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BZPRPG - Ta-Wahi

Nuju Metru

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"I dunno. Lanky, Toa of the Green, hails from the Koro of salads..."


Never had Redhot Bomaye proved he was a little brother more than he was about to in this instant. A slanted grin spread across his broad, boyishly handsome face.







"I might've even sworn you were a vegan."





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[Ta-Wahi, Mangai]

Lucira drew her short sword as she charged toward the thralls.  It wasn’t as practical a dagger would have been, but it was better for blocking the various sharp implements that they were still carrying.  She sliced a pickaxe in two before neatly stepping behind a matoran thrall and slicing through the orb on her back crosswise.

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

HAHVF.gif NVnzf.gif B8pNV.gif 8qwI0.gif rg6F2.gif ItljY.gif UOJS7.gif lQn0K.gif X1bBI.gif 035db.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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IC: Praxis


He just shrugged.


"Whatever. If your hills don't convince me otherwise, I'm headin' up to Ko-Wahi with this ######ter." He jerked his thumb at the Turaga.


"We're all going the same way anyway. Get over here, y'old codger.. Yer gettin' attention from me, which is a reward all by itself. So you best keep yer mouth shut 'till we've checked these hills out. Capisce?"


- - - - - - - - - -


IC: Torana


"Actually, cheeseburgers sound pretty good right about now."


Oh you have no idea

Edited by Perpendicular
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IC Mirin:


She approached one of the Matoran, examining the plant on his neck.


Mirin frowned. What she was about to do was risky, and she wasn't even sure if it would work.


Concentrating, she formed a small, compressed slice of water, and with all the presicion she could manage, drove it clean through the base of the parasitic implant along the matoran's skin.



Mirin's water jet sliced through the thorn-like spikes that embedded the parasite into its host's flesh. The orange glow of its orb was snuffed out, though the strange suction of its appendages kept it attached to the Matoran's neck.


The change in the Matoran himself was immediate. His eyes lost their empty orange glow, returning to their natural shade of yellow, and widened in hysterical terror as he jerked his head back, hands scrabbling frantically at the back of his neck.


"Get it off me! Get it off!" he shrieked.


The plant-creature's attention instantly shifted from Tharros and the two Turaga's bombast to its lost thrall. It too shrieked, not in fear but in rage, and the tentacles that had hovered cautiously around its core or draped placidly along the ground sprang into writhing movement. The other thralls raised their heads, suddenly alert, and echoing the creature's frenzied cry they charged at the group.


"Now!" yelled Loraan, unsheathing her Guard-issue dirk and rushing to meet the attacking thralls. Most were Matoran and would probably be easily defeated and freed, but there were some larger beings among them, including three Skakdi and a Vortixx, that looked as though they could do some serious damage.


IC Tharros


The ta toa was filled with rage as the beast turned his attention toward the matoran.


Hr felt torn inside, as he thought about the implications. He knew what he had to do.


It was necessary.

It was the only way

It was suicide.



"Beast!" He cried out, "I said HEED!" Flames erupted from the bellowing toa as he directed his energies towards the rocks above, melting them into magma consolidated around the epicenter of thing, far away from the toa.


He had no delusions that a beast who lived In A volcano would be vulnerable to lava, but he had to redirect the attention.


"Toa of aquatics!" He called out "I shall require aid!" He let go of one hand, gesturing towards the matoran "Cool the lava before it reaches the matoran!"


He hoped that the cooled magma might entrap the beast.


Or anger it.


Probably the latter.


--Character Profiles--


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IC Kihohiki


"And i'll be looking out for this Ambages person to tell them they're doing a horrible job. If they're trying to protect that place."




"Well, good luck with that," Lumira said, folding her arms and backing over closer to Ash. "If what you're saying is true, you're gonna need a whole lot o' it."


IC: Alfon


"You're about to suggest something, some I'm gonna say not anymore."




I love seeing 'em grow up.





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IC: Sanguivox


Sanguivox rushed out to the now freed Matoran, gripping the back of its head and pulling, ripping the plant pod off of him. "That should help for now." he told him, leading him away from the frenzy. If only he could be fighting alongside them...

"Remember when the comics forum had a lot of good stuff? Let's make that a thing again." -Kazi the Matoran

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The glimpse that Redhot gave Erzu Salvajemono in that moment was so quick yet deadly that it could have only been stolen from an Ussalry sergeant.


We have gone 1 0 days without an HonorCon


"Why don't we just start off on the crawl early? Get some breakfast in us," the Toa of Earth suggested, voice distinctly calmer than his crossed arms belied. "It might clear our heads."





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IC Solvi



The alabaster Po-Toa gave a quick nod before she exited the captain's quarters with Jolek and Elly in tow. He had been rather busy, so they'd been given orders and quickly dismissed. She'd have to write a report later, but now it was nearly time for the shift change. She turned to the other two, well, mainly Elly.


"Do you have any plans tonig- er, today?"

...but close to it

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IC: Not really.

So much for urgently needing him for planning, huh?

The Fa-Toa folded his arms and scrutinized the floor, polite enough at this point to not speak out of turn since his superior's focus seemed to be on the minuscule band leader next to him.

Maybe he realized halfway through waiting on me that I don't mix well with plotting to defend a city. I mean, I always do my best in the thick of things anyway.

No harm, no foul.


IC: "Sounds good."

Edited by Best Gungnir

helo frens

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The Ta-Toa gave a slight nod, chugged the remainder of her coffee, and set off down the stairs. Her feet connected with a dull thud each step, the sound quieting as she set foot on more solid ground outside. She took a left turn after a moment's thought, headed up the road.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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OOC: Mobile post


IC: Praxis


"Let's hurry this up, then. I'm tired 'a walkin' without nothin' to entice me. Get a move on."



- - - - - - - - - -



IC: Torana


"Hey, nobody asked ME what I was cool with."


She mocked a pout before a cheeky grin broke through.


"I'm down for waffles, though. I'll eat anything."

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IC (Jin)


I grimaced. "Honestly? I know we barely made it out last time, but Ko's our best bet. It's hive for people like them-"


(like me)


"- and if you build it, they'll come."


IC: Pae - Ta-Koro Abandoned Warehouse


"Echelon will kill any of us if we are recognized by him or his team," Pae said, "We must be careful."

| BZPRPG Profiles |


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IC: Larvi


Well, hopefully that Turaga was just insane. If he wasn't, then there probably wasn't anything any of them could do about it anyway. If a whole village had fallen, what good could a small group do anyway? Die probably. That was about it.


"So, uh... where are we-er, you all going?"

This is my signature

It has words in it

They don't say much


BZPRPG profiles

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IC Lain

The Bo-Toa raised his lance wistfully, it pointed towards the hazy distance and a series of plains and valleys between the volcanic soil that surrounded them and the verdant greens of the coastal region, visible as the aforementioned haze due to the elevation they stood at.


"Tha rollin' green plains between Ta-Wahi and Ga-Wahi is our approximate destination. 'tis quite a beautiful land, verdant and lush. It must've been a decade or more since I last was there, an' I'd grown curious about how it had developed, wasn't much more than a trading outpost last I saw." Lowering his arm, he continued on, whistling a tune about far away rolling rivers.

...but close to it

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-==IC: Elly==-


"Waffles sounds good to me too." The short Toa said with a shrug, her mask seeming almost to glow in the soft light of the room, as they headed out and down the hall. "I think I know a good place to go, and I'm not doing anything, band practice was rescheduled for tomorrow after... my task earlier." She smirked slightly as she recalled her prank on Jolek, and winked his way slightly.

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-==IC: Elly==-


"Well, it's always good to get a nice look around the city, now, isn't it?" Elly smirked back, as she put her hands behind her head. "Not often someone in the guard gets that except when on patrol, you should be thankful!" She seemed highly amused at her prank still, even after the outcome of it, and was about to keep teasing him about it, but proceeded to get lost in thought for a moment about a mysterious something.

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