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BZPRPG - Kentoku Archipelago

Nuju Metru

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IC: Maripi

In an instant, the dusk-grey Menti had plucked the naginata, an excellent counter to Scar's halberd, from her back, and began circling the enemy dasaka, gaze locked--

 --Maripi darted forwards with immense speed aided by her kanohi, spinning her pike-like weapon in an attempt to catch Scar's and deflect it to the side, before slicing forwards towards the opposing Menti's heartlight.



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  • 2 weeks later...



"Onwards and downwards then" Kulrik exclaimed happily. Bending downward he wrapped his arms around Jiyu's (huge) waist while Shuuan moved to grab the giant's armpits.It wasn't exactly the highlight of his day, but it was progress towards recovering there rest of the Keys.


"Seigyo, you're going to have to hold on to me. Unless you want to stay behind and guard. But we would miss you" he added affectionately.




Thrown to the side, one Dashi's butcher knife skewered another in the throat. In a raspy gasp the injured Dashi fell to the ground, dead, while the other howled at her sister's death.


"I'll kill you for this! I'll kill all you traitors and 'shtet pox!" The lone standing Dashi whipped out the knife from the corpse and ran at Sumei with death in her eyes.



Scar felt the naginata slice deep across her heartlight. Too deep. She staggered backwards, trying to make sense of what was happening to her. The world was already becoming dim. The halberd was heavy, so much heavier than it had been moments ago. Scar dropped to a knee, using her weapon to steady herself. She wouldn't let the scum win and bring dishonour to her house. Carefully, she lowered the halberd, lining up the point at her enemy. Summoning all the strength she had left, she telekinetically flung it at Maripi. The halberd harpooned towards Maripi's upper legs.


The Willhammer was ready. Activating her Kanohi the chair bounced harmless off the Hau's shield, as did the falcata. She drew psychic energies around herself once more and lashed out at Ashka's mind, a single thought battering against the Dasaka's defences: Kill your sisters.

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You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much

Which Barraki are you?

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IC: Maripi

Marirp's eyes widened momentarily, but the throw, while not weak, was launched from the hands of a being seemingly near death - the dusk-grey Menti caught the weapon in a psychic hold of her own, diverting it's path enough to send it spinning to the side. Maripi walked towards her fallen foe, keeping an eye out for the remaining Dashi.

"I'm sorry that I couldn't allow you to do that." she stated emotionlessly, "And I'm sorry that you're a loose end that I'd rather not worry about. Goodbye."

With that, the naginita, fallen on the ground, came slicing swiftly towards Scar's neck.



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IC:  Somei concentrated her Sighteye abilities, and focused: a shroud over the murderous Dashi, followed by an illusion of the Datsue running away.


Askha stumbled back. It was an alien thought. It was all of her will to force herself to drop the falcata, though through actions that were not her own, she began reaching for her saber.

The times, they are a-changing...



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"Good thing he's not the one doing any carrying then" Kulrik said.


The First Son looked to Shuuan, nodded in understanding, and two Menti activated their Kanohi. They slowly hovered into the air.


"We should fly straight into that 'door'" he told the Plangori Menti.



The sharpened weapon slide noiselessly across Scar's neck, and an instant later her head drooped down, lifeless.


The lone remaining Dashi ran off after the illusion, slashing when she got close enough and swearing when she apparently missed. 


:Kill your sisters!: the Willhammer commanded forcefully once more.

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You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much

Which Barraki are you?

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Grass. It felt soft to the touch, perhaps a little damp but nothing to call for discomfort.


For one who wore armor of the darkest blue, her presence upon the green, grassy hill would seem jarring to any who might happen by; so starkly did she contrast with the otherwise beautiful landscape. Sprouting here and there along the various planes of grass were some weeds struggling to survive in the Archipelago's climate; of all nature's creations, Vwyn perfectly adored weeds.

"So very cute," she mused as her slender fingers brushed along green leaves of a struggling floral parasite, "nothing other than you little fellas ever grow out here." The woman let in a deep breath, exhaling a moment later as she turned her dark pink eyes skyward. "A shame. Really."

A small book laid across her thigh as she sat curiously in the grass, some scribbles written along the mussed and used pages -- words, they were, relating to her emotions. Right now she felt at peace and at ease, as she often did whenever she came out to sit within the grass on the hills. Of course, she came to the location in a fury as per usual.

Got into a fight. Again. I won, though not honorably.

Vwyn rarely cared for honor and glory. At least, not when her own kin refused to recognize her as she demanded time and time again. But whenever the stressors of the day piled up and spilt over into raw, unadulterated emotion, she had a poor habit of picking choices that would end up with no winner. Only losers on all sides and she, among the rest, laid in emotional tatters on the edge of various breakdowns.

"It wouldn't be so bad, little weed," she mumbled sorrowfully as she looked back down to the plant between her fingers, "if they saw me as I see you. Beautiful, lovely and different. Something to drag life and color back into this empty, unused canvas." She continued mumbling for a time, lamenting her treatment and lamenting how much it got under her armor, under her skin, how much it picked and pried at her mind, everyone knowing precisely what buttons to press to put her into a state of incredible anger and duress.

"For a while," she thought aloud with a small smile upon her soft lips, "it felt nice. Punching in someone's smirking mouth after being so rudely insulted: it brought shame to my clan, which was perfect," Vwyn chuckled a little, "but now... it's a childish thing to do. Not that I'm above childish antics, but... it doesn't have the same effect, the same satisfaction anymore." Another sigh as she looked back to her ever listening partner in conversation.

"It sucks." She stated flatly, the corners of her mouth pulled down into a slight frown.



Absolutely anyone is welcome to happen by her. I kept the location non-specific as there's some different areas that allow this setting within the islands, and if someone wanted to interact and was within a reasonable area I didn't want to potentially block off any ability to become a part of the scene. c:

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IC: Ageru Tamachan (Odaiba)


Having crossed Mahuika Hall (her business wasn't finished there, but she needed to speak to her family as well), Tama and Sarala had finally slowed down. Part of it was because they were both tired, but also because Tama needed to take a few mental steps backwards and consider her situation for a while.


"I need to know what Mother and Father might think, and what I could say to them" she said, to herself. The only one who could have heard her was her mount.


So calmly riding down the road in the daylight sun, rising up above the green oceans of Odaiba, Tama soon caught sight of a lone male sitting under a tree, clearly in deep thought. What he was doing there, she didn't consider her business, but he seemed to be very peaceful at the moment.


She was about to shrug him off and keep moving, when she heard him speak aloud




"For a while," she thought aloud with a small smile upon her soft lips, "it felt nice. Punching in someone's smirking mouth after being so rudely insulted: it brought shame to my clan, which was perfect," Vwyn chuckled a little, "but now... it's a childish thing to do. Not that I'm above childish antics, but... it doesn't have the same effect, the same satisfaction anymore." Another sigh as she looked back to her ever listening partner in conversation.

"It sucks." She stated flatly, the corners of her mouth pulled down into a slight frown.


In those words, Tama heard herself, especially the part about avenging a grave insult (though she'd probably be more low-key about it than this male appeared to). Considering her situation, perhaps someone with a similar perspective could provide... something, she wasn't sure.


"Musing over a bad situation, Imperial son?" she spoke up, cordially. Imperial accent in place.


OOC: That's you, Goddess

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IC: Kill.


Askha struggled with herself as her arm pushed and pulled her saber in and out of its sheath. She turned, her eyes set on Maripi. The Menti began walking towards her, her hand still struggling with her saber.


Somei continued focusing on the last Dashi; the illusion was all but broken, so it was dropped in favor of tossing random objects lying in the street. .: I cannot take care of this one forever! :.

The times, they are a-changing...



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Vwyn continued to mull over her life and day choices by the time someone caught wind of her musings, mentally she chided herself for speaking so loudly as she thought she'd been the only one in earshot.

"Musing over a... --" She paused, pursing her lips into a deeper frown, but let out a long sigh to keep herself from firing off an insult. "Yes," Vwyn continued in a flat tone, her eyes glancing coldly over to the individual who regarded her as "imperial son."

"A bad decision made when someone chose to call me something similar to 'son,'" her tone sounded that of a cold anger, granted she knew she couldn't necessarily jump down someone's throat she never met or spoke with before. Taking a brief moment, she slowly closed her eyes and leaned back against the tree with a deep, calming breath, before slowly regarding the individual once more.

"If anything I'm a daughter, first and foremost."

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:I can help!: Robalta shouted back.


She looked intently at the last Dashi, turning her energies against the enemy's mind.  The Vilda Datsue knew she couldn't send this opponent away outright like the last one;  she was tired from travelling and the last attack had spent her powers, and this Dashi was too bloodthirsty. No, for this opponent Robalta had to be more subtle. 


:Your sister is hurt. You should bring her to healer. Quickly:


The Dashi paused her ferocious onslaught, blinking as different thoughts entered her mind. Her sister was hurt. Maybe even dead. She really should go get  healer.


"I'll be back soon. Don't move" she said with tears in her eyes. She ran off towards the lower levels of the gardens.


The Willhammer's lip curled in satisfaction as she watched Ashka turn on her family.

Quiz by TheQuizzery.com



You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much

Which Barraki are you?

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"I..." Vwyn started with a hint of embarrassment upon her features, her arms coming to rest across her breast after she closed her journal that still sat on her leg, "yes." The word came out quickly and quietly, her eyes drifting back down to the small weed she took a poetic interest in earlier. "As you can imagine, there's a large source of tension in my family and... the stresses from that tension can... and have, spilled over in some... annoying interactions with others." Her lips tightened into a thin line as she said that much, recalling quite a few times over the years when she ended up in ridiculous fights whose victor was only sometimes herself, but usually whomever she chose to bash skulls with.

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IC: Ageru Tamachan (Odaiba)


"I don't doubt it" Tama remarked as she slid off of Sarala's back and approached the Menti where she (he?) was sitting under the tree. She looked like she was recalling painful memories from this tiny bit of exposition.


"My name is Tama, Ageru Tama, and that over there is my steed, Sarala" she said, gesturing first to herself and then to the Soko.


She felt unnaturally stiff as she prepared to say what came next, as if something unconscious was trying and failing to hold her back.


"I've been in a similar situation many times myself" she admitted.

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"A... similar, situation?" She inquired with a curious glance towards Ageru Tama, wondering how similar their two positions might actually be. "As in... everyone seeing you one way when you're a different way, or... picking fights?" Vwyn felt the clarification would help her own understanding of where the conversation may turn, though she wanted to keep it a little broad so she wasn't making immediate assumptions.

"But before that, er..." Vwyn rubbed the back of her neck with a hand, "my name is Vwynolyn... Fursic Vwynolyn," she mumbled out the clan name with a venomous tone, clearly not on the best of terms with her own family.

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IC: Ageru Tamachan (Odaiba)


"Both, actually, though that's partly my own doing" Tama replied slowly.


When she spoke again, her imperial accent was gone, her voice taking on the rougher but simultaneously more melodious tone of the Taajar.


"My full name is Ageru Tamachan, and on my mother's side I am of the Taajar. I bear my father's name because mother was exiled when she joined with him."


Tama didn't know how similar this was to Vwynolyn's situation, but she wasn't finished.


"People have always tended to dismiss me or consider themselves above me, because of my heritage, because I'm a apparently a "barbarian"."


"I've had to prove myself more times than I can count, and I've been in fights, more than I can count. That's the reason for the accent I took on when I first spoke to you. I... prefer not to start trouble when I can avoid it, so avoiding unwanted attention has become something of an art for me"

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Vwyn sat there for a moment lost in thought, mulling over the individual's words. Perhaps in some way a similarity existed, but the darkly armored individual disliked entertaining the notion she wore a mask as Tama did. "The circumstances of birth and place in society are... similar, but different," she mumbled out, "as I refuse to believe myself born in the manner everyone chooses to see me as. I was born as I am, as who I am, and nothing will change that. Anything that speaks against it is nothing more than lies and slander, and that I will never tolerate." She looked back to the other individual, tilting her head to the side slightly. 

"As for you, it's similar in that you want to be seen as you want yourself to be seen. It's different in that... you seem to wear a mask, like just now when you dropped the formal talk to speak as yourself." Vwyn saw the decision for the other to speak as they were more comfortable a reflection of their self, and the accent placed over it as a mask to hide that individual's self. "I don't feel there's anything wrong with that. I simply want it to be known that the way I am, the way I feel and my perception of my self is who I am and there's  no changing that. It's why I become enraged when people don't see that. Because to say anything else is an insult. It's a belittlement to who I am. It's incorrect. It's lies and it's slander." 

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IC: Ageru Tamachan (Odaiba)


It's why I become enraged when people don't see that. Because to say anything else is an insult. It's a belittlement to who I am. It's incorrect. It's lies and it's slander."


"Honor, she's defending her honor" Tama reasoned, thinking back to when her parents had told her about the three virtues...




"Order, Power and Honor. They should dictate our actions, and we can't have any of them without the other"


Tama sat crosslegged on the floor as she listened to her father explain the Three Virtues and the legend of Zuto Nui and Zataka. She found it fascinating, the myths of origin and the concepts that her father obviously held in high regard.


"You, Tama," he said, gesturing to her, "like any other you have the power to embody the three virtues. Order through obedience and loyalty, Power through excellence and strife, and Honor through morality and benevolence."


"Too big words, Father" Tama complained.


"Sorry," Neymin backtracked, "what I was trying to say is that, as a Menti, your skill will be your Power, your fullfillment of your role will be your Order, and defending your and others' person against insults or attacks, that is your Honor"


"So if someone calls me out for being a Taajar, I defend myself?" Tama asked.


"Yes... and no" Neymin replied. Pausing for a moment.


"See, Tama," he began, "in your case I think it's important to stress the Wisdom of a Warrior; in that the greatest warrior does not seek battle or conflict, they only let it come to them when there is no other option"


"So I shouldn't defend myself?"


"That's not what I mean. I mean you shouldn't overtly give them the chance to insult or attack you. It's important that you understand this, they are not your enemy"


"I... think I understand," Tama replied, "Only if someone finds out and has a problem with me being a Half-Taajar, should I press forward"


"Precisely" Neymin replied.




"I understand the sentiment, I just don't feel like it is my way. The more I can prove that I can be just as professional and skilled as them, the more I don't need to worry about what they might think of where I come from"


"That's all going to change now, though" she muttered.

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IC: Maripi

Even as Scar's severed head fell to the ground, Maripi turned to see her clan-sister approaching with an unnatural fire in her eyes. This situation would have to be handled carefully--

"Snap the #### out of it!" Maripi yelled, diving at Ashka with two manriki in hand...although less than subtle, she might be able to restrain the menti's arms for enough time for her to break free of the trance...



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After three weeks of sleeping on a couch, or not sleeping at all, any bed felt like a cloud to First Son Jasik Dastana. A cloud, granted, that hung soft and saggy on the top floor of a layover inn nestled into the Markets...a cloud dotted with sake stains, soy sauce, and...oh, Taka... a few dried hints at...oh, Taka...but a cloud was a cloud.


It put him to sleep; it left him vulnerable enough to dream. 


He was riding Arsix's shoulders, whooping recklessly with laughter as she danced and stampeded her way through the compound on Iki; around the gardens, around the banquet hall, storming through hallways with her brother cackling on her shoulders heedlessly. They ran for hours and hours, until Arsix was out of breath; her weariness only served to give Jasik's vigor more strength, and by the time Arsix skidded to a halt in to the training yards on Sado [sado?] he was practically squealing with mirth. 


Sheika's laugh had no such humor in it.


"I'm not afraid of you!" he taunted defiantly, as Sheika assumed her usual, lazy version of a ready stance and Arsix ran her foot along the ground like a bull. "I've been practicing my Soulsword just like you and Mother said! THIS time I'm gonna kick your ######, Battlemaster or not!"


"Jasik, be careful," Arsix urged under her breath.


He was never careful.


Sheika's first shot went wide as the young Dasaka beamed his Ruru right into her face, causing her to squint and miss her shot. Her second ripped Jasik's sleeve, psychophysical energy sizzling against the bare skin of his muscular arm. Her third shot died in her hand; so did her bow. Jasik had been practicing his Soulsword, and he noted with glee the mingled look of excruciating shock and wry approval on Sheika's face when she looked down to the hole Jasik's projectile had made of her heartlight.


Arsix cried out at the sight; Jasik looked down to assure her everything was okay before an odd thump smacked his own heartlight and he looked down to find the source of the dull pain, only to note the ruin that had been made of his own chest. Arsix's hand was covering her chest.


Both Twins slumped as one, Jasik tumbling over backwards off his twin sister's shoulders and landing on his face. Gasping out in agony, he pulled himself up to his elbows and knees and looked over his trembling, dying sister, looked to where Sheika had fallen - only to see that the Taajar Battlemaster had morphed into old, feeble Rora Yusanora, and with a dying jolt Jasik realized that he had killed them all.




He woke with a start in the musky-smelling bed, one hand over his bared heartlight. Jasik reached up with index and middle finger, as if dazed from a wound, and wiped the small sheen of sweat from his brow.


It was hard to imagine being any less comfortable than he was right now, but the First Son felt safer here than he would have underneath Yumiwa Umbraline's roof, surrounded by a metric sackload of Soulswords and Willhammers waiting to pick his mind or chop him into psionic mincemeat. Slipping onto Sado under the guise of a common deckhand (with a coat of grime and salt brine on his arms and face that was, due to being completely legitimate, quite fairly convincing) Jasik snuck into the Markets and found a rest stop that served cheap enough sake and was far enough from the palace to attract the most interesting types of Imperial conversation. Last night had been largely a bust, and he had gone to sleep after midnight resolved to try again at daylight. This morning, after liberal use of a washbasin that he began to remind himself of himself, again, his patience was much better rewarded.


"--making a speech today," piped up a Dashi who was picking at a fish with fingers so calloused Jasik could make them out all the way from the staircase. "She's setting the Empire's line on the Dastana. My whole family's been talking about it, says after today the Empire's never gonna be the same."


"That explains the Chojo," grumbled the woman behind the bar, exchanging smiles with Jasik while he sat down and paid for a bowl of berries and a small glass of milk. Jasik's ears perked up, but he waited for someone else to ask the inevitable--


"What about the Chojo?" grumbled one of the sailors the First Son had booked passage with. Jasik, imperceptibly, held his breath.


"Left the palace," said a stocky woman bearing the colors of Clan Hogo. "My cousin has detail near the Dragon Hall. Said the Chojo was arguing with Executioner Rayuke and his assistant, something about the Rora's bodyguard, and stormed out near in tears. When the Executioner's assistant went to her chambers later, she was gone. Sachiko was part of the search detail. Window was open, room was freezing, so she'd been gone for hours; drop from that height would have killed a normal person, but there wasn't even a drop of blood, let alone a body. Sachiko thinks she ran away. Took that blanket of hers, took those crystal balls she loved to juggle, and ran away. By now she could be all the way to Odaiba."


"Think she joined the Twins?" asked the bartender.


"Good riddance to her if she did," muttered the sailor. "Freak."


"Ah, don't be like that," the Ringti said. "Why don't we lock you in a tower your entire life and let the Rora chatter in your ear? Think you'll come out peachy?"


"Desdemona's a sweet girl," the Hogo agreed. "I was at the party. She talked to everyone, big white smile on her face, always making sure we had enough drinks and talking to us about where we got our costumes. Her powers've got nothing to do with her. You play the hand you're dealt."


Jasik pursed his lips and pretended he'd bitten into a particularly sweet raspberry. He remembered Desdemona Umbraline vaguely from a couple shared glances at the gala where her mother had died; slim, shy, sweet little thing, couldn't have been past adolescence. He couldn't see her defecting to the Dastana. Arsix would have said something, or he would have had some suspicion. There was even less chance she'd seek out the Fursics. So where did she go?


The topic was filed away into his mind for later as the conversation switched course.


"--sik was proven innocent," the bartender was saying. The sailor across the bar, for what it was worth, must have had some perception of who his client from Iki had been, but thankfully he was shrewd enough not to cast any glances the First Son's way. "Had a sister in the mob who said so. Executioner walked in, carrying that sword of his bigger'n any of my daughters, walked out half an hour later and said the kid didn't do it. Smart, slippery little ######. Love to know how he weaseled past Rayuke."


"We left Oki two weeks ago from a six month voyage. Stayed in Umbraline territory a while," Jasik piped up for the first time, adding a distinct Sado brogue to his normally light speech. "Every Menti there swore it was him."


"How can we know, though?" the Hogo asked. "For a while, we were all sure, but Rayuke has never been wrong."


"Kid, in the trading circles we got ourselves a sayin': Soulswords are like ######," the sailor said, not ungently. "Everyone's is different, and there ain't no point to havin' one. You said you were at the party, right? You saw the Soulsword?"


"Yeah," mumbled the Hogo. "Worst moment of my life."


"And you ever known someone to share a Soulsword? Down to the letter?"


There were murmurs of assent.


"Now listen, I ain't even sayin' it was entirely a bad thing--" and here a clamor began, which made Jasik repress his usual smile -- "--I ain't sayin' it was right, or that it was even smart, but I ain't sayin' it's a bad thing. He did what he did and the old Rora's dead, and now the new one either wants to let the Dastana flip her family the Janu or she's gonna stick her thumbs up her ###### and declare a war and in a year we'll all see each other again stormin' the palace. Either way, kid," he added, nodding towards the calloused Ringti, "your family's right. Things are changin' quick around here. Starting to wish I'd turned around and sailed for that there Mata Nui with the Commodore. Give me civil war here versus face time with a few obnoxious natives for a couple years, I know what I'm picking."


Jasik had heard enough. With a nod and a gracious grin, he paid for the berries and milk (twice what they should have been worth, slipping the bartender a quiet wink and a warm, if chaste, blown kiss) finished his drink, and walked out of the inn. Taking a breath of the clean, fresh Sado air, he adjusted the red-gold trim on both wrists of his slim black coat and ventured back into the Markets for the first time in weeks.


OOC: Jasik open for interaction.



Edited by Aikuro Mikisugi
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IC (Kilanya)


Kilanya almost allowed herself a smile as Viitkha spoke. She always appreciated the warrior's no-nonsense attitude in the face of politics, where nonsense was rarely in short supply.


"Thank you for bringing this matter to my attention, Datsue," she said. "I will see to it that it is taken care of. In answer to your second question..."


The Toroshu paused for a brief moment's thought, with the expectant eyes of the court on her.


"...that will remain to be seen. At this point in time I see no reason to increase restrictions on our borders, but if circumstances change, that will have to be considered."


"If I may draw the court's attention back to a rather more important question raised by the good Datsue," came the voice of a male: Nalano. The First Son rose to his feet to speak. "I would not have expected to have to ask this, but: why has our full support for the Rora and the Umbralines not been declared sooner? It will be declared now, of course, given today's events, but that goes without saying."


"It will not."


Kilanya's stern and wholly unexpected reply drew gasps from many. Nalano's looked to her in surprise.


"I'm sorry, I must have misheard—" he began.


"You did not mishear," she interrupted firmly. "I will not declare anything yet. Not until I fully understand the situation."


Nalano laughed incredulously.


"'Understand'?" he repeated. "What is there to 'understand'? Surely our support for the Rora is a given, as it has always been."


"Nothing is a given," Kilanya replied. "It is not a decision I can make until I understand all sides, all motivations."


Several of the courtiers were now murmuring to each other. Some were just as shocked as Nalano by the fact that their Toroshu seemed to even be considering the possibility that they would not side with the Umbralines in whatever was to come, as the Ageru always had. Others seemed uncertain.



OOC: Wrapping up the above meeting of the Ageru court (long overdue, I know).


IC (Kilanya)


Nalano wasn't even laughing now. He stared at Kilanya with a look of disbelief—even disgust—on the First Son's chiselled features.


"What nonsense is this?" he asked, with what might be outrage creeping into his tone. "Sister, you can't seriously believe—"




Kilanya had surged up out of her seat. The anger in her voice and face and the speed with which she leapt to her feet sent a ripple of shock through the assembled courtiers. She now glared down at Nalano from atop the Hall's stone dais.


"I am your Toroshu, Nalano, and you will respect my authority and stop this insolence!" she thundered. "I have decided to assess the situation; to not make hasty judgements; to ensure that I understand before I act. That is my decision, and you will accept it! Is that clear?"


For a few heartbeats, there was no sound in the hall of the Ageru besides the echo of Kilanya's shout off the stone walls (that clear...that clear...) and the soft, crisp crackle of the flames in the Hearth. Even the motes of dust in the great rectangular sunbeams that stabbed in through the eastern windows seemed to freeze and hold their breath.


"Yes, Toroshu," Nalano said, flatly and quietly (though he held his sister's angry gaze steadily). "Quite clear."


"Good," she said, with finality. She swept down the stone steps of the dais and through the semicircle of chairs, speaking as she went. "This meeting of the Court is adjourned. I have many things to attend to, if the Ageru are to weather the storm we all seem so sure is on the horizon."


As she marched down the hall towards the double-doors, Nalano's stare never left her back.

Edited by Ghosthands





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IC: Not mine.


The Mashtet's hood fell as Maripi's manriki wrapped around her arms, Askha realized that these murderous thoughts were not her own. Well, the murderous intent was, the target was wrong. .: It takes a better Willhammer than that to dance me around like that. I'm no wind-up toy! :.


Snapping out of it, Askha pivoted, telekinetically gripping onto her dropped falcata at the Dasaka's feet. Scraping across the ground, it spun upwards... towards the Willhammer.

The times, they are a-changing...



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The Willhammer had an expression of surprise and fear on her face as the falcata rose and produced a gash up her right in the middle. Her face was now split by a line of red, and the Willhammer collapsed to the floor. 



Robalta sighed in relief.


"You Mashtet showed up just in the nick of time, I'd say. Me and Raiyo here wouldn't have stood a chance by ourselves. Finally, it's all over."


Another figure appeared in the Markets, a princely male wearing a black cat with red-gold trim along the wrists. Robalta wasn't quite sure who he was, and more importantly if he was friend or foe. Personally, she was exhausted from this battle, and desperately hoped it wasn't the latter.


"Hello there, stranger" the Vilda Datsue asked Jasik. "Who might you be?"

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"Your life is your prerogative," Vwyn replied quietly as she glanced back downwards, her leather bound journal rested snugly within her arms now. "If it's any consolation, I don't see you as any different than when you walked up. There's... a lot I don't like about our society," a light sigh fell from her lips as she glanced in the general direction of the island that contained the capital of Dasakian culture. "People being born into power, the importance we place on individuals because of the circumstances of their birth, the unwavering devotion to all this. I think it's a waste. There are people from all circumstances of birth who could easily do what those who are privileged can do. Perhaps even better. Maybe, if not for my own circumstances I would never have thought about it or cared." She continued to think aloud for a moment, talking more to herself although doing her best to make sure Ageru could still feel included in her mumblings.

"Sorry, I'm being all thinking and critical and junk," she admitted sheepishly after a moment, running her hand over the back of her neck again. "I get this way after sitting around sorting out my thoughts after a while -- but you seem like a nice person, yes?" Vwyn looked up from her crosslegged position, not holding any problem with this individual, compared to the many she had grievances with. "But tell me, miss Ageru," the Dasaka shifted slightly, her head tilted to the side, "what do you see me as?" Maybe the test was a little unfair, but Vwyn wanted to see if Ageru respected her enough to use her proper pronouns before she tried to become an actual acquaintance or a friend. The Sighteye felt she didn't need anymore "friends" who merely tried to use her for their own selfish gains.

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OOC: Slight correction here, Goddess. "Ageru" is Tama's clan name, her given name is still Tama(chan). We've just decided to do the eastern thing here and have the Dasaka present themselves with clan name first and then given name.


So Ageru Tama = Tama of the Ageru, basically.


IC: Ageru Tamachan (Odaiba)


Tama bit her lip as she thought of what to say. Vwyn had clearly stated that she would fiercely fight back against anyone who insulted her by referring to her incorrectly. As far as Tama could tell, that meant not using the terms "male" or "him" or anything of the sort, and she was most definitely not looking for a fight with someone who didn't seem to have a problem with who she really was.


"I see someone who wants to be seen as who they truly are, and who they are is... a woman trapped in a man's body, trying to break free."

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OOC: Oh wow, I actually knew that I just for some reason spaced hardcore on it there (I looked up Ageru on the clan list the other night since I figured that was the name style).



An exasperated sigh fell from Vwyn's lips. "Well, A for trying," she responded, though not visibly angered by the response, since to Vwyn, at least there was an attempt made. "I'm just a woman. None of that trapped in a body stuff. I wasn't born anything other than a woman, so my form is perfectly acceptable as a woman's form since... it is." It felt strange to explain that aloud, though Vwyn felt nearly certain no one on the islands would really understand what that feeling was like and she figured, if anyone chose to respect any ounce of her being, she may as well try to explain rather than become agitated and walk off. "To be fair," she continued, "you're one of the... I'd say few people, who didn't know me beforehand, who thought I was male. Usually only people who know my name beforehand would jump to that conclusion," of course she didn't look the most traditionally feminine, but she usually picked out attire and utilized her body language to try to fit the societal norms of what made a woman a woman, if only so people would assume correctly when they met her.

"And all I'm trying to do is correct people. A lot of times they just don't want to be corrected, as any family with someone in my position would."

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OOC: No worries  :P


IC: Ageru Tamachan (Odaiba)


"If that really is how you feel, which I believe you do, then I won't argue against it" Tama replied, "I've had enough of other people doing the same to me"


"You're a woman, and you look it" Tama said, simultaneosly trying to actually see the "womanly" side of the Dasaka sitting before her.


And there it was, slowly coming into view. She certainly didn't tend herself like a male was expected to, an unseen advantage of a rigid social system, she supposed.

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IC: Askha shook off Maripi, and telekinetically drew her falcata to her hand. She drew her fingers on both sides of the blade, creating a force to wipe the blood off, before slipping it back into its sheathe on her back. Casting a wary eye at Jasik, she pulled her hood back up. Partially to keep the all-too-intense sunlight out of her eyes, partially for clan propriety, partially to obscure her mismatched mask.


.: Well, a male. Looks to be a First Son. Be still my ovaries. I don't think he's gonna try anything. :.


Raiyo approached Robalta, trying to fall back in behind her. And avoid stepping in the blood. There was... a lot of blood, actually. It almost distracted her from the fact that there was a extraordinarily handsome male Menti right there-


The Mashtet Datsue came forward out of the stalls she had hidden in. Depleted from the fight, she leaned heavily on her staff. She recognized the Dastana from one of her tours of the Archipelago; she had a good memory for masks, and a First Son is not easily forgotten. "Robalta, surely you recognize this First Son? You were on your way to meet him... or his sister."

The times, they are a-changing...



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"Him or his sister...?" Roberta's eyed narrowed as she looked the male up and down. He didn't compare to her nephew Kulrik but he was indeed handsome, and he was dressed well, and his Kanohi matched the description.


"You're right of course, it must be Dastana Jasik. Thank Zuto-Nui, if not for these ruffians we would have missed him."


She raised her voice for the Dastana First Son to hear.


"Greetings Dastana Jasik. You were just the man we were looking to see."



"No worries. We've got at least another minute. Maybe two" Kulrik said with a grin.


He and Shuuan flew Jiyu into the hole of the geyser, and already began to sweat. Even without the burst of water, it was quite hot.


"Over there" Kulrik nodded towards the large circular stone embedded in the geyser wall. Slowly, the three Menti flew into, and as their bodies pushed against it it began to slide backwards. They continued for several feet, 10 at least, until the stone would move no more. They were now in a hollow tube perpendicular to the geyser itself. Kulrik noticed that to the left there was an opening, an alcove of sorts. He told Shuuan and they flew into it.The moment they were clear the circular stone propelled forward, filling the tube and blocking the entrance. Kulrik put Jiyo down and summoned a Soulsword.


The entrance they'd come through was now completely blocked by the side of cylindrical massive stone. From their standpoint, there was no fulcrum with which to move the stone back again.


The Vilda turned the shimmering weapon in the opposite direction. There was a tunnel  that led away from the cave they were in.


"Looks like there's only one way out."

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[iki, Geyser Field]

“These people really don’t have any imagination do they?  I’d think they’d at least put a code on the door or a spikey death trap to get us when we flew in.  They must not read very widely.”


I put a hand on Jiyu’s arm, the one that wasn’t currently bandaged.


“Are you okay?”

Edited by Mel

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

AU8R4.gif BkY1n.gif 5r6gI.gif MWEwd.gif ZMVSN.gif ODscu.gif FICZv.gif HZtia.gif XDvOI.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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One eyebrow rose.


"I'm afraid you've got your faces mixed up. I'm Dastana Daikon, brother of Cyrunei and son of Dastana Rannare," he recited sheepishly. "The First Son killed the Rora in cold blood before half the Toroshu. Only a real idiot would do that, and I hope I'm not an idiot."





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IC: Kaede



The Hogo Guardswoman was currently watching the comings and goings of a random street on Sado.


So far, nothing had happened in her area.


That was good.


She had also finally got a new set of swords.


The crystal smith assured that they wouldn't shatter.


That was also good.


Kaede continued to watch.

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"Wasn't there something about Dastana Jasik being cleared of that crime?" Robalta asked.


She used her Willhammer ability to project a question into Somei's mind. :Are you sure this is First Son Jasik? I'd hate to be mixed up:



The Vilda First Son felt a stab of jealousy when he saw Shuuan touch Jiyu's arm and ask about his well-being. That Herupa was a giant oaf, why in Karzahni would Shuuan care anything about him. Kulrik was the one trying to save the Empire, he was the one that deserved her attention.


Kulrik shook the thought away.  There was no reason for him to care what Shuuan did, she was far too ugly.


"I'm sure he's fine, we should hurry and find the next Key as quickly as possible. The last one was pretty easy, me and Ageru Kilanya just had to walk down a tunnel like this one and unlock a door, so I doubt we'll find too much trouble."  He waved his Soulsword to spread light in the tunnel, and was met the glittering reflections of hundreds of small crystals embedded in the walls, ceiling and floor.

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IC: .: I'm fairly sure. Still has the walk, if not the dressings, of a First Son. His family commissioned some Mashtet carvings some years ago, and I met them there. Without his sister to compare him to, though, I cannot say for certain. :.


Askha shrugged. "Well, you identified yourself as a Dastana to a bunch of strangers that just got out of a bloody streetfight without asking who we were, so I think that last part's up in the air, Daikon." The Menti nudged the Willhammer's corpse with her foot. "What clan were these girls, anyway?"

The times, they are a-changing...



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"It might sound pathetic," Vwyn stated aloud with a bit of a smile pulling at her lips for the first time in a while, "but I appreciate that. A lot." Slowly she stood up to her full height, her armor sleek and smooth in design, not necessarily built for heavy defense but more for quick and quiet movement. "Anyway, I should probably introduce myself in a more... appropriate manner. Since sitting on the ground the entire time wasn't entirely respectful." Whether or not people showed Tama respect on a regular basis evaded Vwyn's mind: she did not care what others in this society did, considering she had grievances with most of them.

"Properly, I am Fursic Vwynolyn, a Sighteye of my clan. And while I'm... regarded as a son in the context of that desperate family, I am in fact a daughter and this island is just lost in its own desire on that front. So, refer to me as I am and I'll never have a qualm with you. Well, provided you don't try to kill me or something." Vwyn put out her hand in a respectful gesture of a handshake, the light smile still on her soft featured countenance, her pink eyes holding a friendly warmth within them. "It's nice to meet you, miss Tama."

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IC:Ageru Tamachan (Odaiba)


"Thank you, it's nice to meet you too" Tama replied as she accepted the Fursic's handshake.


"I must say I found your attitude odd at first, but, I think I'm beginning to see it now" she remarked as she looked closer at the Dasaka now standing at her full height.


Males were supposed to be powerful warriors, noble and handsome, but those features couldn't be seen in Vwyn. Or rather, they could, but there was something added to them, something that changed the way she perceived them. She had clearly put a lot of work into this, considering her adamant standpoint, it was very impressive, actually.


"I might need a while to digest it completely, but I think I made a good start."

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"Three quarters of the merchants in this square descend from the Dastana," Jasik recited patiently, looking around at the markets to prove his point. "I assure you that most of us, last time I checked at least, are not Jasik or Arsix Dastana. If you'd like, I can take you back to the inn I'm staying at. I have a dozen people there who can vouch for me going back six months, and I could always go for another bowl of raspberries." 





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