally return to BZP for a nostalgic trip back. Hit me up on discord if you need anything. 
BZPRPG Characters that I will possibly revive, Mons-Shajs-Tarotrix-Aryll Vudigg-Jorruk Yokin-Senavysh Angavur






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OOC: Haven't posted in a while, but I tried to catch up as much as possible. If Kiria's sudden appearance doesn't quite fit in with this scenario, please let me know so I can edit this post accordingly
IC, Kiria: Suddenly, Kiria, a soulsword Menti guard of Toroshu Nihonei, suddenly appeared, seemingly out of nowhere, alerted to a disturbance by her Twin Souls partner, Hashi.

:Toroshu, are you alright? I was doing some light reading when Hashi alerted me to a possible danger near you, so I came as soon as I could:

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"I very much look forward to continuing the conversation with you, Jiyu. I of course understand the delay - us First Sons do have a busy life, don't we?" Kulrik said with a smile. He wasn't at all displeased with the turn of events. The Vilda hadn't expected Seigyo to appear at such an opportune moment, nor for her to stand up so resolutely against her (much bigger) older brother. That Jiyu was genuinely frightened was another happy happenstance.


Kulrik would have to thank Seigyo later for choosing him over his family. He knew it was difficult for her, and understood what it meant in the larger scheme of thinks. No matter the circumstance Seigyo would be by his side, something the First Son valued more than people knew.


"Now that that's over, I'd like to invite those of you not interested in skewering me to help solve a mystery that could save the Empire in the coming months."


Kulrik gestured towards the empty reading room he and Seigyo had come from, encouraging the other Menti to enter.


"If you don't have more important things to do, that is."

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You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much

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Ic: Inokio had only earlier that day been told the empire was crumbling and needed salvation to remain a realm, so his interest in the Vilda's claim piqued his interest. His brows arched in mild amusement. "If you're going to do that now, then exchanging my book can wait a little bit longer," he admitted, sliding the volume back into its bag and adjusting the shoulder strap more firmly in place. 


That drew some small criticism from those around him, though. Inokio's proximity with the youthful empress was no secret, and neither was the unceremonious detention of Kulrik's mother and toroshu at Yumiwa's whim, and yet the warrior seemed not too perturbed to see what Kulrik boldly talked about. The Battlemaster, it seemed, was quite at ease with it, and—in a reverse of the norm—was inwardly confident in himself. Kulrik was not able to deceive him, he surmised, and if anything he would be able to read the dawdling First Son more easily. His curiosity was twofold.


He took a step forward to cement his determination to attend, then waited for Kulrik to begin lead in and begin the seminar.

Edited by Queen Anora Mac Tir
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IC: (Senavysh Angavur)


"I am listening, First Son..." she said quietly.

I occasionally return to BZP for a nostalgic trip back. Hit me up on discord if you need anything. 
BZPRPG Characters that I will possibly revive, Mons-Shajs-Tarotrix-Aryll Vudigg-Jorruk Yokin-Senavysh Angavur






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