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BZPRPG - Ta-Wahi

Nuju Metru

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OOC: yeah I saw that after I posted lol


IC: Kahlynn


Inside, Kahlynn squeeled in delight at being known as "the guy with the whiskey". On his cold external shell, however, his uncaring eyes occupied Vygel with drooped eyelids and the utmost relaxation. "Yeah, cheers," he said. "I'll be sure to spend it on something like, uh, a wheel or something."

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Kahlynn's somewhat loud attempt to get some conversation going within the group seemed to be met with limited success, as his call faded out to nothingness into the blackened forest around. By now, most should have noticed the fact that they were no longer on one of the faint paths through the dead forest, instead the group was moving through, but not wandering, unknown land.

After a moment, Zauk spoke up from the head of the group.

"It is not far, we should be rea-"

He suddenly was cut off by another voice, though not one of their own. In fact, a voice that did not belong to any Toa, Skakdi, nor Matoran. A voice that sliced through the air, a piercing scream like daggers within the group's ears. A monstrous sound that most aptly described as that of a giant sheet of glass breaking.

It ended abruptly, leaving those within the group on-edge, prepared for anything.

Except, perhaps, the charred tree which suddenly snapped at it's base, and dropped to the ground with the sound of splintering wood. The burnt remains of the once-great tree nearly crushed Vygel on their way down, if the Toa of Gravity hadn't been quick on his feet.

Though falling foliage was biggest of the group's problems. More so was the gigantic beast standing behind the tree, it's yellow eyes fixed upon the group. It's six legs were planted in the earth, while venom dripped from the end if it's Toa-sized sting.

The massive Nui-Jaga retracted it's claws from the remains of the tree it had destroyed, and opened it's clicking jaws to scream again.



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IC: Helios (Charred Forest)


The cry of a Nui-Jaga was likened my most people to the sound of broken glass. This homunculus, though, had a cry that sounded more like the excessive rattling of rusty knives.


A shiver ran up my spine, and something else came with it. My lunch? Hopefully not.


I got a better grip on my hammer as I looked to my nearest ally, who turned out to be Plagia.


"Got any practice fighting giant monsters?"

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IC: Kahlyn


Kahlynn had confronted a vast quantity of Rahi in his time (or claimed to), among them many Nui Jaga. This Jaga, however, was a gigantic creature, larger than any he had met before. It's tail looked as if it could skewer a Matoran straight through the neck and decapitate them in the process. There had to have been very few of them in existence, and the chances of bumping into one were so slim it could be considered the worst possible luck to be found by one right outside a Koro.


Many an experienced hunter would not be shamed if they were to run for their precious lives in fear of such a monstrosity. Kahlynn was not, in actuality, an experienced hunter.


His mouth dropped open in awe. "That's a bigun," he breathed, ecstatic. Then, louder, he bounded to the front of the group and gestured for the others to stand aside. "Let me handle this, kids. I'm a hunter." Gleeful, he activated his wrist blade and assumed a vaguely combat-oriented pose, all the while focusing the majority of his attent


His heated gaze on the Nui Jaga instantly became all the more literal as rays of blindingly hot energy shot from his eyes at an incredible speed at the monster.

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[Ta-Koro, One Block South of the Ruins of the Lavapool Inn]

“Uh...was that supposed to happen?”

Lucira only shrugged at the guardswomen next to her and readjusted her spyglass to get a better look at the Toa of Sonics being tugged unceremoniously sideways by some unseen force. Lucira was a realist, mostly. There was no way that a squadron of Matoran could scratch this many Skakdi. Toa were necessary, and mostly nice to be around. But some of them had a problem with calling for backup--especially when they needed it.

Lucira heard a string of curses behind her, followed by “Luci, get over there and find out what the rokk is going on!”

She handed the spyglass to her companion, saluted, and headed for the stair off the roof.

It was going to be a long day.




IC: "Ain't practical to just let someone do something dumb like that. Gotta keep people alive if you can." Jol fired back, cranking up the intensity another notch.

Get over here already you--

And so the moments ticked by in what seemed like an eternity.



The source of the mysterious force turned to be a lean, tallish, and very annoyed looking Toa of probably Iron or Magnetism. Probably not a threat then, but Lucira would prefer to keep her height advantage.

“Hey,” she called down to him from the top of the adjacent building, keeping her peripheral vision on the lookout for stray zamor sphere. “I’ve been sent on behalf of the guard to confirm that you are, in fact, not a threat.”

Edited by Yukiko

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

En4XX.gif BkY1n.gif gkKRR.gif MWEwd.gif 7dN9Y.gif ODscu.gif HpGw0.gif HZtia.gif AKbnC.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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IC: What.

This is on another level of "weird times in Ta-Koro".

Are you--

Are you for real?

Sharply yanking his outstretched palm back inwards, the Highwind's son's neck gradually turned to look at Lucira, completely and utterly flabbergasted.

Him? Really? One of their own is charging head-on into a nigh-certain death trap...

And he was the potential threat to this operation?


"No." he said rather flatly, almost numb with disbelief. "No I'm actually trying to help him not stick his face in the metaphorical Rama nest."

This was stated in a businesslike manner, so utterly perplexed was he that he couldn't even muster up a proper snarky tone. Were he and his little trio the only ones that could figure that one out? Don't rush a fortified position? Don't engage an enemy on their terms?

Come on. Is this amateur hour?

Edited by The Doc

helo frens

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[Ta-Koro, Ruins of the Lavapool Inn]


From the shocked look on the Toa's face, Lucira guessed either he wasn't expecting her or he wasn't expecting what he said.


"We just couldn't see you from our stakeout, that's all. We appreciate any help, especially of the prudent kind."

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

En4XX.gif BkY1n.gif gkKRR.gif MWEwd.gif 7dN9Y.gif ODscu.gif HpGw0.gif HZtia.gif AKbnC.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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IC: "I getcha..." he said, color returning to his voice somewhat.

Sheesh. I thought that was seriously going to turn into something for a moment.

A bead of sweat rolled down his brow as he concentrated, turning back to Loren's direction. Karz, why'd he have to grow up in a forest? You can't get good with magnetism like that! This guy should be over here by now!

helo frens

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I like to think that my team's full of idiots and brutes who don't have the intellectual clout to storm a pasta drawer. Sometimes, when the cards all fall, I can even find it in me to believe it. But sometimes we have these perfect, charged little moments where the universe throws us a bone, and we'll look at each other and get one of those casually cruel, deviously inventive ideas that keep us all from killing each other out of hand. So when Agent Slab Armstrong, Ta-Koro PD comes bursting through the wall fists and feet flying, muttering "Knock knock" like the start of one of Thok's bad jokes (I could almost hear "So a Toa and two morons walk into a bar..." now) Vezok and I looked at each other, and we were in sync.


While the Toa adjusted himself, as one, we raised our hands and clenched them into fists.


For once in his life (twice, if certain untrustworthy sources are to be trusted), Avak actually used his brain for something useful in life. And there was a moment in time when we were actually on the same intellectual level. I glanced at him as he did me, the burning hate between us hidden beneath for an instant.

And then we were connected, raising our fists as one to call upon the power who's use was quite the event for us, for reasons I'm sure your lowly mind could not grasp.
A mental push was all it took now, and the floor suddenly bubbled around the Toa, though it was not the same as it was before. The rock had broken up into smaller stones, which glimmered with the reflection of my own element that was inter-spaced throughout the compound. Like a wave, the mesh of stone and water bulged up and around the Toa, grasping at the air like some elemental hand.
Huge chunks of gravel and water, slush and dust and ash and muck and all manners of , bubbled from the floor and walls and collided in on itself like the front ends of bumper cars, battering the Toa in their wake while combining into a thicker, uglier wall to replace the one that had just been so rudely blown down with one that would not be so easily torn down again. It removed some of the POV freedom we'd had but it was sturdier, too, and the Guard would need to concentrate much more firepower to pummel it down - and by the time they did, we could mount ourselves a decent counterattack. The ash that was left from upstairs crept down from the stairs, and the stuff that the boom had carried in from the streets only helped compact the wall, complete with the pummeled Toa inside it. Water dripped.
With the pseudo-wall paste having flown into place, with it's very own Toa inside, I motioned downward with my arm, my fist uncurling. What would have normally taken hours was completed in an instant, as I forcefully willed the moisture out of the compound. The water pooled out onto the floor like the blood of some strange monster. The wall itself was flash-dried, taking on a sandy, rugged texture as it hardened to the strength of solid rock in an instant from the process. The ash and dust that had come from the previously collapsed wall now bound the structure together, creating a barrier that would not be so easily broken this time.
I took a step back to admire our handy work, rubbing my hands together. Maybe we should have gotten into construction, instead of becoming devilishly handsome criminals.
"Well. Score one for us. Maybe we'll get lucky and they'll kill Thok to avenge him."



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IC: "Come on, just a bit more, almost go--"


Jolek Highwind stumbled forward, a fresh cut open on his forehead and blood leaking down into his left eye. What the karz was that?

Dazed, he looked up and found his answer as the very man he was trying to save from their own recklessness paid their price. Torrents of stone and gravel and water steamed in at the Toa from all sides, quickly encasing him in a sloshy tomb.

Helpless, he could only watch as, with all too terrible speed, they battered Loren and flattened itself into a wall where the hole had been.

With him stuck and likely dead inside.



Edited by The Doc

helo frens

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IC: Zelvin (Ta-Koro)


"Good day to you as well, miss" Zelvin greeted the newcomer, before her attention was drawn towards the entrance to the Lavapool, where the Skakdi had just proved themselves more dexterous than Jolek and trapped the unfortunate guard member inside the newly repaired hole in the wall.


Zelvin's only visible reaction was her grip on the borrowed launcher tightening a tad, or two.


"I belive that gets Jolek's point across rather well. Now what to do about it?"

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IC Turo



When the dust cleared, Turo saw a newly fixed wall where Loren used to be.


He didn't need to be a genius to figure out what happened.


"Oh karz... I completely forgot about that."


There was no way Turo was able to break Loren out, and if he tried to take those Skakdi out by himself, he'd probably end up lowering Lavapool's repair costs ten times as fast. The only thing to do was to signal for a Toa of Stone while waiting to see if Loren could get himself out. Blowing the signal for "man down" and "Po-Toa needed" on his horn, he circled around the inn, looking for an opening. "Need to get up high..."

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IC: Saedrak & Aidrak

"And that's when I decided to..." The loud screech of the massive jaga beast, followed by the falling tree, interrupted Aidrak's story.


"Looks like we're going to have to- oh no wait, looks like that guy is going to handle it." Aidrak said, referring to the skakdi clad in red and gold. Meanwhile, Saedrak readied his rifle.

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-IC: Araedrex Tenebras-


Dilatory travel suspended, I appropriate energy and focalise cognition from idle thought into contemporary reaction and hostility response. My physique deflagrates, autonomic nervous system rallying my physical components into visceral harmony; norepinephrine, dopamine levels rise, vision clears, sharpens, and the entirety of creation becomes manifest. My form becomes incalescent, my veins pahoehoe, nerves conflagrations of the most vehement kind. Time slows, my motion begins.


Kakama glowing softly, I retreat well out of immediate striking range, drawing resident heat from the surrounding environment (focus lying primarily upon the Nui Jaga's occupied area) and momentarily deactivating Kanohi in preparation for offensive.

Edited by Prodigal


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IC: "Problem is..." Jolek responded, wiping the blood from his brow with a thumb.

"We still haven't come up with a way to lure them out." he stated gruffly. "And we know going in at them isn't going to work."

He looked to Elysi, who'd stayed relatively quiet throughout the whole debacle.

"Any ideas?"

helo frens

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IC: "That'd still be going into their domain, though. Who knows what sort of traps they've set up in there?" Jolek responded, trying and failing to deal with his continued leakage.

Forehead wounds, man. Ridiculous.

"Besides, I don't think I've ever heard of flanking a building. I figure they're keeping their eyes on every possible opening. And the ones they aren't have something nasty waiting for someone who tries using 'em. So even if we do get inside unharmed, they probably are gonna know about it before we can get the drop on them."

What happened to loud noises doing the trick? Rahi were so much simpler to draw out of a nest.

helo frens

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IC: "Can't say I do." Jolek responded, almost moving to check his bags before remembering no of course you don't have any you moron you hunt and trap, not mine.


"You know, if we could get all that smoke back into the lower levels, that might help." he offered.

helo frens

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Loren- Ta-koro- Ruins of Lavapool Inn- Inside a Wall


IC: Loren was a veteran of the hundred year long Dark Times. Countless battles and skirmishes had honed his skill and senses to a razor edge. So while he had not been expecting the pair of Skakdi to shrug off the chunks of stone and be able to see him through the cloud of dust that hung in the air, his body was moving before his mind could process that he was under attack. Instinctively he began turning away, his eyes seeking a view somewhere away from his current position.


As the storm of slush obscured his view he felt a tug pulling him sideways. Dozens of thoughts were racing through his mind per second, panic at the situation, analysis of what needed to be done to get out of it, and blind hope that whoever the third party was turned out to be friendly.


Just as the Toa of Sonic's feet were pushing off the ground in an attempt to get away even faster, the wall of slush started to form around him. Centimeter by centimeter, millisecond by millisecond the race took place. Loren trying to gain a clear line of vision, the wall trying to close him off and suffocate him. Time slowed to a crawl for Loren as he came to a realization.


I'm not going to make it.


They say that your life flashes before your eyes right before you die. For the Ta-koro Lieutenant the verification of that rumor was going to have to wait until another day.


He was too busy staying alive.


The time left allowed him only a single short breath to fill his lungs before he closed his eyes and felt the wall close up around him. The only thing that had made it outside the shell was a lone hand and the blade it carried.



It was dark and dry. Very, very dry. Loren could almost feel the moisture being sucked out of him simply by being in contact with the stone. There was no room for movement. the wall had formed too closely for that. Sight and touch were out. Smell was never that much help to begin with and taste would be of no use what so ever. That left hearing, and being a Toa of Sonics, Loren could do a fair deal with sound waves.


Sending out a pulse above anything a normal person might be able to hear the Lieutenant did not have to wait long for the returning mental image to form. Echolocation was a fairly simple trick to learn, and while Loren was no master at it he was able to make out one thing.


His face was barely two inches from the outside.


A grin formed on his face as he gathered his elemental power once more. He would likely only have one shot at this before he would need to preserve his air and wait for somebody else to rescue him. A look of concentration appeared as the Toa concentrated his power, honed his control and then let it loose in a cone in front of him.




The word had been shaped and forged by his power in to a weapon. It smashed in to the semi-thin layer of rock in front of his face, blasting it off and sending slivers of stone spinning away. With his vision now clear Loren activated his mask and vanished from his spot in the wall, reappearing several yards away covered in dust.


He turned around to watch the ruins, catching his breath after his short stay as part of the new renovations.


I guess knocking did not work.

"I serve the weak. I serve the helpless. I am their sword and their shield. If you want to strike at them, you must go through me, and I am not so easily moved."



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IC: "Oh, that turned out better than expected." the half-scarlet face said, once again reaching to remove blood in close proximity to his eyes.

"So." he put out into the air, leaning almost casually on the head of Rebellion.

"Back to square one..." he muttered, giving a clear voice to the frustrations of all present.

helo frens

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IC: "Godless heathens, I tell ya."

Beneath the oddly mild banter, Jolek was all too aware of the stalemate that they were locked in.

"Nothing to lure them out with, and nobody either dumb enough to go in at 'em, or smart enough to figure out how to shake things up for 'em."

"So far, it's looking like the waiting game. And they have the food." he muttered, highly displeased with his own lack of ingenuity. Come on, you grow up in Le-Wahi with exactly one other person to survive alongside, and you can't smoke a couple of Skakdi out of a half-burnt inn?


helo frens

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IC: "Definitely. Something I'm not in much of a position to provide, unfortunately, unless there's just some random heavy lying around." he said wryly. "Then I could, y'know, throw it at them."

"Throw it at them."? Man, I really AM stumped.


"I'd hazard a guess that we'll get at least a little more backup shortly. Hopefully someone better equipped to deal with this than us." he posited, glancing back up at Lucira. "Can't say this was how I was expecting to spend my afternoon."

helo frens

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IC: "Maybe," Jolek nodded, speaking with that distinct tone that heavily implied the following word, "But given how our friend the guardsman very nearly ended up, they'll probably just patch it up again. And if we get in, they've been waiting for us for... what, an hour at least, right? You guys'd been there a while when I showed up."

He grimaced. "They'd want that, I'd say."

helo frens

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IC: Vygel

Vygel had barely dodged the falling timber when he saw the monstrosity. Its evil, beady yellow eyes seemed to be dripping with malice much like its sting was dripping with venom.


Vygel reacted with reflex. He increased the creature's gravity until it was too heavy. He saw Araedrax disappear, presumably because of his Kakama.


"I've stopped it moving, strike it now!"

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Loren- Ta-koro- Ruins of the Lavapool Inn


IC: After several minutes of observing the ruins and the newly rebuilt wall, Loren beamed a message to the Lookout.


"Send a message to HQ asking for permission to level the entire building. We are going to need some fire and stone powers over here. Some photothermic powder weapons would not hurt either."

"I serve the weak. I serve the helpless. I am their sword and their shield. If you want to strike at them, you must go through me, and I am not so easily moved."



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IC: "I knew he'd pull through for us."

Convenient is right.

A passing thought found that it struck as a tad odd how... lax the general attitude was.

Eh, it'll be fine. Serious'll come when it needs to. Been a long months anyway.


"Never got your name, did I?"

helo frens

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